Hello from Surf City! Here is a fishing report from Al at www.NorthCarolinaFishingPierSociety.com
This is a limited edition as I am having trouble finding internet
access and the time to do it and I am limiting my reports for the
coast to Northern Hatteras Island, please someone else fill in the
rest of the coast.
Fishing was slow earlier in the week, but got good yesterday, blues to
a pound were being hooked up on on every cast at some point at
Rodanthe. Flounder bite was good too, a few keepers, scattered spanish
and pompano. Spadefish were plenty and spot runs came and went.
Surf fishing Ocracoke this morning. see you all later.
Thanks Al, hope the fishing is good at Ocracoke!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.

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