Hi Folks, I have been seeing lots of pictures posted on the various east coast fishing websites. I am distressed at what I am seeing. Lot's of anglers, after battling a giant red, grab the fish by the gill plate with one hand, or sometimes a hand in each gill plate. Anglers......the gills are a fishes lungs! PLEASE, PLEASE, don't stick your fingers into the gill to pick up your fish. How would you feel if someone reached in and grabbed your lungs? These fish are already stressed by the battle that has just taken place. The extra trauma caused by someone sticking their fingers into the gills of the red drum could be deadly for the fish. Please, grab your catch in the mouth, or use both hands to lift the fish for that picture. Or better yet, get a grappler, you know what I am talking about. One of those items used to grab the fish while you hold the handle. The unidentified angler in the picture above, seems to know the correct way to hold a huge drum. Please treat these creatures with care after they provide you with the thrill of a ten to twenty minute battle between fish and angler. They deserve no less!
Thanks for listening.
Till next time....
Tight Lines!
Hey Johnny, good post. If we want our children and grandchildren to be able to enjoy fishing throughout their lives, we all have to get more conscious about conservation. I know it's a hard thing to come to grips with, it is for me as well, but the simple truth is, if we all don't change the way we're fishing, there won't be any more fishing. Keep up the blog, I enjoy the reading!