2010 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
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It's time! The yellow butterflies are dancing everywhere along the beach. That, according to the ol' timers here, means one thing. "The spots are a coming!" Pic below from
Surf City Ocean Pier website.
Surf City Pier; September 10, 2010 |
SC getting good catches of spots at night, and even a few during the day. Big whiting are showing up in pretty good numbers. Still seeing plenty of pompano, with a few big 'uns biting sandfleas. Pluggers are getting large blue fish and a few spanish in early morning and late afternoon.
Jolly Roger Pier in Topsail Beach, Rob files the following report.
"The drum bite has been ON - plenty in the 25-33 inch range, with some much larger fish busting tackle and taking rods!" Rob Orr from JR Facebook page.
Check out this beauty!
Jolly Roger over slot red caught and released by JR pier angler |
Also at the JR, lots of spots at night, a few during the daylight hours. Blues and Spanish continue to bite and the water is thick with bait. King bite has slowed a bit, but they are still hooking one on occasion. Several tarpon have been spotted off the end of JR Pier. Big over the slot reds are biting in the suds. Live finger mullets, (plentiful in the ocean and sound side) seem to be the best bait. Live finger mullets and live shrimp are also the go to bait for some nice keeper flounder at the Jolly Roger. Lots of smaller flounder hanging around the pilings too. Got a couple reports of reds eating a spot head, so there will be plenty of bait for them. Just a note, Jolly Roger hot dogs are still delish! They go great with the smell of shrimp and fish on the pier. Get you some! MMMMMMM!
The Sea View Pier reports much the same. Blues, a few spanish are coming over the rails in the early morning, with the occasional run in the evening. Spots and whiting are making a good showing most nights. Red drum are being caught there, but I haven't received as many reports as SC pier, and especially Jolly Roger Pier.
As most of you know, surf fishing is my preferred fishing activity. Love the feeling of the sand under my feet. Love getting wet when casting or landing that big red drum. Pull flounder right up to your feet without much worry of loosing them while netting the fish. Surf fishing has improved to "very good" status. Big whiting are biting sand fleas as well as shrimp. There are LOTS of small sea mullets in the surf right now. I have a report of several two plus pound whiting caught on live shrimp. Spots are biting cut shrimp and Fish Bites, bloodworm and clam flavors. And you can get more than one fish on a single piece of the Fish Bites. I have seen flounder and pompano coming from the surf. Finger mullets are so plentiful I am seeing them in the waves as they start to turn over. Catch them right where you are fishing with a cast net. Still have no reports of speckled trout in the surf. I'll keep trying to find some specks.
Everything is biting in the sound and ICW. Big sheepshead around the bridges, reds in the shallows around oyster beds, speckled trout near the mouths of tidal creeks. Lots of finger mullets and shrimp can be netted pretty easily. I can get nice big "eatin'" shrimp close to grass lines.
Fall fishin' is here, so get on down to Topsail and catch your supper!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
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