Daily Bible Verse

July 5, 2006

Independence Day

Zack woke me up today, July 4th, Independence Day, at 7am and wanted to go fishing. We got on the beach about 7:30. As I prepared our rigs for the morning of fishing, I could not help but think about our soldiers that are in peril on this Independence Day protecting my right and privilege to be safely fishing this morning with family and friends.
I am especially thinking of my nephew, a young marine, who has been overseas for a short while. A young man just out of high school, who felt it was his duty, his calling, to serve his country and ours, and protect, not only the rights of all Americans, but our very lives. Let us not forget the events of 911, proving our enemies willingness to kill Americans on American soil. Let us not forget that "Freedom" is not "Free". There is a price to be paid for our safety and freedoms as a nation, and now as individuals.
This is not a new concept to most of us. A price has already been paid to protect our safety and freedom. A price that some seem to have forgotten. The price has been paid by our fathers, our grandfathers, our great-grandfathers, and our ancestors before them. The price has been paid by our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, some who served in battle, others who kept the home and family intact and functioning in spite of the devastating loses of family members.
In addition, the brave young men and women who volunteer to be our protectors and champions are paying the price yet again. Moreover, by the mothers, by the fathers, by the brothers and sisters, the grandparents, the uncles and aunts, and cousins, and friends and loved ones of the brave souls who face peril daily so that we may live free and live safe. And they protect the freedoms of all Americans. Even the Americans who believe in no war for any reason. Americans who must believe that peace and freedom are somehow ordained, mystical, or magic. Those Americans who believe that left to its own accord, peace will simply be. That if we just leave everyone else to his or her own agendas', the rest of the world will leave us alone. IT IS THEIR RIGHT to believe what they believe. IT IS THEIR RIGHT to voice their opinion. THEIR RIGHT to voice their opinion as loud as they can.........
However, I wonder, if someone before them, before those who speak against fighting for any reason, someone before them, had chosen to say "NO". "NO" to fighting for our right to be safe . "NO" to fighting for our right to be free. "NO" to fighting for our right to worship as we please, or not to worship at all. "NO" to fighting for our right to free speech.... What if these brave souls that have gone on before us, giving their lives in wars and conflicts where others had attempted to take our safety and freedom away or destroy our country or our way of life, what if these brave souls had said "NO"? "I WILL NOT FIGHT FOR ANY REASON!" ...............What then............. Where would we be now? Could those who so disagree with war for any reason, would they be free to openly express the opinions they hold so dearly without fear of reprisals or even death?

Maybe...... Maybe not.


Sincerely, John R. Horner, Jr.