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Daily Bible Verse
November 17, 2006
Speckled Trout
There were more speckled trout caught today from Surf City Pier. I didn't go anywhere else, so I can't say if any were biting in the surf. The bite was slow, but one every now and then was brought over the rail. The picture above is the speck that I caught today. It bit a chartreuse Berkley Gulp Saltwater Swimming Mullet, (4 inch) on a red jig head. I lost a couple more before I got them into the net. The water was still pretty rough and extremely muddy, and I was suprised that any trout at all were caught. They seemed to be biting only jigs and grubs, and bottom rigs baited with cut shrimp. I didn't see any caught on MirrOlures. Most anglers were fishing the grubs really slow. There was no one trout fishing from the surf near the pier with the exception of a few bottom fisherman. I also caught a nice whiting on a short stint of bottom fishing from the end of the pier. I had a gulp saltwater bait to get bit in half by a ?????, and so I cut what was left into chunks and baited a bottom rig with it. The whiting bit a chunk of gulp saltwater bait. FISH CANDY! EVERYTHING LOVES THIS BAIT! I also saw quite a number of black drum thrown in coolers, some two pounds or more. It was also a good morning for puppy drum, and Dad caught one on a tandem bucktail that was just under the slot, and was released. As I was heading into the pier this morning, someone gave me a bag of bloodworms. I gave them a try for a bit, but all I could get was tiny spots that were small enough to use as flounder bait. So I gave up on that idea after about ten minutes, and went back to casting my jig and gulp. It was a beautiful day at the beach, rough and muddy water, but a great day of fishing!
Until next time....
Tight lines!