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December 30, 2010
NC Coastal Fishing Report
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Donna and I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and you have our best wishes for a happy and blessed New Year! I am still on an anti-biotic, so Donna says I won't be doing the Dolphin Dip at Surf City this year. I cant say I am too disapointed, since the surf water temps are in the low 40's. I don't know if Donna is "Dipping" this year. We'll see. She hasn't missed for several years now, and the weather is supposed to be beautiful, so come on down to Topsail, watch the crazies dressed up in costumes go swimming in the frigid surf! And get the T Shirt, or Sweat Shirt! They are usually really nice. It will be much fun!
Fishing reports from the Topsail area have been scarce recently. Well, practly non-existant. So I have gathered a few Eastern North Carolina Reports from the internet.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
A Puppy Blitz continues at the point at Cape Hatteras, One angler reported catching them till he got tired. They continue to bite on grubs.Heard of stripers up north around Kitty Hawk. The weather ls looking good for the week-end Posted by Red Drum Tackle, Cape Hatteras. http://reddrumtackle.com/
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Fishing Report: They had a good run of Puppy Drum at Buxton yesterday. Anglers were using artificial lures. Most were not keepers, but enough keepers to make it interesting. It is a beautiful day. Water temp is 39 ...
Posted by TW's Bait and Tackle, Nags Head, NC; Kitty Hawk, NC; and Corrola, NC.
Ocean Isle Fishing Center Ocean Isle Beach, NC Report 12-30-2010 "Update"
OIFC World Cat / Carolina Cat
Several boats fished yesterday. They found the kings and a couple of mahi east of the Frying Pan Tower. It seems the warm water has pushed out. Captain Brant and some others are out again today.
Inshore, the water was in the 30's. The trout were very lethargic. (Didn't know I knew words like that did you?) Flounder were seen in very shallow water laying on the black mud. Some of this info was courtesy of Captain Mark Dickson...thanks. Mark. Captain Jeff Beck and Capt. Brandon Sauls may give the in shore fishing a shot today.
I hope to give you an update this evening.
-Capt. Rickey Beck
Capt Jot Owens
Southeastern NC Inshore Fishing
"Cold Weather but the Fish are Biting; Wrightsville Beach, NC"
This report filed by Capt. Jot, in The North Carolina Sportsman who posts to this blog as well as several others in SE North Carolina.
"Cold Weather but the Fish are Biting; Wrightsville Beach, NC
It’s been cold around here lately, where did fall go? We have had some kind of weather around here in the last; oh-I’ll say over a year! Cold, hot and cold again, what a year!?!? It has played havoc on the local fishing but I’m not one to set around and wait for it to warm up, I like to fish! So here is the fishing report of what I’ve been trying to catch (with some success) during this cold December we are having.
Speckled trout fishing got a little harder in the last few weeks and I’ve caught a few but worked hard to catch’em. Working baits like MirrOlures and Berkley Gulp very slow has been the best success lately. The trout seem to be sitting deeper whether it’s in the creeks or around the inlets; the trout are feeding in the five plus feet of water. When the trout starting doing this, it’s usually a little later in the year; I use baits that sink very slow. The MirrOlure 52M, 52MR and TT series are some of the best for the slow pattern I look for during the cold fishing mouths. When I use soft plastics like Berkley Gulp I use lighter jig heads in weights of 1/16oz, 1/8oz and 1/4oz. This lighter jig heads make it much easier to work grubs much slower when trout are lethargic form cold water. Any days when we have mostly sunny skies or warmer air temps; these are the winter days you need to try to go Speckled trout fishing.
When the cold weather hit us and decided not to leave, I knew it was time to go try for some Cape Fear River Striped Bass. Cape Fear Stripers can be a hit and miss fishery but not to say you can’t go catch a few most days. I look for the Striped bass in the CFR to be in around five to twelve feet of water; when its warmer they are shallower and when it’s colder they are usually deeper. Casting soft baits like Berkley Gulp jerkshads and pogy patterns are a good choice for the Stripers. Colors I prefer are pearl, new penny and Arkansas shiner. When the CFR Stripers are very active, I like hard baits like MirrOlures L29M in colors 11, 18 and 808. Always with any winter fishing, work baits slower in cold water for better results.
One thing we have not had much of this season is nice enough weather to get out and chase the winter Redfish, one of my favorite winter pass times! The Reds are there all we need is the weather to go get’em. When I fish for winter Redfish I use lots of Berkley Gulp! You can’t go wrong with scented lures when the water gets cold. Berkley Gulp Ripple Shad, 3” Shrimp and five inch Jerkshad should do the trick. Another trick for winter Redfish is to look for dark/black mud bottoms in creeks; on warmer sunny days the Reds love to get on these flats to warm up a bit. We all know if a fish warms up any at all they will usually bite a hook!"
(end quote)
Read the entire post at North Carolina Sportsman Reports
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats Pro Staff
Penn Reels Elite Staff
Thanks to everyone for their posts.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Kayak Adventure
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Cool Fishing Video by fellow angler known as O Shin Rin.... Originally posted on http://www.pierandsurf.com/. Here is his post and video....
"The Ditch fri 24
Report :
Well the plan wasto get there around 9am ...launched at 12pm wind out of the NW and cold / tide peaking and moving. Paddled to the cove where 6 boats where spaced out and bobbers everywhere. Made a drift back to the ramp......... small nibble by the ramp. Trolled our way to the ditch , just pass the bridge Jason hooks a nice 20 1/2 speck, a couple small ones pulled by jason and I drift trolled back to the bridge ....
fish on a small 10in , 3 fish for me 14in the biggest ....set up near the bar between the ramp and overpass a Jon boat was slaying them nothing big but where pulling them in on minnows and gulps ..... Had family plans at 5 so around 4 I called it ..... Not alot of time on the water but fun none the less
Got to try out my new Playsport so as I figure out how to download and make vid I'll post it up
prob put in at Tops for now on "
(end quote)
O Shin Rin, Thanks for letting me re-post this video.
Jennettes Pier at Nags Head, NC Update
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Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 21, 2011, when the new state-of-the-art, 1,000-foot concrete pier and 16,000-square-foot pier house will be christened and reopened to the public. The pier will be operated by the NC Aquarium Society as an educational center. Jennettes Pier will boast alternative energy demonstrations, live animal exhibits, meeting facilities, a snack bar and tackle shop, and a host of other displays and yes, great fishing too!
"Right now a day fishing pass at Jennette’s is $12 ($6 for kids under 13). King fishing rates are not set yet, but we are considering $15 for a day pass. There are not going to be live bait tanks on the end of the Pier for king fishermen. If we see a strong need in the future we may consider adding them later." says Mike Remige, the Pier Manager.
Michael P. Remige
Pier Manager
Jennette's Pier at Nags Head
425 Health Center Dr.
Nags Head NC 27959
Phone: (252) 480-8582 ext. 230
Fax: (252) 480-0719
Visit the website above for more information.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
December 29, 2010
Braid? or Not Braid?
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I have seen an increased use of braid line in recent years. I can understant how it would make a difference fishing in fifty to a hundred feet of water setting the hook is a twenty five pound grouper, but does is treally make a difference catching two pound mullets, three pound trout, or five pound reds and blues? To me it's expensive and I have not bought it yet to try. I don't seem to miss a lot of bites, or could it be that I just don't feel some of the bites because of the stretch of the mono? I would really like to hear some opinions, to help me decide if the extra bucks will actually get me more fish in that cooler.
It was really a nice day. I had to baby sit a sick dog, so I didn't get to go out. Did anyone get out in the surf, on the pier, or on the water today?
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Southeast Fishery Bulletin; Snapper-Grouper Fishery
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Southeast Fishery Bulletin
National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Regional Office, 263 13th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL
December 29, 2010
FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Kate Michie, or Kate.Michie@noaa.gov
727-824-5305, FAX 727-824-5308
NOAA Announces the Publication of a Final Rule to Establish Annual Catch Limits and Accountability Measures for Nine South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper Species NOAA Fisheries Service has published a final rule implementing Amendment 17B to the Fishery Management Plan for the Snapper-Grouper Fishery of the South Atlantic Region (Amendment 17B). This final rule, establishes annual catch limits (ACLs) and accountability measures (AMs) for nine snapper-grouper species (golden tilefish, snowy grouper, speckled hind, warsaw grouper, gag, red grouper, black grouper, black sea bass, and vermilion snapper) as required by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act. ACLs are set at levels that prevent overfishing (when the rate of removals is too high). AMs are management controls established to ensure that ACLs are not exceeded, or they may correct for overages if ACLs are exceeded during a fishing season.
In addition to specifying ACLs and AMs for nine snapper-grouper species, Amendment 17B allocates 97 percent of the golden tilefish ACL to the commercial sector and 3 percent of the ACL to the recreational sector, and specifies management measures intended to address overfishing, including:
• A prohibition on harvest and retention of speckled hind and warsaw grouper in federal waters of the South Atlantic.
• A prohibition on harvest and retention of snowy grouper, blueline tilefish, yellowedge grouper, misty grouper, queen snapper, and silk snapper, beyond 240 feet (73 m) in federal waters of the South Atlantic.
This species prohibition is intended to reduce incidental catch of speckled hind and warsaw grouper.
• And a bag limit reduction for snowy grouper from one fish per person per day, to one fish per vessel per day.
Effective Date: All measures in Amendment 17B will be effective January 31, 2011.
Addresses Electronic copies of the final rule may be obtained from the e-Rulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov/, the South Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Web site at http://www.safmc.net/, or:
NOAA Fisheries Service
Southeast Regional Office
Sustainable Fisheries Division
263 13th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
More information: Information on these and other actions contained in Amendment 17B can be found on the Council’s web site at http://www.safmc.net/, in the Amendment 17B Frequently Asked Questions, and at the following NOAA Fisheries Service Southeast Region web site http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/sf/SASnapperGrouperHomepage.htm.
Cheryl Gilgo
Public Affairs Assistant
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
DENR.DMF.NewsRelease mailing list
Weather is nice today. I am babysitting a sick dog, but it's a nice day to see if there is a stray red or gator trout roaming the surf this afternoon. Get some finger mullets out of the freezer or head to your local tackle shop and get some roe mullets for cut bait, and head for the surf. Today, with all the sun, might just be a good day to check out the shoals at the New Topsail Inlet. The water is really shallow here, water will warm a bit and maybe a red will hang out and cruise for dinner. Or launch the boat and head up your favorite creek or flats oyster beds for some schooled red drum. Catch 'em up!!!
Till next time...
Tight lines!
December 28, 2010
Bottle Cap Fishing Lure?
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Ok guys and gals, hears a new one on me. The guys that told me about this say they really catch fish, specifically blues, speckled trout, flounder, and even spanish mac. I don't know about this. Anyway, I think I am gonna try is out in the spring. Below is the YouTube video of how to make a bottle cap lure.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas from Topsail Beach
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King James Version
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
December 24, 2010

The Birth of Jesus
Mt. 1.18-25
And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyre'ni-us was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city. And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, (because he was of the house and lineage of David,) to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her first born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them; and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.
Donna and I would like to thank all our family, friends, contributors and readers for another great and Blessed year. We sincerely hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year!
Merry Christmas!
Johnny and Donna
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December 21, 2010
Tex's Tackle Wilmington, Break-In
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Hello from Topsail Beach! Below is an email I received from Tex's Tackle.
Tex's Tackle Break-in 12/21/2010
Dear Customers,
I want to thank all of you for your business in the past as well as during this holiday season, and I apologize for the flurry of e-mails/notifications. This morning, Tuesday December 21, 2010, our shop was broken into. Aside from numerous damages, many high-end conventional and spinning reels were stolen, including two very identifiable items. These were a Daiwa Saltiga Dogfight spinning reel, which there are only 400 in this country, as well as a special edition Shimano Calcutta 250 that is a wood grain pattern finish. I would first like to apologize for our shortened inventory due to this incident, and if there is something we don’t have I am very sorry. Second, I would really appreciate any help at all in recovery of these items, but more importantly that the people responsible for this are brought to justice before they harm any other local businesses or individuals. Please do not hesitate to contact us or the proper authority with any information you may have. Thank you for being great customers as well as great people.
(910) 791-1763
Fishin' Report
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Hello from Toposail Beach. I have some scattered fishing reports for you this morning. All these are from trusted sources, or as much as any angler, especially speckled trout anglers, can be trusted. There is no order to them, but here they are. A recent outing to the swing bridge in Surf City resulted in no bites. Angler said not even a bump. Same guy fished near shore with the same results. The latest report from the New River reports no bites or bumps, but also no floaters in the 38* to 44* water. Alway good to hear. We always worry about speckled trout kills in this area. A report from the Outer Banks says the stripers are getting closer to the Oregon Inlet. The trip netted some nice stripers. The fishing party hooked 6 fish, one citation at 37lbs and the others were in the low 30's. Pamlico Report; The speckled trrout are still hanging around even with 38 degree water. Angler and his daughter braved the cold and caught and tagged three. He reports that the Pamlico bank guys are still catching a few, but it takes a lot of patience but pays of if you slow way down with your retrieve. That's about all I can tell you right now. If you want to give them a try, just remember, SLOW is the key. Good luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
December 16, 2010
Ocean Isle Fishing Report
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Topsail Fishing reports are a bit scarce right now. And the weather is to bad for an old angler like me to stand in water. I got this one from the Ocean Isle Fishing Center.
Inshore Report: by Capt. Jacob Frick
Click Here to view the original post.
Water temperature this past week has dropped into the low 50's. The redfish have gone very shallow for the most part. Two reasons they go shallow this time of year. One they are seeking warmer waters on black mud flats, which warms up much quicker with the help of the sun. Two the dolphin hunt them very hard this time of year and will push these fish way back into shallow creeks. With that said, be quiet and sneak up on a school to have a field day. These fish will bite all year long and can range from 14" to 25" with an occassional 30" hanging around. The most exciting part is they will be in 1 to 3 feet of very clear water, so you can see all the action!
The trout bite remains strong at the Little River jetties. Dr. Wallen and myself fished on Dec. 4th with a mixed bag of 8 trout, 3 redfish, and 2 black drum. The trout were good size ranging from 2 to 4 pounds. The best technique out there is floating live shrimp. However, if you are up for a challenge artificials will work. Both Dr. Wallen and myself landed trout on artificials. The challenge is keeping the bait in the strike zone and not hanging up. A few redfish are still hanging out at the jetties. Dr. Wallen landed a nice 26" red that went 8 pounds on the bogy grip. Well, there you have it folks. Yes, it is very cold, but the fish are still biting. If the water temps fall into the upper 40's this week, which I expect with the forecast. You will need to target low tides in the middle of the day to be successful. As water drains from the flats and creeks it will usually warm a few degrees. If it warms to 50 degrees the fish will bite. Keep it very slow and quiet! Hang on! See you on the water!
A very interesting post from OIFC. I'll post more local reports when I get them.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
December 10, 2010
Donation helps Audubon buy, preserve land on Lea Island
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The Audubon Society has purchased a thirty six acre tract on Lee Island, and will preserve the land as a shore bird and Turtle sanctuary. This will protect this part of the island from development.
Read More at http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20101208/ARTICLES/101209672
Till next time....
Tight lines!
December 9, 2010
Bill Lakey
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December 7, 2010
Winter Fishing
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It's not officially winter yet, just over another week, but it sure feels like winter on the beach. Wind and near freezing temps are making fishing a very uncomfortable activity. But for the brave anglers who brave the cold, there are some catching opportunities. We are getting reports that fishing on the sound side is producing catches of speckled trout, flounder and bluefish. Red drum are still schooling around Lea Islaned. The piers are still open, and are reporting catches of large sea mullet, tons of puffers, occasional bluefish. Small speckled trout are abundant. There have been a few reports of flounder and even a few spots. Brave souls that are surf fishing, are being rewarded with some of the biggest winter sea mullets I have seen. One angler reports catching six over two pounds on bloodworms. There are some large keeper size specks in the surf, but they are scattered. MirrOlure 808 seems to be the best bait, but some are being caught on grups. When the small specks are found, it really doesn't matter what bait you throw. If you are fishing from a boat, try your favorite spots in and around the ICW. Live shrimp under a cork could get a nice speckled trout. That's all I have for now. Reports are getting slow.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
November 30, 2010
Topsail Update
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Catching lots of small specks everywhere on the island. I have been getting a few reports of small flounder, puppy drum and all the puffers you want. The surf is also producing a few good va mullets and black drum. The piers are all reporting mullets and blowfish, with just a few specks mixed in. Anglers fishing the inside tidal creeks and New River are catching some nice speckled trout. You have to find the deep holes, usually near the mouth of the creek. They are biting mirro-lures and plastic grubs. I got a report from one angler that caught several on a noisy topwater plug really early am. If you can get out there, good luck!
Till the next time....
Tight lines!
November 29, 2010
Topsail Beach Fishing Update
2010 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
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Weather remains cool and fishing is inconsistent all along Topsail Island. Anglers are doing well in their spot one day, and getting nothing the next day. This is the story I am getting form everywhere along the coast.
Here is the official fishing reports from the NCDMF Southern District
For the week ending November 28th
Ocean: Offshore, fishing was great for wahoo and sailfish. Most wahoo were in the 40- to 45-pound range, but fish up to 90 pounds were brought back to the docks. Closer to shore, good king mackerel and bottom fishing for grouper, sea bass, and triggerfish took place in the 90 to 100 foot depth range. Near-shore reefs produced gray trout and some decent flounder catches.
Inlets/Sounds/Bays: Inshore, the trout fishing continued to be good. Most of the fish were caught in or around the inlets. Live shrimp enticed lots of fish, but fishermen using artificial baits, such as MirrOlures, DOA shrimp and soft plastic jigs caught their fair share as well. Many undersized fish were reported, but there were some really nice fish caught as well. One example of this was a trout tournament out of Ocean Isle where the winning three fish aggregate weight was more than 23 pounds. Red drum were also biting well. The bays and creeks behind Bald Head Island was a great place to target them.
Piers/Shore: Most area piers had closed for the season. A few stay open year around and others allow limited access to season pass holders. Pier fishing produced lots of puffers, some sea mullets and bluefish. Some keeper flounder and trout were caught on area piers, but there were a lot of throw backs, as well, for both species. Surf anglers caught much the same with sea mullet and trout being the main fish targeted in the surf right now.
Let us know if you have a fishing report you would like to share.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
November 28, 2010
Surf City Pier OPEN for BUSINESS!
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Surf City Fishing Pier is open! Fish are biting! Lots of puffers and lots of nice big mullets, with a few flounder and trout mixed in. SC Pier is staying open one more week, so don't miss out! Get out and get some winter fish. It's cold, so layer up good!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
November 24, 2010
Thanksgiving Fishing Update
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Hello from Topsail Beach, Fishing reports are all over the place today. I have heard about lots of anglers catching tons of fish. But I haven't caught or seen anything much. Some of my favorite fishing holes up and down the beach have been full of cars and trucks. One day the fish bite like crazy, the next morning ......... nothing. Not quite sure what's going on. But that's the year we have had.
Hope everyone has a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
November 23, 2010
Alert !!! New Regs for Spotted Sea Trout (Speckled Trout)
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MOREHEAD CITY – New regulations for spotted seatrout will go into effect Nov. 30 for recreational and commercial fishermen in North Carolina coastal waters.
The recreational bag limit for spotted seatrout will decrease from 10 fish to six fish per person per day. No more than two of the six fish may be greater than 24 inches in length. The current 14-inch minimum size limit will remain in effect.
Commercial harvest of spotted seatrout (possession and sale) will be prohibited year-round from midnight on Friday to midnight on Sunday each week. The current 14-inch minimum size limit will remain in effect. The coastal regulations are required to meet harvest reductions needed for the recovery of an overfished spotted seatrout stock.
In inland waters, under the jurisdiction of the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, the minimum size limit will remain at 12-inches and the bag limit at 10 fish per person per day for the 2010-2011 fishing season. The minimum size limit for spotted seatrout will increase to 14 inches in inland fishing waters for the 2011-2012 fishing season, which begins Aug. 1, 2011. The daily creel limit will remain at 10 fish per day.
HWY 50
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
November 21, 2010
Afternoon Walk on the Beach
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Donna and I went for a nice walk on the beach this afternoon, after Jimmie Johnson won his unbelievable fifth Nascar Cup Championship. Beach was really nice with sun and just a light breeze. We talked to a couple of anglers that were fishing about a hundred yards apart on the beach. Same bait, cut shrimp, and similar rigs and gear, but had strikingly different results. The first couple had only one sea mullet, it was a nice one, but only one. The next group of three, had a five gallon bucket crammed about three quarters full of nice mullets and black drum. The thing was, both groups of folks were smiling and happy, enjoying their fishing with family and friends. Didn't matter if they were catching or not. It's the fishing that was making them happy. Fishing, great therapy for whatever ails you. Great sport.
Speckled Trout Fun!
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Specks are thick everywhere according to reports I have gotten this morning and last evening. Only problem was all were bout 13 1/2 inches long. I was at Jolly Roger Pier and the jigs were catching a dink about every cast. Can't keep 'em! Wouldn't want to keep 'em that small, but they sure are fun to catch. Grubs doing better than mirro-lure this morning.
Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes. It's gonna be a good day!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
November 20, 2010
Topsail Whiting Update
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Hi folks, those old agravating migraines have kept me off the beach and internet recently, so I can't give you a first hand report. I have gotten several emails that report lots of whiting being caught in the surf. No mention was made of bait, buy I am assuming it's the same; fresh shrimp, sand fleas, or bloodworms. Donna talked to an angler that said he had caught over 90 keeper whiting in the surf. Wouldn't give up his hot spot. There seem to be lots of speckled trout in the surf right now, but most are undersize. Remember the new size limit of 14 inches. Flounder continue to bite well. Live finger mullets or live shrimp are performing best, but they can also be caught with cut blue fish or gulp. I have even had reports of catches on regular plastic grubs fished on a lead head jig. The weather is good, water temps are mid 60's, so the fish should be out there. Go get 'em and send us a fishing report. We want to know how you are doing.
I am hoping to get out to fish in the next few days, God willing. I will post reports as I get them. Thanks for your loyalty, it is much appreciated.
Till next time...
Tight lines!
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November 11, 2010
Topsail Beach Surf Fishing Alert
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Red drum, speckled trout, flounder and sea mullets biting good in surf this morning. Go get 'um!
Till next time....
tight lines!
November 10, 2010
Topsail Beach Fishing Report
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The red drum bite at Topsail remains strong. Sea mullets / whiting are biting sand fleas, cut shrimp and blood worms. Lots of pompano in the suds, but most are small. Fish near the sand bar with sand fleas for the huge three to five pound pomps. The flounder bite is the best I have seen in several years. Live shrimp is producing best, with finger mullets and cut bait strips following close behind. Try these baits fished carolina rig style. Still blues around, most of what I have seen are small snappers, but there are a few big blues in the water.
November 9, 2010
Topsail Beach Fishing Report
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Pop and I fished Jolly Roger Pier over the weekend. Caught lots of black drum and three keeper flounder. Spots have been biting on and off in short runs. You just have to be on the pier when they start biting. Red drum bite has been good. I have seen slot reds come over the rail all weekend.
East Coast Sports Fishing Hotspots!
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Capt. Chris Medlin sent this link to me. It is great! you can view fishing hotspots on Topsail Island. Check it out when you get time....
East Coast Fishing HotSpots
Thanks Capt. Chris
November 1, 2010
Good Fishing Day at Jolly Roger Pier!
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Fished Jolly Roger Pier this morning. Flounder bite is on! I also saw several slot reds this morning. They were beautiful. Red on the sides with bright blue tails! Got a report from my neighbor that the reds are biting hard at New Topsail Inlet on the shoals. Finger mullets is the bait. There is plenty of bait in the water at the inlet, so bait won't be a problem. (unless they move out after you read this, as they often do. LOL)
October 31, 2010
Topsail Island Fishing ........ Tricks? or Treats?
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Fishing continues to improve. After the next good north east blow, expect surf and pier fishing, as well as inside fishing, to really take off! Everything else is right, just waiting for cooler water.
Jolly Roger Pier Fishing Report; Seeing more than a few slot and over the slot sized red drum mostly at night. Good numbers of pompano and blues, with some Virginia mullet and black drum as well. Seeing some keeper flounder caught on finger mullets. Tons of jumping mullet streaming by the pier. Good spot run today, beginning just before dawn and biting hard until about 5:00 PM, then nothing. Hope to repeat the cycle again tonight.
Surf City Pier fishing report; Catching some slot red drum (finger mullets) and a few speckled trout, mostly on shrimp. The flounder bite is good, several anglers caught multiple keepers. A few mullet mostly at night, some pompano during the day. Sand fleas are catching the big pound to pound and a half pomps. Spots are biting on and off. There are fish to be caught, you just have to be here and wait for the run to hit. It may only last an hour or so, then down time, then biting hard again for a while longer.
Sea View Pier fishing report; Anglers continued to catch Spots and Mullets off and on all day long. Runs of Bluefish were caught using Gotcha plugs, diamond jigs and bottom rigs. Trout, Pinfish, Flounder, Pompano, Skates and Croakers were also caught.
Surf fishing much the same thing. You can not predict when the fish will bite, you just have to sit out there and wait. If you do, you might be rewarded with some slot reds, nice flounder, a few spots, lots of small mullets and pompano with a few bigger ones mixed in. Even catching a few specks on bottom rigs in the surf. Water still needs to cool down for the speck bite to improve in the surf.
Inside fishing is producing good catches of specks and reds, as well as some big flounder. Fish the creeks especially the mouths of the tidal creeks. Heard reports of some nice big flounder biting near marker 98 and a big spot catch just outside of Topsail Creek. Fish the waterway, just off the channel for nice flounder, and check out the oyster flats for nice over slot red drum. Be quiet with the boat, they are spooking easily. Slow troll finger mullets on carolina rigs just off the ICW channel. Use enough weight to keep the bait on the bottom. Heard from one angler that attached a small float about a foot off the weight to keep the bait off the bottom. He got good results in a nice stringer of flounder, sized from 15 to 19 inches. Nice fish! Getting lots of reports of reds, most over slot biting in the surf off Lee Island. Plenty of bait behind the island, so take your cast net and keep that bait fresh!
Most of the tackle shops are having a season ending sales. Check them out for some great buys on clothing as well as tackle. Shrimp is reasonably priced, we found some at $2.99 lb heads on, nice big shrimp. Check out your favorite tackle shops here on Topsail Island. If you do get unlucky and miss the fish bite, all the seafood dealers have bins of beautiful fresh caught fish, so you ain't going hungry!
I'll try to post as often as I can, migraines have kept me off the beach most of the week, but I am hoping to get out before daylight several mornings this week. Thanks for the emails and your prayers.
Catch 'em up! Fishin' is getting gooood!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny aka "Fishin' Topsail"
October 21, 2010
Topsail Fishing Update
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Hello from Topsail Beach. Weather has been beautiful this week. Unfortunately, that's not what we need right now as far as fishing goes. Water temp is still in the low 70's. We need a good three or four day Nor'easter to blow the cool north air and the bait fish in to the surf. There are a few kings being caught at all piers, some days are great for king fishing. Example, one day last week the Jolly Roger Pier landed eleven (11) kings, got another 4 to the pier, and even more strikes but not hooked. Bottom fishing is slow and scattered. There are some nice fish being caught, but there is no rhyme or reason to the catches. You just have to be at the right place, at the right time, and you get your cooler maybe half full. There are a few blues on gotcha's as well as bottom fishing, larger blues are in the surf near the inlets. Spot's are scattered, with an occasional small catch here and there. Speckled trout are rare. Flounder seems to be the only bright spot. I have seen some nice flounder caught from the piers, as well as the surf and sounds. Live finger mullets best bet for a good strike, but live mud minnows and gulp sw may attract their attention. Success has been on carolina rigs as well as jigs, the lighter the better. Also try some small diameter line for added chance for a flounder or speck strike. Donna caught a nice keeper flounder last week on cut shrimp and a bottom rig. I have seen just a few whiting, but a lot of small virginia mullet and small pompano. A few large pompano have been reported from the surf using sand fleas or cut shrimp. There are a bunch of stargazers in the shallow surf recently, and with the extreme water clarity we have had this week, you can even see them on the bottom. I was in over knee deep water and could see the bottom clearly, along with the stargazers, skates, and baby flounder. There have been a few unverified red drum catches mostly on the southern end of the island. I have heard there are "huge" schools of over slot reds around Lee island. I have fished the northern shore of New Topsail Inlet several days, and haven't seen one much less a large school.
So we are still waiting for the "fall run" to develop, and it should bust loose any day now. If you like to fish from a boat, contact your favorite charter captain and book a trip. They all know where the "honey holes" are and are doing really well.
Good luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
October 12, 2010
Topsail Update
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Finally got to get out on the beach this week. Fished Jolly Roger Pier in Topsail Beach and the New Topsail Inlet with Donna and Dad. Fishing is a bit slow, but expected to bust loose any day! We haven't been skunked this week, but the catch hasn't been much to brag about. Small spots, small mullets, even smaller pompano, a few undersize reds and flounder. Donna caught a nice keeper (15") flounder. Dad had a slot red in the suds when a wave knocked the fish off the hook. Not the first time that has happened. We need a good Nor'Easter to get the fishing really cranked up. If you put in the time ...... you can catch some fish. You just have to be there when the small schools pass through. Hopefully next report will be better.
Till next time....
tight lines!
October 5, 2010
Topsail Fishing Report
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Hello from Topsail Beach. Fall fishin' is getting good! Went to Jolly Roger pier with a gotcha plug. Caught one nice blue, and kept it for bait. Fished the falling tide from the point all afternoon. Caught today. Three keeper size blues, two 13 " flounder, and an under slot red drum. Finger mullet were plentiful and just the right size. Couldn't find any sand fleas. Bait was cut blue fish, live finger mullets, cut shrimp. Caught several more small blues. Enough to keep me from a nap. Might fish tomorrow after a morning trip to Wilmington.
Till next time ....
Tight lines!
October 4, 2010
Road Closures Pender County
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October 3, 2010
New River Inlet
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Every week, someone asks, "Is there any big fish in the inlets around Topsail?" I answer ......... OH YEA!
It was posted on Facebook "Fishin' Topsail" page in the Photos tab.
Thanks to the reader for posting.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
September 28, 2010
Hello from Johnny
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Hello from Topsail Beach,
Sorry I haven't posted in a while. The migraine problem has reared it's ugly head once again. Feeling a bit better now, so maybe I can get out and give you some current fishing reports. Also, let me thank our blog contributors for their posts while I was absent. Our readers really enjoy their posts, so as readers, let's support them by booking a fishing trip for the fall fishing blitz. I believe it's gonna be a good one by the way it has started. We saw spots earlier than expected, and big whiting from the surf is going strong right now. Also the red drum bite has been excellent, and there have been lots of huge flounder being caught from the piers and in the sounds. Get ready for the big spot run to really gear up. The huge yellow belly spots are biting right now in the Morehead City area, so it won't be long until they are here. Gear up! Don't be caught unprepared! It's gonna be fast and furious when it starts!
Here is a pic of a nice red drum caught on Jolly Roger Pier this week. The angler was Tim Parker, sorry I don't remember his hometown. The huge 26 1/2 inch hog bit a finger mullet rigged carolina style. Tim was fishing about half way out the pier, just after the rise.
These other pics are spot and pompano catches from Topsail piers. Sorry, no names available.
Fishin' is GOOD! Make your plans now!
Till next time....
tight lines!
September 21, 2010
Good Speck bite on the Cape Fear
With all of the pogies and shrimp in the water, imitation shrimp baits such as the DOA shrimp and the mirrondine MR-17 have been excellent lure choices. The best bite has been on either side of the flood tide.
Water temps this past weekend in the river was still around 80 degrees F, but with fall weather around the corner, the water should start to cool and the bite will pick up. Look for the Specks to be here through the fall into early winter. If the past 3 weeks are any indication of what's to come, we should have an excellent fall Spec bite!!
Capt. Brent Stanley
Current Adventure Charters
2010 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
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September 17, 2010
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It's time! The yellow butterflies are dancing everywhere along the beach. That, according to the ol' timers here, means one thing. "The spots are a coming!" Pic below from Surf City Ocean Pier website.
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Surf City Pier; September 10, 2010 |
At Jolly Roger Pier in Topsail Beach, Rob files the following report.
"The drum bite has been ON - plenty in the 25-33 inch range, with some much larger fish busting tackle and taking rods!" Rob Orr from JR Facebook page.
Check out this beauty!
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Jolly Roger over slot red caught and released by JR pier angler |
The Sea View Pier reports much the same. Blues, a few spanish are coming over the rails in the early morning, with the occasional run in the evening. Spots and whiting are making a good showing most nights. Red drum are being caught there, but I haven't received as many reports as SC pier, and especially Jolly Roger Pier.
As most of you know, surf fishing is my preferred fishing activity. Love the feeling of the sand under my feet. Love getting wet when casting or landing that big red drum. Pull flounder right up to your feet without much worry of loosing them while netting the fish. Surf fishing has improved to "very good" status. Big whiting are biting sand fleas as well as shrimp. There are LOTS of small sea mullets in the surf right now. I have a report of several two plus pound whiting caught on live shrimp. Spots are biting cut shrimp and Fish Bites, bloodworm and clam flavors. And you can get more than one fish on a single piece of the Fish Bites. I have seen flounder and pompano coming from the surf. Finger mullets are so plentiful I am seeing them in the waves as they start to turn over. Catch them right where you are fishing with a cast net. Still have no reports of speckled trout in the surf. I'll keep trying to find some specks.
Everything is biting in the sound and ICW. Big sheepshead around the bridges, reds in the shallows around oyster beds, speckled trout near the mouths of tidal creeks. Lots of finger mullets and shrimp can be netted pretty easily. I can get nice big "eatin'" shrimp close to grass lines.
Fall fishin' is here, so get on down to Topsail and catch your supper!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
September 12, 2010
Spot Alert
Lots of spots in the surf and around the piers. Best results with bloodworms.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
September 7, 2010
Charter Captain Rick Bennet with The Rod-Man Report
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2010 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
September 6, 2010
Topsail Report: Pompano, Reds, Flounder, Specks
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2010 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Tons of pompano in the surf, saw lots caught at Jolly Roger Pier. Surf City Pier reports the same. A few blues and spanish in the early morning. Reds in the surf, bait up with live finger mullets on a carolina rig or fish finder rig. Heard of some nice speckled trout in the New River, live shrimp. Flounder catches are getting better, especially near the inlets. If you like pier fishing, drag a live shrimp or finger mullet along side the piers. Shrimp are plentiful in the sounds right now. Take your cast net and minnow bucket. Some of these shrimp are great eating size! If you don't use them fishing, take 'em home and cook 'em! Weather has been great! Fall Fishin' at Topsail is gettin' better every day!
Short Fishin' Trip
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Short two hour fishin trip this morning. Grabbed my flea rake a bucket and one fishin rod, and walked across the street to the surf. Caught more than enough fleas in just one rake. Weather was beautifuil, overcast with qa light NE breeze. Tide going out. Caught a couple nice whiting and two pomps. Just enough for dinner. Met a fellow angler from wilmington on the beach. Shout-out to Johnny, enjoyed the fishin chat. Hope you can make it back soon.
Till next time...
Tight lines!
September 2, 2010
Earl Update 12:26 pm
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
This from Stormpulse.com
Tropical Storm Warning
Topsail Beach, NC
Earl now heading north, .areas affected, this local statement provides important information and recommended actions for people in new hanover and pender counties, and marine interests in the adjacent coastal waters. .watches/warnings, A tropical storm warning continues for the following locations, Pender, new hanover. For marine interests, a tropical storm warning continues for coastal waters from cape fear to surf city. Please check the latest public and marine forecasts for detailed information about additional hazards. .storm information, At 11 am edt, the center of hurricane earl was located near latitude 30.9n, longitude 74.8w. This was about 310 miles southeast of wilmington nc. The storm was moving north at 18 mph. Maximum sustained winds were 140 mph. .situation overview, Hurricane earl will pass just east of the North Carolina coast late this afternoon into early Friday morning. Winds are expected to increase to near tropical storm force this afternoon and continue through early Friday morning mainly along the immediate coast. Strong rip currents and large surf conditions will continue today and Friday. .precautionary/preparedness actions, .next update, The next local statement will be issued by the National Weather Service in wilmington around 300 pm edt, or sooner if conditions warrant. , tropical storm warning remains in effect, , new information, At 11 am edt, the center of hurricane earl was located near latitude 30.9n, longitude 74.8w. This was about 310 miles southeast of wilmington nc. The storm was moving north at 18 mph. Maximum sustained winds were 140 mph. , precautionary/preparedness actions, , winds, The latest area forecast is for maximum winds of 25 to 35 mph with gusts to 45 mph. However, as hurricane earl approaches, Stronger winds are still possible. Minor damage may occur to older mobile homes. Isolated power outages will be possible. , storm surge and storm tide, Storm surge is expected to be minimal because hurricane earl will be passing east of the region and at a time of relative low tides. Along the coasts of new hanover and pender counties the probability of 2 foot storm surge remains less than 10 percent. Meanwhile, surf heights will range from 8 to 12 feet for several hours this afternoon and evening. , rip currents, Large swells from hurricane earl will lead to strong rip currents along area beaches. The rip currents will be strongest this evening as the storm passes and the tides fall. Large breaking waves of 8 to 12 feet are also expected. Strong rip currents will continue into Friday even as the storm moves away to the northeast.
[end quote]
Earl Update
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Making last minute preps for hurricane Earl. He is starting to worry me a bit. Should have turned east by now, but has not. No evacuation orders from Topsail yet, if they issue an evac order, WE BE GONE! Don't wanna see a cat 4 storm up close! Ok, so I may be a bit skeeerrred!
The official report as of 11 am:
Earl has taken a small turn to the north. As of 11 am, Earl was only one degree west from north. We need a bit more of an easterly shift. As of right now, no evac orders for Topsail.
I will report again, as time allows. If we stay, I will post the situation as much as possible, as long as I have the internet.
God Bless us all.
Johnny and Donna
August 25, 2010
Topsail Beach Surf Fishing Update
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Hello from Topsail Beach! I went surf fishing this morning, fished two hours before until two hours after high tide. I caught several snapper blues, about 10 to 12 inches, used one for cut bait and released the rest. A short flounder bit the cut blue fish. She was only a quarter inch short, but she was really thick. I am a stickler for the size limits of all fish, but I have to admit, I thought about running this one across the dunes real quick. She was a beauty, but common sense ruled and she was released unharmed. She would have made some nice fillets! I also caught two pompano, one way bigger than my hand, and the other bout hand size. Fresh cut shrimp caught three nice keeper mullets, all five fish now in the freezer. Really nice day with my feet in the sand. Got a private show (no one else on the beach) by a pod of bottle nose dolphins. Jumping, twisting, flipping,....... like a show at Sea World! Lasted about ten minutes. I think they may have been feeding, not sure. Donna and I checked out Trout St after dinner tonight, got nothing but skeeter bites. Those Topsail Skeeters ran us off the dock after about an hour. They were so big, they were stealing our bait! Ok, maybe not, but they were big enough. Pogies and finger mullets were on the move, but none came close enough to net. Another good day at Topsail Beach! Of course, I really can't think of a bad day here......... maybe ....... nah, it's always a good day at Topsail!
Till next time....
tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
August 24, 2010
New Record! Surf City Pier
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Surf City Ocean Pier has a new record for the heaviest tarpon. Eleven year old Jaycob landed the monster after a two hour fight, the tarpon was landed.
Weight: 133 lbs
Length: 70 inches
Girth: 33 inches
Bait: live shad
Read the entire story from the Surf City Pier Site, Click here:
Till next time....
tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
August 23, 2010
Red Drum
Till next time.,,,
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
August 22, 2010
Topsail Beach Purple Martins
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
August 12, 2010
Sea turtle hospital news
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Re-Print from The Topsail Voice. Click HERE to view the original article.
By Karen Sota
Leaving? So soon?
It’s been a crazy summer and it’s just flown by. Our college interns are headed back to school, or out into the cruel world in search of gainful employment. They’re taking lots of memories with them, and we thank them for giving us a bit of a break for what seemed like a very short time. Flipper hugs, guys.
Meet Remembrance
Speaking of our summer interns, they weren’t on the job more than a few days before one very sick Loggerhead arrived on the scene. Admitted on May 31, Remembrance was named in honor of those who fought for our country so that we could live in freedom.
This little lady was in the right place at the right time. A very concerned couple spotted her bobbing in the water near Masonboro Island, and stayed with her until our Wrightsville Beach coordinator, Nancy Fahey came to retrieve her. She arrived at our hospital emaciated and covered with barnacles and other ocean debris. She was so fragile that we wondered if something as innocuous as a gentle misting was going to send her over the edge.
After a few days in very shallow fresh water, under the constant care of intern Amanda it looked like maybe she had enough fight left in her to make it. Looking back on those first few weeks it’s obvious that this turtle is the 2010 poster child for the power of a strong will to live. But we can’t overlook the fact that she also had the benefit of our decades-plus experience in sea turtle rehabilitation, and the positive vibes flowing from hospital staff and visitors.
Long story short – she’s another one of our hospital miracles. And now that she’s feeling so much better her sparkling personality is really making her a standout in a sea (no pun intended) of turtles. She’s inquisitive and constantly thinks of ways to amuse herself. She’s fascinated by the water coming into her tank and enjoys playing catch with it. Remembrance is obviously happy and grateful for a second chance. She makes us smile.
Topsail Turtle Project
Wow – 97 nests and counting. The Loggerhead mamas are really industrious this year and we’re thrilled about the possibility of breaking 100 before the nesting season ends this month.
Island visitors and residents have always been great at reporting any and all sea turtle activity, but this year you’ve been especially attentive as our additional eyes on the beach. Our dedicated Topsail Turtle Project volunteers have already been pulling double shifts as their nests begin to hatch. You can keep up with nesting stats on our website: www.seaturtlehospital.org.
Michael Coyne (Administrator of seaturtle.org) was recently able to attach satellite tracking tags to two of our nesting Topsail Loggerheads, Topsail Belle and Naytiri. You can watch them journey up and down the Atlantic coast on www.seaturtle.org. You can also spy on Sennet, one of our rehabbed turtles who left us last September with his own satellite tracker.
Keep your eyes open for any and all sea turtle activity (nesting, stranding, harassment and/or unattended holes that could trap nesting mamas.) If you spot something contact Terry Meyer, our Director of Beach Operations, at 910-470-2880.
Note: We can tell the difference between Harris-Teeter Grade A Large and sea turtle eggs, and burying them is neither clever nor amusing. It’s just a waste of time and money.
Hospital Tours
We will remain open daily (except Wednesday & Sunday) from 2-4 p.m. through August. Meet five of our patients during your tour of our hospital, including our resident Kemp’s Ambassador Lennie. I’ve notice that Lennie has been furiously writing in his journal, and I’m really curious about what he’s putting in there. But every time I try to get a peek at it he tucks it under his flippers and refuses to hand it over.
Our record crowds are continuing and lines can be long. Come prepared with umbrellas and sunscreen, and if you live locally Saturday is the best day to visit. We have plenty of stock in our gift shop so don’t leave without checking out the new T-shirt colors and other items exclusive to our hospital.
This is our final summer in our current location, behind the blue water tank in Topsail Beach. Please feed that big donation jar on your way out. All contributions go toward our new facility as well as fund our work at our current location. We’re staffed by volunteers and completely supported by your donations!
Turtle Talks
Our popular “Turtle Talks” is back every Wednesday, through August. This family-friendly introduction to the wonderful world of sea turtles is held at the Surf City Community Center from 3:45 – 4:45 p.m. (so you won’t get caught at the bridge). There are lots of handouts and hands-on stuff for kids and adults. It’s fun, informative and free, but of course donations for our turtles and the hospital are gratefully accepted.
Questions/Comments? Contact me at: flippers@embarqmail.com with questions or comments. For an application to become a hospital volunteer or to be added to our future e-newsletter contact me at: flippers@att.net.
(Karen Sota is a volunteer at the Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center, a.k.a. the turtle hospital. For more information on the sea turtle hospital go to www.seaturtehospital.org.)
Till next time....
Tight lines
Johnny and Donna
Sneads Ferry Shrimp Festival celebrates the community’s roots
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Re-Print from Topsail Voice, August 11,2010. Click Here to view the original article.
Festivals can be found all over nation, celebrating everything from apples to zoos but here in the greater Topsail area, many of our festivals reflect area history and traditions.
The Sneads Ferry Shrimp Festival is no exception.
The festival, planned for this weekend, celebrates the proud tradition of commercial fishing and the village of Sneads Ferry.
First established in the 1700s as a fishing and farming community, Sneads Ferry’s working waterfront was, and still is today, vital to the community’s economy.
Until recently the community depended on the fishing industry which includes trawling, shrimping, clamming, crabbing as the key economic driver supporting families and other businesses in the area. The fishing industry is still and important part, but sadly a declining part, of the unique economy of the community.
In the past 50 years many coastal towns and villages have succumbed to the economic challenges posed by developments and rapid change, which in turn closed or, at best, reduced the commercial fishing industry to only small players in the economic picture.
Sneads Ferry has resisted these changes by remaining an unincorporated community and protecting as much as possible of its heritage and fishing traditions.
But in spite of these efforts, the community is still feeling the effects of its larger neighbors, Wilmington and Jacksonville. The nearby developments, increased restrictive regulations on the industry, and a declining economy are taking a toll on both the community and its fishing base.
The annual shrimp festival is one way the community, its residents and businesses continue to remember and promote the very traditions and industry that is such a vital part of the community’s history.
The longtime families of the area revere the histories and traditions of the fishing village while new arrivals to community learn to appreciate the community and its unique heritage.
This weekend residents and visitors will have the opportunity to remember, reflect and celebrate a unique community and the proud fishing tradition that make Sneads Ferry the very special community that it is.
The Shrimp Festival is a celebration of a coastal fishing community that continues to proudly remember its roots.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Marine rescues drowning teen in North Topsail Beach
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
This article is a reprint from the Topsail Voice newspaper on August 11,2010. Read the original article in the Topsail Voice newspaper, click here.
By Connie Pletl
Published: Wednesday, August 11, 2010 9:40 AM EDT
N. TOPSAIL BEACH – A teenager struggling in the water near an ocean pier was rescued by a US Marine last week.
Sergeant Stephan A. Gladding, 25, who is with Battalion Landing Team 3/8, 26th MEU, was at the beach in the early afternoon on Aug. 7.
He’d brought his surfboard and intended to do some surfing when he noticed someone struggling to stay above water.
A teenager had drifted in about 200 yards from the shore and approximately 100 yards from the far end of the Seaview Pier.
Gladding jumped on his surfboard and paddled out to retrieve the teenager.
“I saw him and didn’t see any boats coming or anyone else jumping in so I just started paddling as hard and as fast as I could,” Gladding said. “I thought I was his only hope.”
Gladding put the teen on his surfboard and brought him back to shore where authorities from North Topsail Beach took over.
Gladding noted that there were strong rip currents that day.
Rip current warnings had been issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration because of the lunar tides and the remnants of Tropical Storm Colin.
Gladding is stationed at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. His hometown is Portland, Michigan.
Till next time....
Tight lines!