Here is an email I received from a family on September 4th that vacations on Topsail Island. The Brothers family, also FishinTopsail's Blog readers, recently spent their summer vacation here and sent these pictures as proof of their fishing success while enjoying our wonderful beaches. Bruce had emailed me about their success and I ask him for pictures which he graciously sent. Thanks to Bruce and family, wife Karen, and son Christopher, for sharing their vacation, and congratulations to all for a wonderful stringer of fish. Besides the two shown in the pictures, they caught two more, and all four were released to fight with another angler yet another day!
email follows;
"Hi Johnny,
Wanted to get these to you earlier but I've been busy back in NY getting ready for the opening of another school year. We had a killer day about 2-3 weeks ago. One afternoon we cought a 29", 26", 22" and 20" Puppy drum. This picture is the 29" fish that my son Christopher cought. You can tell by the smile on his face that he was happy with his catch. The next picture is the 26" fish that my wife Karen caught.
Feel free to add them to your blog.
Bruce Brothers"
My apologies to Bruce for taking so long to get these posted. I had a problem getting the pictures to open for the blog. I finally got it solved. Thanks again Bruce.
A reminder, I will be honored to post any pictures of anyones catch in the Topsail area. Just send in a digital pic attached to an email, jpeg format, along with the fish tale that goes with the picture. I am thinking of awarding a prize for the best fish tale if I get enough response. Something to think about.
Until next time....
Tight Lines!