Hello from Surf City! The picture above is my Dad and the nice trout he caught on Jolly Rodger Pier. The speck hit a Berkley Gulp Swimming Mullet, white, four inch size. Dad also caught a few flounder on the same bait, but none were keepers. We caught a ton of black drum, filling our freezers and giving a bunch away. We also had a mess of black drum at Batt's Grille on the island in Surf City. They will cook your cleaned catch, and furnish french fries, slaw, and hushpuppies, for $4.50 per person.
I heard today that the specks are biting in the surf near New River Inlet at the north end of Topsail Island. I still haven't heard of many in the Surf City area. There have been a few keepers caught in the surf at the south end of Topsail Island. Reports from the inside continue to be good. With specks, flounder, and reds being caught on gulp, mirro-lures, live shrimp, and finger mullets. Yea, there are still a few finger mullets, but they are not easy to find.
Speaking of hard to find, I dug for a solid hour looking for sand fleas and found only two. The surf and piers are also producing some nice sea mullets, specifically whiting. I have seen some over two pounds, and a lot of smaller ones. I met one angler on the beach that was catching huge whiting on live shrimp! There have been a few big toad fish caught and a bunch of little ones from Surf City Pier and Jolly Rodger. Sorry, I don't have any reports from Seaview Pier.
I am going to try to get out Saturday, for a couple of hours. I will throw the mirro-lures and lead heads with Gulp Baits. I will let you know how I do. Oh, I almost forgot. A friend emailed me about his catch on the inside. He and his son limited out on trout fishing the tidal creeks off the waterway. I had no luck trying to get him to narrow down the area where he was fishing. Go get them while they are around.
I would once again like to thank you all for your emails concerning my Mother In Law, Bernice Reece, aka Ms. Lee, as she is known around the island. She is doing well, the best since her illness started last December. She is getting stronger every day.
Lets not forget to support the local bait and tackle shops by getting our fishing tackle and supplies from the locals. The prices are as good as Walmart. Thomas Seafood on hwy 50, just before the swing bridge has some nice fish for sale, as well as some beautiful shrimp. Owner Doug Thomas also had shell fish and "gator tail". Surf City Crab still has beautiful shrimp and shellfish. Jeff at One Stop has fresh caught shrimp and some beautiful speckled trout. East Coast Sports and Herrings Outdoor sports are having their end of season sales with lots of great specials. If you are thinking of buying a kayak, now is the time. Prices won't get any lower. Visit these local shops and share some fish stories.
I am sure a lot of you know Mr. Doug Haste, Doug's Tackle near Holly Ridge on Hwy 50. Mr Doug has been in poor health, and is just home from the hospital. Let's keep Mr. Doug in our prayers. We miss him at the tackle shop.
My migraines have been really bad the last couple of weeks, so with the headaches and my helping care for Ms. Lee, I haven't made it to the beach chasin' trout but a few times. So please send emails and photos of your catches. I am getting cabin fever! Guess I will have to settle for cyber fishing until I can get out.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
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