Donna and I walked across the street today for a few hours of saltwater and sand, and we managed to get in some fishing also. We didn't fill the cooler, but we caught some nice sea mullets, and a big spot. Enough for a meal, if not a feast. All caught on fresh cut shrimp. I could only find a few small sand fleas. Folks are getting them elsewhere on the beach, but not where we were today. As you know, sand fleas are my favorite bait for big sea mullets, puppy drum, black drum, and pompano, especially the big citation pompano. I am thinking of giving the Berkley Saltwater Gulp sand flea a try, but I would like to find out if they catch fish like the fresh fleas do. Eight bucks is a big price to pay for a "maybe". If anyone knows about the Gulp Sand Flea baits, I would appreciate hearing about it. Send an email. I am meeting a reader Friday afternoon to do a little surf fishing. Wish us luck! Thanks!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
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