Hello from Surf City! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Killer migraine. I am told the kings are biting on all piers. Lots of them some reports say 10 or 11 per day on each pier. A few spanish are also being caught in the morning. I had family down for a few days, and they caught some nice spots and mullets. One whiting caught by our son Scott, weighed in at just over two pounds. I have been tied up taking care of Donna's mom, who is recovering from a mild stroke. She is doing better, but still really weak. I'll get back to my regular report as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience and loyalty.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.

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