Hello from Surf City! Let me take just a moment to thank our troops, and their loved ones. A tour or duty can be traumatic not only to the troops, but also to the family left behind. As we Pray for, and support our fighting men and women, let us not forget to Pray for the families as well.
Fishing is picking up along Topsail Island's 26 miles of beaches. All the piers are producing king mackerel, spanish mackerel, big blues, black drum, red drum, flounder, sea mullet, spot, pompano, and of course sharks.
Anglers in the surf are also starting catch a good number of fish. Sea mullet, spot, croaker, flounder, black drum, red drum, and the occasional sea trout are being pulled in by anglers in the surf. Another thing about surf fishing, is the availability of bait. You can find sand fleas right there where you are fishing. You could also catch finger mullet (red drum, flounder, and sharks love these little swimmers). To an angler looking for a fish dinner, the two to three pound sharks we catch, can be a real nuisance. But for anglers looking for a good fight, these sharks, or dogfish as they are sometimes called, can be a real winner! These fish fight to the finish, and don't quit. The bait that works best for me, is cut mullet, or cut fresh catch. Just remember, If you catch some game fish, it will be illegal to cut these fish up on the beach, as a "full carcass" must be available for the game warden to inspect. What I use if possible is jumping mullet, aka striped mullet. Keep in mind that most piers don't allow anglers to specifically target sharks, so be mindful of pier rules.
As the fishing picks up on the coast, droves of anglers hit the area fishing piers for a fun day of fishing. As the crowds on the pier increase in size, fishing can be turned into a stressful day, instead of a relaxing vacation. Pier anglers should adhere to a few rules to make sure your day is relaxing and fun. Probably the most important rule is the most easy rule to follow. Each angler should always throw our their line and bait in the direction of the pier planks, even if the pier has a section that runs at an angle, instead of horizontal to the shoreline. Another stressing situation would be when an angler catches a fish, someone will run up to where they are fishing and cast out to the same place, hoping to catch a fish also. I have even seen someone move into the exact space the fish was caught while the catching angler moves over to unhook the fish and drop it into the cooler. This can start arguments that can quickly ruin your vacation. Never run on the pier. This accounts for many injuries on piers, and not only puts yourself in danger, but also the other folks that are fishing from the pier. Anglers, always check behind you, before your start your cast. I have seen ears, arms, and even noses hooked by a careless angler that doesn't check behind before they cast.
Following these simple rules can insure that you have a restful, and non stressing day on the pier. Just remember the "Golden Rule." "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you."
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
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