Hello from Surf City!
Fisheries officials eyeing limited entry
The North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC)
plans to continue a discussion on limited access
privilege programs when they meet in Pine Knoll Shores in
Sometimes called individual fishing quotas, limited
access privilege programs (LAPPs) are the linchpin in
management programs that use the tenets of economic
efficiency to reorganize fisheries.
Under LAPPs, the total annual harvest quota for a
species is divided into quota shares that are granted to
individual fishermen, corporations or associations
Marine Fisheries concerned over dwindling access
By Mike Shutak
RALEIGH — The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC)
wants the General Assembly to address the public’s
diminishing access to coastal waters before the
situation gets any harder to resolve.
The MFC has written a letter encouraging action on 27
suggested measures to support working waterfronts and
public water access.
The letter says that while the MFC appreciates the
number and variety of issues the General Assembly faces
during this legislative session, it believes immediate
legislative action is needed to begin the process of
addressing the loss of working waterfront and public
access along the state’s shoreline. According to the
MFC’s letter, the longer the state waits to take
action, the more costly it will be to remedy the problems
of accelerating non-waterfront-dependent development
and increasing real property taxes.
Emerald Isle Bridge: DOT opposes ramp
Tideland News Writer
Boaters looking for access to Bogue Sound at foot of
the B. Cameron Langston Bridge may be out of luck, but
the project’s proponent has vowed to continue to
work for it.
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission wants to build
a 175-parking space facility on the Cedar Point side
of NC 58. During hearings on the proposal, the plans
met resistance from those who believe the location is
unsafe from a traffic standpoint.
Now, the N.C. Department of Transportation has told
the WRC it isn’t willing to concede the land, set
aside for a future high-rise bridge, for the ramp.
“The right of way was purchased when the bridge was
built in the 70s,” said John Rouse, Division
Maintenance Engineer for NC DOT Division 2. “That means the
state bought the property from the owners. The state
didn’t want them to have access to that particular
roadway. This was done for a safety and mobility
For daily news coverage of the entire North Carolina
Coast go to the North Carolina Coastal News web site:
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
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