I really enjoy getting feedback from readers of my fishing blog. Thanks to these folks for sending some information on the stargazer. I have included their posts below. To protect their privacy, I have not included their last names. The first post is from Trent. Trent and his family vacation and fish on Topsail Island.
I wish a speedy recovery to your wife. I'm surprised my wife hasn't needed this surgery yet (ha ha). Seriously, your wife must be a special one just to tolerate all of the time you devote to fishing. Mine's special that way too. The Stargazer is a neat fish. One of the great things about saltwater fishing is you never know what you're going to catch. Here is a link to a credible site about the fish. See link above. Apparently, they can produce up to 50volts. Wikipedia says their spines are poisonous but I could not verify this anywhere else. Only nine days until I arrive for my Topsail vacation. Get your rods and reels ready 'cause the fish are going to be biting that week.
Tight Lines!
The next email is from Jim. Jim and his family also visit Topsail Island for vacations each summer. It's ironic that both readers came up with the same website about the stargazer.
The link, referenced above, gives a good amount of detail about the fish. It does indeed produce a current and should be handled with care at least in the water.
Enjoy you blog as we vacation in Topsail with friends each summer.
Jim Robinson
Thanks again for your feedback. It is really appreciated. I encourage all the readers to send emails about their fishing trips. I would love to know what everyone else is catching here at Topsail Island.
Until next time.....
Tight Lines!