Hello from Surf City!
Sea mullets are still in the surf, though not in huge numbers. They are average size, all caught on sand fleas, right in the breakers. If I threw behind the breakers, I got no bites. The one pictured was caught at Bogue Inlet Pier, (I think). Al from North Carolina Fishing Pier Society, said a while ago that he was going to give cane poles a try from his favorite pier. Well, you could have fished with one in the surf today, the fish were that close. Just a little underhand or sidearm pitch is all it took to reach the fish.
Let me give Al and the folks at the North Carolina Fishing Pier Society a plug today. They are doing good work, trying to inform people about the disappearing piers on the North and South Carolina Coast. Just a few years ago, Topsail Island boasted at least 6 fishing piers that I can think of. Now there are only three. HIGH TAXES and increasing real estate values are making it harder for these owners to stay in business. Check out the site, and drop Al an email to find out what you can do to help preserve this quickly vanishing resource before it's too late.
Ok off the soap box!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
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