Hello from Surf City! Thanks to Al for this report.
Here are the highlights:
* 53 Pound Cobia at Yaupon Pier
* 28 pound, 6 oz Kind at Yaupon
* 33 Pound Cobia at Nags Head
* 4.5 Pound Flounder in the surf at Pine Knoll Shores
Bobble heads for all sports personalities only $21.99 each!
Nags Head - Blues and Croaker from the surf with Blues, Croaker and
Spanish from the piers. Croaker, flounder spot and trout in the sound
Oregon Inlet - Lots of Dolphin along with Bigeye, yellow fin, kings
and Wahoo offshore.
Hatteras Island Piers - BLues, Pompano whiting and croaker. Offshore
at Hatteras -King, Dolphin, Sailfish and Wahoo.
Kings Pompano and whiting at piers in Morehead City. Bill King and
Spanish offshore.
Topsail - Spots, flounder spanish and some kings
NASCAR Driver Fan Gear - Get it now at SportsFanfare.com
Kings, Cobia, Flounder, Spots, Pompano from Wilmington south from
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
We strive to keep our site kid friendly. If you see anything that you would not want your child to see, please let us know. Thanks for visiting. Tell your friends about us.
June 29, 2007
Fishing Report from Al at NC Pier Fishing Society
June 28, 2007
Topsail Angler Report; Thanks Mike
Hello from Surf City!
King mackerel anglers have enjoyed a great start to the season this year. The king bite has been very hot, especially near shore with plenty being caught from both pier and boats.
One of the big reasons is the abundance of menhaden schools near the beaches this year. Often referred to as pogies or bunker by local anglers, they are tops on the menu for king mackerel. I have seen school after school of pogies this year. Some of the schools are as big as a football field. They often are so thick they form a big dark blotch in the water when seen from above.
While some of the largest schools are in the ocean, many smaller schools have moved into the waterway and the salty portions of the creeks. It is easy to spot a pogy, especially in the early mornings or late evenings they like to flip just at the surface. Not a fully exposed out of the water jump like a mullet. Rather a popping like action right at the surface. In the dark just before dawn, you can often find the sc ...More Read More
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
Hello from Surf City!
HOT! That's the weather, not the fishing! It's almost too hot to fish. Fishing is SLOW! Anglers are picking up a flounder here and there, and a stray spanish once in a while. At night there are a few spots, sea mullets, and sharks. The king anglers have pulled a couple of nice ones over the rail this week. Haven't heard anything better from the inside. SLOW!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
Get Nascar Collectibles Here!
Hello from Surf City!
It seems that the flounder bite is picking up. My Dad caught a nice 16 inch flattie from the Surf City Pier, on a tube lure and jig. Fishin' Bud Tommy, caught a couple of nice ones in the surf on Wednesday fishing a gulp jerkshad in newpenny color. Does this mean the flounder bite which has been slow this season, is going to pick up? Only time will tell.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
Larry the Cable Guy Cap! "Git-R-Done!
Click below.
June 26, 2007
Awesome Fishing-Current Adventure Charters

Surf City Pier Report June 25, Monday NIght
Dad, Donna, and I went fishing this evening at Surf City Pier. We didn't set any records, but we did OK, or I should say Donna did OK. She caught most of the fish. We had spots, sea mullets, and a croaker for the freezer, and released several sharks. A fun night. We saw our friends Ken and Karen, and Andreaus and Karen, and had a wonderful time visiting. Pier fishing isn't just about fishing, it's a time for catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. There were kings caught today, I think there were three. Not sure about the sizes, I saw only one, probably about 15 to 17 lbs. Early in the morning, there were some spanish caught, and lots of blues. I hear my friend Mr. Nick caught a bucket full of blues this morning. But he didn't catch spanish. Now thats strange, as spanish tend to migrate towards Mr. Nick's gotcha plug. Pluggers were still catching blues when we got there this evening. There were lots, LOTS, of sharks, most about a foot to 18 inches long caught and released. Sharks are fun to catch at first, but quickly get irritating when that's all you can catch.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 24, 2007
Surf Fishing Report-Surf City
Hello from Surf City!
Sea mullets are still in the surf, though not in huge numbers. They are average size, all caught on sand fleas, right in the breakers. If I threw behind the breakers, I got no bites. The one pictured was caught at Bogue Inlet Pier, (I think). Al from North Carolina Fishing Pier Society, said a while ago that he was going to give cane poles a try from his favorite pier. Well, you could have fished with one in the surf today, the fish were that close. Just a little underhand or sidearm pitch is all it took to reach the fish.
Let me give Al and the folks at the North Carolina Fishing Pier Society a plug today. They are doing good work, trying to inform people about the disappearing piers on the North and South Carolina Coast. Just a few years ago, Topsail Island boasted at least 6 fishing piers that I can think of. Now there are only three. HIGH TAXES and increasing real estate values are making it harder for these owners to stay in business. Check out the site, and drop Al an email to find out what you can do to help preserve this quickly vanishing resource before it's too late.
Ok off the soap box!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 23, 2007
Don't miss this "Fish Story"!
Thanks to Al at North Carolina Fishing Pier Society for this story!
It is Saturday afternoon and I am wishing I was fishing but since I
ain't let me share you a story I heard from last week.
Angelo DePaola shared this with the group at the pier during his award
at the urging of his wife Janie. Angleo's first big fish was a red drum
that he had sent to a taxidermist in Florida to have mounted. Angelo
and Janie had a disagreement on where the fish would be displayed after
it was returned. When the drum came back it was hung in the living room
where Angelo wanted and a couple weeks past. One day Angelo returned
from the pier and entered the house went to the bedroom where the drum
was in bed, dressed in pink night gown and a note on the fish that
said " since you love the fish so much you might as well sleep with
it. "
Thanks Al, good read.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
Surf Fishing
BigFishTackle.Com- Win Free Fishing Tackle! 52 Weeks of Winners, 4 Winners a Week. Click here
Find fishing tackle, rods and reels on eBay!
Click here!
Hello from Surf City!
Donna and I went surf fishing Thursday. the weather was beautiful! Besides a good sunburn, we caught two sea mullets and a baby black tip shark. Sand fleas were our primary bait, and they were plentiful. I caught all we used in one dip of my flea rake. The mullets were nice, about a pound and a half each, and were fun to catch. Ready to get back out there!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 20, 2007
Rod-Man Report
Hi everyone. What a week of fishing we have had. We have had good catches of reds and good catches of spanish mackerel. Most importantly for the fishing is we have had a solid week of really nice weather. That is about to change a bit with t-storms forecast for today and tonight and a change in the wind from the south to the north. It will be interesting to see if the fishing changes…bet it does, but maybe for the good?
Now here’s my report:
Inshore: Reds have been biting Gulp SW, topwater lures like Frenzy, live menhaden and menhaden chunks. We have caught them in the waterway and the creeks. Flounder fishing is still inexplicably slow, but hopefully we blast off soon. A few trout are being caught in the river.
Near shore: The spanish bite has finally taken off with double digit catches fairly common. We had one day with a catch right at 30. King mackerel are right on the beach and eating live menhaden. Fish in the 15 to 30 pound range are being caught. A few cobia in the 50-60 pound range are being caught as well.
Offshore: The big mahi are still biting from 15 to 25 miles. King mackerel, cobia and amberjack are also being caught. The 23 mile rock and WR4 are very hot. Live menhaden, ballyhoo and cigar minnows are your best baits.
Gulfstream: The tuna bite is still very early in the morning. Mahi are plentiful and wahoo are biting down deep. Some billfish are starting to move in as well.
We will be posting lots of new pics this week on the website so please drop by and check out our photo gallery for the latest.
The weather is getting hot and so is the fishing so…..
Let’s Go Fishing!!!
Capt. Rick Bennett
Rod-Man Charters
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 17, 2007
Good Morning at Surf City Pier
I didn't fish today. Had another migraine. But friends Ben and Doris from Mebane, NC, had a good morning fishing from Surf City Pier. Doris caught a couple of black drum that weighed over 4 lbs each, along with several flounder, one of which was a keeper of 17 inches, (I think that's right). Ben had good luck also, with several really nice pin fish! haha
Black drum wasn't the only fish biting on the pier today. Blues and Spanish were hitting gotchas and diamond jigs.
go gettum!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 14, 2007

Hello from Surf City!
I talked to fishing bud Tommy this afternoon, and the spanish and blues were still biting from Surf City Pier this morning. Still on the small side, but lots of keepers with a few bigger ones mixed in. Vinita says that the spanish and blues are coming in just before dark also. There were three kings caught Tuesday, one caught by Jim Sly. The flounder bite is still slow, but picking up a bit. On the inside, a few flounder and some nice reds on carolina rigs. Go gettum!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
Rod-Man Report
I know it has been a while since I last posted. To make a long story short I have had computer problems, plus I have had some back problems from the big ray I caught up at Cape Lookout. It was a mean fish. (To my email subscribers, server requirements are limiting me to less than 1000 emails a day. I have many more of you than that on my list. Going forward I will be sending half of you reports on Wednesdays and half on Thursdays. Hopefully this will work for all.) But we have been back in action strong this past week and I have an exciting fishing report to give you. Here it goes:
Inshore: The flounder bite is slowly developing. We are definitely behind in this area. The redfish bite is full throttle. We are catching some very nice fish on the falling tide on chunk menhaden fished on a carolina rig.
Near shore: Very nice bluefish (some over 5 pounds) and spanish mackerel are biting near the inlets. You can catch them trolling and sometimes sight casting jigging spoons. Try the new Boone Needlefish jigging spoon available at Bug-Em Bait…910-452-9955. I know it sounds like a commercial, but they are for real and Bug-Em is the only place I know that has them. A few nice kings are being caught near the inlets on live poagies and very light tackle.
Offshore: The best action is mahi and good size too. Mahi in the 15-25 pound range are being caught at the 23 and WR4. King mackerel are biting in the 5 to 25 mile range.
Gulfstream: BIG mahi are being caught. Catch tuna at daybreak for about an hour and wahoo all day, but very deep.
I have too many great pics to show here right now, but will get more out on the sight www.rodmancharters.com as soon as possible. For now you can see some nice reds at http://www.rodmancharters.com/fishingreports/
Let’s Go Fishing!!!
Captain Rick Bennett
Rod-Man Charters
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 12, 2007
Quick Report-Current Adventure Charters
Spanish Everywhere!

Hello from Surf City!
Neighbor and fishin' bud Tommy fished today at Surf City Pier. Everyone that was casting diamond jigs were catching spanish. Most were on the small side, but there were some large ones. Big blues were filling the time between spanish. A good day on the pier. But the pier wasn't the only place the spanish were seen. I took a walk on the beach late this afternoon. There was one school after another of spanish. Most looked to be between 15 and 20 inches long, but some were bigger. I have never seen them jumping like this. You could see them cutting through the schools of bait fish in the surf. Lots of fish were jumping out of the water. Some on the "fly" and some jumped straight up out of the water. It was fun watching them. The surf casters were trying in vain to reach them. Wish I had taken my trout rod with 6 lb test with me on the walk. I could have reached them with that combo. Hopefully this blitz will continue. Go Gettum!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 11, 2007
Email from blog reader Mitchell Big Reds!
Below is an email message I received from a blog reader.
Great web site, its so nice to find good info from someone right here at home. Home for me is Duplin Co. Saturday night was pretty good we fish in the surf close to New Topsail Inlet and got a 2lb. blue and 2 reds 24 and 30in on cut mullet. The 30 inch bad boy was my first and I hope not the last. I need a good map or maps that cover from New River down to New Topsail do you have any suggestions where I might find them. The crazy bunch I fish with had me lost and themselves to I think on the way back. I sure am glad the channel markers reflect light. You could just mail me yours with all the good spots marked I want tell anyone.
All the maps of the backwaters that I have found don't include the waterway from New River to New Topsail Inlet. You will probably have to buy two, one from New Topsail Inlet to Surf City, and another from Surf City to New River. East Coast Sports has a nice selection of area maps. My favorite place to catch big fish is ....... (ready for this?).... in the mouth. Usually works for me! Mitchell, Thanks for your email and for reading my blog. You really didn't think I was giving up my good spots did you? Ok, I will tell you one. I like to fish Banks Channel from New Topsail Inlet to about Trout St. Good spots for flounder, reds, and specks. Fish the piers and boat docks.
PS.... MItchell, you do know that that 30 inch fish was too large to keep don't you? The slot is 18" to 27".
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
North Carolina Fishing Pier Society – Newsletter
Angelo DePaola and The Jolly Roger Pier to be honored
I hope to see all of you there on Saturday
The North Carolina Fishing Pier Society will honor Angelo DePaola for a Lifetime Acheivement Award and also the Jolly Roger Pier for Community Service
Fort Mill, SC (PRWEB) May 29, 2007 -- A dedication to both fishing and the community has led the North Carolina Fishing Pier Society (NCFPS) to the bestow two awards for achievement and community service to a legendary fisherman and a distinguished fishing pier, NCFPS founder and fishing advocate Al Baird said today.
The award ceremony is slated for June 16 at 1 p.m. at the Jolly Roger Pier, Topsail Beach.
At the ceremony, the NCFPS will recognize Angelo DePaola for lifetime achievement in pier fishing. This is the first Lifetime Achievement Award given by the organization.
"To fishing enthusiasts, Angelo DePaola is a living legend," Baird said today from NCFPS headquarters in Fort Mill, South Carolina. "DePaola's king mackerel total is equivalent to baseball's Cy Young record for total wins (511 wins). It will likely never come close to being broken by any fisherman at any pier in the near or distant future."
Since 1958 DePaola has dedicated himself to hauling the "big ones" and his 490 king mackerel's are counted in that record. DePaola once caught five of the trophies in one day. He also managed to bring in other species from the pier including red drum, amberjacks, tarpon, bluefish and cobia. DePaola also has a 400 pound lemon shark to his credit and in 1978 he made the rarest of catch--a 7-foot sailfish.
A second honor, this one the 2007 Community Service Award, is slated to be presented to the Jolly Roger Pier for its years of serving as a community fishing bulwark stretching out into the turbulent waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
"The Jolly Roger Pier is a landmark in the community and rightly deserves the 2007 Community Service Award," Baird said. "This fisherman's bastion has stood proud and strong--serving North Carolina and the eastern seaboard fishing community for over fifty years."
The Jolly Roger is renowned for rebuilding quickly after hurricanes and is an extremely popular with local fisherman and others from all over the eastern United States. Lewis Orr built the pier in 1954 and it is still operated by the Orr family today.
Pier of the Year Voting is Now Underway
This year we will award a pier of the year award to the pier that is voted the favorite by members of the NCFPS. The criteria is entirely up to you. You decide why it is the best and vote. If you would like to give a short description on why it is your favorite please include it and we will run it on the website when the pier is announced. The voting will go until Labor Day. The pier of the year award will be given out during the 2007 World Tour in October. To vote please email your pier at Roadkillal@aol.com
New Feature on the North Carolina Fishing Pier Society Website www.ncfps – On the News and Facts Page – Recent catches – Send in pictures of your recent catches and we will run them on the website. Send them to Roadkillal@aol.com
Richard Gere Filming in Rodathe on the Pier
Lights! Camera! Action! – Wednesday, May 16th the Rodanthe pier was awash in flood lights while they were shooting a scene with Richard Gere for the movie version of “Nights in Rodanthe”. Does anyone know - Is that a fishing movie?
Email me with any news or comments as well as pier events. Email me at Roadkillal@aol.com
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
Unbelievable and Inspiring Photo!
Unbelievable and Inspiring Photo! Notice the cross in the star field.
I just had to share this picture and make a statement about my beliefs. I believe that the US is BLESSED because we were founded on CHRISTIAN principles. That is why we have prospered and have become the strongest and most affluent nation in the world. What is going to happen to us if we continue to dishonor God by removing Him from our everyday lives. Schools, government buildings, public places, all are being forced to remove all reminders of God by a minority of people who don't believe in God. Do you think we will remain strong? I think not. Just my 2 cents.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 10, 2007
Surf City Pier Report
Thanks to Vinita at Surf City Pier for this report.
6/8......The weather was nice plenty of blues and a few spanish......not much going on bottom fishing.....
6/9......and it was a good day.....lots of blues and a few spanish....ended up with 2 kings on the deck today... both weighing in at 17 lbs....we have had a mixed bag though out the day with spots and mullet and a flounder....this evening about the same with a decent amount spots showing up......most of them are about keeper size too.....
6/10....The day started nice....with plenty of blues and a few spanish.....the wind picked up didnt hear much for the afternoon....Had a king on and lost it close to the pier......so far this evening hearing of a few spots .....wind is still blowing not a very large crowd this evening.....
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
The Dolphin Bite Continues-Current Adventure Charters
King Mackerel, Amber Jack and False Albacore are biting as well. Cobia have been caught on live Menhadden and Bluefish near the jetties at Wrightsville Beach. The fish average 30lbs, but fish up to 77lbs have been caught this past week.
Inshore, Flounder fishing is picking up. Most of the fish being caught are small, but there are some keepers to be had. The Speckled Trout are still biting in the Cape Fear River. Though not as many have been reported, some nice fish have been caught. Sheepshead and Black Drum are being caught as well.
June 9, 2007
Another King for Wes at Surf City Pier
Sorry it took so long to post this. Wes fishing at Surf City Pier caught his first "whole" king, on June 1st. It was the second king of the year for Surf City Pier anglers. Fishing report for Surf City Pier. Black drum, a few spots and mullets, spanish and blues in the morning. Not much going on for bottom fishing.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 8, 2007
Nice Reds off ICW
Till next time....
Tight lines!
June 6, 2007
New Topsail Inlet
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 4, 2007
Current Adventure Charters - 6-4-07 Report
Memorial Day I was invited to make a trip to the blue water aboard the "Surprise", leaving out of Cape Fear. Weather was perfect, seas were great and the fish were chewing pretty well. We were pulling a spread of ballyhoo and squid and the Dolphin just loved them. The fish on Monday were decent fish with the big fish of the day weighing in at 21lbs. Pictured below is Oscar with his first Dolphin on his first trip to the stream.

We put lines in about 18nm off the beach and had a Dolphin on before I could get the 3rd line in the water. I handed the rod to Steve and he caught his first Dolphin.
Inshore, Speckled Trout have been bitting well in the creeks of the lower Cape Fear River. I know of one 6lber being caught on a top water plug. Flounder are picking up as well with a report of an 11lb Flounder being caught in Snows Cut this past weekend. Black Drum are biting well near the wall at Buzzard's Bay, but the Redfish bite has been tough. Big Cobia are being caught around the Masonboro Inlet Jetty. Big pogies seem to be the bait of choice, though a 77lber was caught on Johnny Mercers Pier that ate a bluefish.
June 3, 2007
Weather Breaking Tomorrow, Will better fishing follow?
Tonight Partly cloudy, with a low around 67. West wind between 13 and 18 mph.
Monday A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms after 1pm. Partly cloudy, with a high near 85. West wind between 10 and 18 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
Monday Night A slight chance of showers and thunderstorms before 8pm. Partly cloudy, with a low around 72. Southwest wind between 11 and 17 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.
Tuesday Partly cloudy, with a high near 86. West wind between 11 and 17 mph.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.
June 1, 2007
Sand Fleas are Here!

I didn't have time to fish today, but Donna and I did take a short walk on the beach, Donna looking for sharks teeth, and me looking for sand fleas. Mole crabs, locally known as sand fleas, are my favorite bait. I have been looking for them for some time. Where they were, and why they showed up late this year, I don't know. But they were here the first week in May last year, according to my notes. Sand fleas are hunted by most fish that live in the surf area. I have caught sea mullets, big pompano, flounder, trout, spot, black drum, red drum, along with the biggest red drum I have ever caught. A 44 inch monster that took 40 minutes to land on my 8 lb test line and 8 foot mullet rod. As you probably know, sand fleas molt as they grow. The shell that is on the flea doesn't grow, but the flea sheds it and another hardens in it's place. The molted sand fleas are soft before the shell hardens again, and these hard to find critters are the best for bait. But, like I said, they are hard to find. So I use the hard shell crabs because they are so plentiful. I have good luck with them, better than cut shrimp or cut mullet. If the bite is slow, I may break off the edge of the shell, and sometimes even "peel" the shell off before hooking the flea onto my size 4 eagle claw hook. I have found that I have the best luck using hand tied bottom rigs, that have no hardware with the exception of the hook. To hook the flea, I run the hook down through the back of the flea, (the end without the flipper on the underside), turn the hook, and stick it into the flapper on the other end of the flea, pinning the flapper to the flea. Now I have seen others hook them differently, but this is what I like and catch most fish with. There is a urine sack at the back end of the crab, and my hook punctures this as I hook the critter, and I believe the urine leaking into the water helps the bite. So, now that the fleas are here, I am really chomping at the bit to get out in the surf and catch some puppies and big whiting. Or even a two or three pound pompano for the grill. MMMMMMM!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everyone has to be somewhere ..... I'll be fishing!
Freedom isn't free! Someone has paid, for you and for me.