Hello from Surf City! Again, I want to apologize for the lack of posts recently. Believe me, it's not by choice that I haven't been able to check out and try to verify fishing reports, or even go fishing. Hopefully I will be back out there on a regular basis before the speckled trout quit biting. Oh wait a minute. The specks haven't started biting yet! Well, maybe a few are biting. But it seems that there aren't many biting in the surf. Not like last year anyway. I have a few "
unverified" reports of a few anglers getting some really nice specks down south near Jolly Roger Pier, a few more reports from the beach drivers down near the inlet, and the occasional "one of 'em was really big" from anglers around Surf City Pier. But to tell you the truth, I haven't
SEEN a keeper trout lately, and I surely haven't caught one. I heard an interesting theory today while I was chatting with other trout seeking anglers with empty coolers. As you may know, we had one of the most successful king fishing years in recent history, with many catches coming a few hundred yards from the beach. Was this influx of a ferocious predator the downfall of our winter trout fishing? Could be, I guess. According to this angler, this happens each time we have a bumper crop of kings. Who am I to say yea or nae? I am certainly not an expert on king mackerel or king mackerel fishing. Any other theories? Or maybe it's just that the weather has been mild, and the water is still relatively warm, and they just aren't in the surf yet?
There are some smallish black drum coming out of the surf today, and some huge sea mullets in the early mornings. And with the water still churning and muddy, I am not surprised. I have caught the largest whiting in rough water.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
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