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Daily Bible Verse
July 13, 2006
Gearing up
Donna and I took Christina home today after a weeks visit. Before Christina, Zack stayed two weeks. As much as I enjoyed the visit, I am relieved to get things back to normal. I am ready for some serious fishing, once I get the mess that we made of my fishing gear straightened out. Everything is messed up and mixed up. I have reels that have to be cleaned and oiled, and rod tips that need to be fixed. I love 'em but they can be destructive to fishing equipment. As far as the rigs and other aritficials go, I don't think they are too bad. There doesn't seem to be much missing. So, the plan is to clean the gear up, restock, and hit the beach for some serious fishing. I need to call my friend Ken to see if he will help, because serious fishing is tough, and I need all the help I can get. I might can talk Donna into helping me fish for a few weeks so I can get caught up. It's a bad thing to be behind on your fishing! Really bad!