Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
Fishing has improved a bit today. My morning walk was very informing. As I walked the beach and talked to several anglers, I saw several nice whiting, a few up to two pounds. The whiting were biting cut shrimp, as well as sand fleas. I saw a really nice one that I know went over two pounds, that was caught on a Berkley Gulp Saltwater Swimming Mullet! The fleas are getting harder to find, and the folks I talked to had to dig for them as they were too deep for the flea rake. I didn't see any flounder, or speckled trout, but there were still a lot of black drum biting. I mentioned last post that the beach was littered with black drum carcuses, and although there were not as many this morning as yesterday, there were still more than normal. I am planning to fish the incoming tide this evening with Berkley Gulp Saltwater, using my trout rod that my good friend and fellow Surf City Pier angler Bill made for me. Bill builds and repairs fishing rods, and specializes in casting rods for blues, spanish, and trout, along with real sturdy rods for sheepshead. I had given Bill a collection of old and damaged rods, and Bill rewarded me with this new trout rod that he made from a damaged one I had given him. You would be suprised at how many useable fishing rods that are thrown away by vacationers that don't have room or the inclination to transport them back home. I find them in trash cans both on the beach and on the piers, and some in trash bins set out for the garbage trucks. Now I don't "dumpster dive", but if I see part of a fishing rod sticking out of a trash bin, I will investigate if there are any useable parts. I never have to buy line guides, as I always have a supply of found guides on hand. Sometimes the only thing wrong with an abandoned fishing rod, is the tip broken off. An easy fix, and a nice useable fishing rod is added to my collection, which Donna says is way to large. She ask "How can you use all those fishing rods?" Of course, any "true angler" will know that one can NEVER have too many fishing rods! If you would like to talk to Bill about a custom fishing rod, send me an email with your contact information, and I will have Bill call you. Time to get into my waders and head for the surf. Hopefully I will be having flounder or speckled trout for supper tonight. Stay tuned!
Till next time....
Tight lines!