I am starting this report announcing that I recently landed the greatest catch of my life. Karen, my sweetie of 3 years accepted my marriage proposal this past week. This has truly been a great week.
Now for the fishing. The bait fish are abundant and making their fall migrations South. As a result, the predators are feeding heavily and the fishing couldn't be better. My last few trips have mainly been inshore trips targeting Speckled Trout and Redfish and the bite has been quite good. The Redfish have been biting soft plastics quite well. Most of the fish are good slot fish in the 24-26-inch range.
The Specks are also really starting to turn on. This past Friday, I landed a 4lb Speck. on a DOA paddle tail. I also caught another 3lber on a top water plug. There is nothing like catching fish on topwater plugs!!!
I have lots of good falls dates available. Call today and book your trip!!!
Tight lines!!!
Capt. Brent
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