Hi Folks, fishing is pretty good for summer time. Summer flounder are showing up more and more, especially in the sounds, creeks, and the ICW. Live bait seems to produce best, with Berkley Gulp Saltwater running a close second. You can also expect to catch red drum and speckled trout inside. Some nice flounder, lady fish and black drum are at the turning bridge. The inlets continue to produce some good catches of red drum and speckled trout as well as some gray trout. Fish the inlets with a heavy carolina rig (3/4 to 1 ounce)for flounder, or float live shrimp under a cork for speckled trout. Gear up with a fish finder rig and a nice chunk of cut mullet for reds in the surf near the inlets. There have been some "over the slot" reds pulled in this week. Gray trout are hitting cut shrimp on bottom rigs near the inlets. The bite in the surf has improved a bit, with some big whiting, pompano, black drum, reds, gray trout and the occasional run of spots. There is an abundance of bait fish in the surf now. The piers are much the same. There are still a few spanish mackerel early morning and late evening. They seem to prefer Gotcha plugs and diamond jigs, colors don't seem to matter. The king bite has slowed a bit this week, but each pier is catching a few for the week. Sizes range from the middle twenties to fourteen pounds. Blue fish are still around, but they sizes are getting smaller. Haven't heard of any chopper hatteras blues for a couple of weeks. Short runs of summer spots are not unsual. Some sheepshead have been reported at the piers, but I haven't heard of any landings. There have been some good catches of gray trout at all three piers. Sea mullet bite continues to be better at night. Speaking of sea mullets, I have an observation to pass along. In the past, sand fleas have always produced better for me than cut shrimp for the bigger whiting. But I haven't caught a single mullet this summer on fleas. All my mullet have bitten cut shrimp. Our grandchildren are here for a visit, and they are catching enough to keep them interested. And as you know, that has to be pretty good to keep the attention of seven to ten year old kids. We have really enjoyed their visit, and we are grateful for the wonderful weather we have had during their visit. If you are thinking about coming to the coast for some fishing, I think now weould be a good time. The weather has been mild in the morning and evening, and nice and sunny mid day. The bait shops have had some beautiful shrimp. I am eating the shrimp that is left over from my fishing trips. Nothing is better eating than a plate full of whiting or flounder and fresh shrimp! I just wanted to let everyone know how much we appreciate our readers, and thanks to everyone for checking out our sponsor ads. There have been some good deals recently, and we are glad to pass them along to our readers. Keep checking our site, I will update as often as I can.
Oh, I almost forgot, spanish mackerel have been busting small silver sides or glass minows right in the surf! I haven been able to entice them to bite anything I have in my box, but I think I will get a few really small silver diamond jigs and give them a try. Don't forget to check out our new message board.
Click Here.Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
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