Dad, Donna, and I went fishing this evening at Surf City Pier. We didn't set any records, but we did OK, or I should say Donna did OK. She caught most of the fish. We had spots, sea mullets, and a croaker for the freezer, and released several sharks. A fun night. We saw our friends Ken and Karen, and Andreaus and Karen, and had a wonderful time visiting. Pier fishing isn't just about fishing, it's a time for catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. There were kings caught today, I think there were three. Not sure about the sizes, I saw only one, probably about 15 to 17 lbs. Early in the morning, there were some spanish caught, and lots of blues. I hear my friend Mr. Nick caught a bucket full of blues this morning. But he didn't catch spanish. Now thats strange, as spanish tend to migrate towards Mr. Nick's gotcha plug. Pluggers were still catching blues when we got there this evening. There were lots, LOTS, of sharks, most about a foot to 18 inches long caught and released. Sharks are fun to catch at first, but quickly get irritating when that's all you can catch.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
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