Greetings to all!!!
Fall fishing is in full swing and we can only expect it to get better. The water is still a little warm, but the fishing is pretty hot.
Inshore the big story is still Redfish, Flounder and Speckled Trout. Live and artificial baits are both working well. Bluefish and some Spanish Mackerel are biting in the nearshore waters. Some Gray Trout are being caught around the near shore wrecks and live bottom areas.
The King Mackerel bite is really hot from just off the beach on out to 25 miles. A few Dolphin are being caught out around the 20-25 mile area, with a report of a few nice fish being caught inside of 10 miles. The Grouper bite has also picked up, especially in the 20-30 mile range.
Oct. 14, I had Bob and Carol aboard for a half day of inshore fun. They were the winning bidders for a trip that I donated to the UNCW athletic association for a fund raiser. We spent the morning fishing around the Fort Fisher historical site and had a great time. In all we caught a half dozen Redfish, 3 or 4 Flounder and a couple of small Specks.
On the 16th, I had one of our fine servicemen, home from Afghanistan, aboard for another day of great inshore fishing. Chis had contacted me via the internet while still overseas and I let him know that I would be honored to take him fishing. I new the day was going to be good when I hook and landed a nice speck on my first demonstration cast. We proceeded to work the specks over for the first two hours of the morning. Once that bite cooled off, we went in search of Chris's first Redfish. Chris told me that he had been trying to catch a Redfish since 1967 and that day, not only did he catch his first, but several more as well. We spent the day together picking away at the Redfish and Specks.

Welcome home soldier and be careful when you return!!!
This past weekend I spent my second year in a row guiding in the Cape Fear Red Trout Tournament to benefit Cystic Fibrosis. This tournament is part of the Redbone Tournament series. Once again, I had Wayne aboard, with his new partner Blake. Again, like last year, mother nature decided to hit us with a front and man did it screw up the fishing. The first day we made a 30 mile run down the river to get on the fish that I had been catching earlier in the week, but it just wasn't to be. Though we caught a few fish, none would measure so we made our 30 mile run back to the weigh-in with empty pockets. On Saturday, we fished closer to the tournament HQ, but once again, the fish had lock jaw and we ended up with a big goose egg. That's fishing folks.
October is almost gone, but November is coming quickly and I have good dates available. With the mild weather we have been having, the fishing will continue to be great. Give me a call and book your trip today.
Tight lines and remember, "keep what you can eat and release the rest to be caught another day".
Capt. Brent Stanley
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