Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
Hello from Surf City!
Fishing is good! Dad and I caught so many spots that we were giving them away. We caught flounder, we caught huge whiting, we caught blues, and pompano! I have heard of catches of red fish and spekled trout, in the sound and now from the surf. The water is full of bait. Spanish are still here, but in smaller numbers. Will the king bite on the piers ever quit? Doesn't look like it. Offshore, everything is biting. I'm not going to list them all, but if you have heard of it off the North Carolina coast, chances are it is biting offshore. Baits are the same as all summer. Live shrimp is the most prefered, with finger mullets coming in a close second. Then there is Gulp, all the Gulp baits are now producing. And let's add FishBites to that list. Spots love them especially the bloodworm flavor! If you haven't been to Topsail fishing this fall, why are you waiting? Come and gettum'.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna