Hello from Surf City! Spots are biting at Surf City! I was on the pier this evening, just looking, unfortunately I had no time to fish, and the spots were biting pretty good. Only occasionally were they two at a time, but there were a few doubles while I was there. The size is running from medium to large, but still not the big yellow bellies that we get in late fall. Bloodworms seem to be the bait of choice. Surf City Pier has plenty of worms, so we all can catch a bucket full! The spanish were thick also. We watched a school of "keepers" chasing bait and jumping out of the water, right in the breakers, so close you could have reached them from the surf! They were even biting bottom rigs baited with cut shrimp. It's been awhile since I have seen so many bait fish in the water. Seems like endless schools passing by the pier. Hundreds of finger mullets are being washed ashore with the waves, then scampering back into deeper water, only to be cast onto the beach by the next wave. An awesome site!
There are lots of reds schooling in the shallow flats off the waterway, and bites are plentiful. Try the Berkley Gulp Saltwater Jerk shad, 4 or 5 inch on a bare hook. Seems they are spooked by the weight. I prefer weedless hooks but I am sure any hook will work. Size 1 or 2. Go gettum!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
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