Hello from Surf City!
Here is a fishing report from Al at North Carolina Fishing Pier Society.
Ok, with 8 days to go, as predicted, the fishing has slowed. But there
is something about a bad day fishing is better then a good day working
and that is true.
Offshore - Dolphin, wahoo and yellowfin, with Kings and Spanish closer
to shore. Scattered black drum, blues, flounder, pompano, red drum and
whiting from the surf and piers. Some kings and sheepshead as well.
If I had to quess I would say the piers at Topsail and Oak Island and
leading with kings from what I can tell. At Yaupon this week a guy got
a 130 pound Tarpon and a 30 pound king on the same day. Now that is a
pretty fair day.
Thanks to Al for this report. Check out the NC Fishing Pier Society website to see how you can help save our vanishing fishing piers.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
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