Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Wishing all our readers a Happy and Blessed New Year!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
We strive to keep our site kid friendly. If you see anything that you would not want your child to see, please let us know. Thanks for visiting. Tell your friends about us.
Daily Bible Verse
December 31, 2009
Cold Weather, but the Fishing is Good.

Well Folks, the rain has slowed down a little but; now here comes the COLD weather!!! Welcome to southeast North Carolina fishing and weather, everyday is different and the fishing will be different as well! You can catch fish during colder weather and/or winters; you just have to change your style a little. I think this is going to be a little colder winter than the last one. So here is the fishing report>>>
The speckled trout have been hit and miss lately, some days we catch them good some days not as many. When we do get them; live shrimp has worked, as well as grubs have. Just lately I’ve had a few friends catch some bigger trout around the Masonboro jetties. When I’m looking for bigger trout, I turn too the live shrimp, not to say that big trout will not hit lures; they will! But for ease of fishing with charters; live shrimp do the trick time and time again!
When we are using grubs these are some of the patterns that are catching trout. Grub colors by Saltwater Assassin’s that have really done well are chicken on a chain and chart-diamond. Some other colors that are producing well are salt & pepper, space guppy and pearl. We rig the grubs on jig heads in colors black and red; in sizes 1/8 and ¼; with a twenty pound fluorocarbon leader. I don’t use a lot of floro, but I do for speckled trout fishing; trout have very good eye sight.
We are catching some small trout, Redfish and Striped bass in the Cape Fear River. These fish are hitting grubs, jerk shad and hard baits. The grubs and jerk shads that are working for us is. Saltwater Assassin and Berkley gulp in colors pearl, new penny and chartreuse. We use red and white jig heads in weights 1/4, 3/8 and ½ oz for the grubs. When we use jerk shads, we rig them Texas style with a 4/0 to 6/0 wide gap bass worm hook.
Redfish are schooling in the surf, we are always looking for a nice day to get out and chase them. They are pretty easy to catch; you just got to find them. That part can be a bit harder, trust me! A sunny, light wind day and good polarized sunglasses are the keys to catching these Reds. Grubs seem to be the easy go to bait for surf Reds. Saltwater Assassin “Blurps” in pearl and molting color work very well. We’ve also had good luck with Berkley gulp alive in jerk shad pattern; in colors new penny and pearl white. You need to use heavier jigs heads, ½ and 5/8 plus for casting. Color of the head is not a big deal Red, white and black all work just fine. Hold on tight, they fight great even in cold water!
There have still been good by-catches while we are trout fishing; these include some Tautogs, Sheephead, Flounder and Black & Red drum. These by-catches are hitting the grubs and live shrimp we are using for the trout. The great thing is they are all good eating! My favorites are the Tautogs and Sheephead. If your bait gets close to the bottom, you’ve got a good chance at picking up one of these guys.
Remember when the water gets cold, slow down your presentation. This will greatly help you catch more fish during the winter mouths!
Fishing Gear we use:Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
In Other Fishing News: Don’t forget starting in early January; there are some great boat and fishing expos coming to North Carolina. If you like fishing and boats you don’t want to miss these shows and fishing seminars! Here are the one’s that myself as well as other Ranger boats pro staff members will be at this winter.
January 8-10, 2010 - Raleigh Bass & Saltwater Fishing Expo NC State Fairgrounds - Raleigh, NC. This is a GREAT show, with over 160 booths offering everything from the latest lures, plastics, jigs, custom rods, apparel, knives, product sample booths, hard-tops, saltwater fishing guides, fresh water guides, cast nets, far one of the best shows of its kind in the Carolina's and Virginia. I will be there along with other Ranger pro staff members who include; Capt. Jeff Cronk and Capt. Mike Taylor, as well as many others fresh and salt water pros! I will speak on Cobia and Tarpon fishing during Saturday’s seminars.
February 12-14, 2010 - Raleigh Convention Center Boat Show - Raleigh, NC. This is a great show with lots of the “top of the line” boats form around the world. I’ll be there with other Ranger Pro’s to show you all the great benefits to the Ranger Saltwater line of boats.
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Merry Christmas to all our friends, family, loyal readers and fellow anglers. It was a wonderful day, the first Christmas in more than 35 years that Donna and I have spent by ourselves. It was very relaxing, enjoyable and peaceful. We did miss our family. God Bless you all!
Lord willing and the rain and wind stops, I'm going to try to persuade some trout to bite my mirro'lure tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Love you all!
Johnny and Donna
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Merry Christmas to all our friends, family, loyal readers and fellow anglers. It was a wonderful day, the first Christmas in more than 35 years that Donna and I have spent by ourselves. It was very relaxing, enjoyable and peaceful. We did miss our family. God Bless you all!
Lord willing and the rain and wind stops, I'm going to try to persuade some trout to bite my mirro'lure tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Love you all!
Johnny and Donna
December 15, 2009
Rain&Dirty Water=Good Speckled Trout Fishing around the Area Waters

Hello form a wet Southeast North Carolina, boy we’ve have had some rain lately! The good thing is the fish are still biting well to great some days! I talked with a few other fishermen lately and a lot have asked what to do about dirty water Speckled trout fishing. That is what I’m going to go over in this weeks fishing report>>>
The Speckled trout fishing continues to be pretty steady most days but we have had to change up a few things in our presentation for dirtier waters. What grubs do I use in dirtier waters; colors (Chicken on a chain), (10w 40/lime tail), (S&P SLV.PH/Chart.TL), (Blurps Rootbeer) and (Space Guppy) all of these are Saltwater Assassin colors in sea shad pattern. If you like to use Gulp Ghost shrimp (Chart Belly), (New Penny) and (Natural with sparkle). Now I’m not real big on scents for Speckled trout fishing, but when the water is dirty it can help bring a bite or two. Of course Gulp already has the scent but if you like none scented grubs try some BANG shrimp and/or BANG Texas tea spray scents. I don’t really change the color of my jig head; I use a little more red then black when the water is dirty. One thing I always do when the water is dirty is slow down my presentation; work the grub a little slower!
To the hard baits we use in dirtier waters. MirrOlures are great dirty waters bait; because you can work them so darn slow! This gives the trout longer to see and eat the MirrOlure. So which MirrOlures; 17MR, 27MR and S52MR all of these MirrOlures have rattles one more thing to draw in a bite! MirrOlure colors I like in dirtier waters; EC, 11, 26 and 808. One trick that has worked for me in the past is; steeping up in lure size when the water is dirty. Try a 27MR or a S52MR instead of a 17MR; this gives the trout a bigger target to see. Rapala’s X-rap in chartreuse is a good dirty water lure too.
Let’s not forget those good ole’ live shrimp; they work in clear or dirty waters. But I have seen lures work well when the water is dirty and sometimes better then live shrimp, I still don’t leave the dock with out them (shrimp).
There have still been lots of good by-catches while we are trout fishing; these include some Tautogs, Sheephead, Flounder and Black & Red drum. These by-catches are hitting the grubs and live shrimp we are using for the trout. The great thing is they are all good eating! My favorites are the Tautogs and Sheephead. If your bait gets close to the bottom, you’ve got a good chance at picking up one of these guys.
I hope some of these tactics help you catch more Speckled trout this season. Remember slow down your presentation, go with a little bigger lure and have some patients; you’ll get’em!
I’m going to offer a VERY GOOD but limited offer for the next few weeks or until they sell out. ½ price (50% off) 1/2 day (4 hour) charter gift certificates. That’s right; $150.00 for four hours of fishing; yes you can buy them for yourself or as a gift. This rate is for the boat and up to three people. They are good for all of 2010. E-mail or call 910-233-4139 for details of to purchase. We take all major credit cards. Also my special winter rates are in affect till the first of April.
Fishing Gear we use:Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
December 8, 2009
PS_ Speckle Trout Report
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
I was so agrevated about the flounder fishery, that I forgot to note the catching news. Speckled trout are showing up in the surf in good numbers, and some good size catches are being reported. I haven't heard of a creel limit, but lots of 12 and 13 inch fish are being landed. Anglers are being tight lipped about the bait, but I gather most are coming on Mirro-lure. Don't know which one is hot this year.
Remember, the size limit has increased to fourteen (14) inches this year.
Good luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
I was so agrevated about the flounder fishery, that I forgot to note the catching news. Speckled trout are showing up in the surf in good numbers, and some good size catches are being reported. I haven't heard of a creel limit, but lots of 12 and 13 inch fish are being landed. Anglers are being tight lipped about the bait, but I gather most are coming on Mirro-lure. Don't know which one is hot this year.
Remember, the size limit has increased to fourteen (14) inches this year.
Good luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Flounder Advisory Committee_ What's the point?
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Below the schedule information for the SOUTHERN FLOUNDER ADVISORY
COMMITTEE MEETING. After some things I have read recently, I wonder
what the point is? The powers that be does not, will not, consider the
recommendations of the committee. So, again, what's the point of a
meeting? I guess we need to keep trying to influence the Marine
Fisheries folks but it's looking bleak for the fishery.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Contact: Patricia Smith
Date: Dec. 8, 2009 Phone: (252) 726-7021
MOREHEAD CITY – The Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory
Committee to the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission will meet at 6:00
p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17 at the N.C. Department of Environment and
Natural Resources Regional Field Office, 943 Washington Square Mall,
Washington, N.C.
A meeting agenda follows.
For more information contact Division of Marine Fisheries Biologist
Chris Batsavage at (252) 808-8088 or You
may also contact the Marine Fisheries Commission office at
MFC Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee
NCDENR Regional Field Office – 943 Washington Square Mall -
Washington, NC
December 17, 2009 6-9 p.m.
§ Call to Order
§ Modifications to the Agenda
§ 15-Minute Public Comment Period
§ Southern Flounder Commercial Fishery Presentation– Chris Batsavage
§ Socio-economic Characteristics of the Southern Flounder Fisheries
Presentation– Scott Crosson
§ Issues to Address in FMP Amendment—Chris Batsavage
§ Plan Location, and Agenda Items for the Next Meeting – February 11,
§ Adjourn
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Below the schedule information for the SOUTHERN FLOUNDER ADVISORY
COMMITTEE MEETING. After some things I have read recently, I wonder
what the point is? The powers that be does not, will not, consider the
recommendations of the committee. So, again, what's the point of a
meeting? I guess we need to keep trying to influence the Marine
Fisheries folks but it's looking bleak for the fishery.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Contact: Patricia Smith
Date: Dec. 8, 2009 Phone: (252) 726-7021
MOREHEAD CITY – The Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory
Committee to the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission will meet at 6:00
p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17 at the N.C. Department of Environment and
Natural Resources Regional Field Office, 943 Washington Square Mall,
Washington, N.C.
A meeting agenda follows.
For more information contact Division of Marine Fisheries Biologist
Chris Batsavage at (252) 808-8088 or You
may also contact the Marine Fisheries Commission office at
MFC Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee
NCDENR Regional Field Office – 943 Washington Square Mall -
Washington, NC
December 17, 2009 6-9 p.m.
§ Call to Order
§ Modifications to the Agenda
§ 15-Minute Public Comment Period
§ Southern Flounder Commercial Fishery Presentation– Chris Batsavage
§ Socio-economic Characteristics of the Southern Flounder Fisheries
Presentation– Scott Crosson
§ Issues to Address in FMP Amendment—Chris Batsavage
§ Plan Location, and Agenda Items for the Next Meeting – February 11,
§ Adjourn
December 3, 2009
Speckled Trout Fishing is Going Strong around the area waters.

Hello from southeast North Carolina! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I enjoyed mine! The fishing has been quite good for the last two weeks, with lots of Speckled trout and a few other species mixed in as well to keep things fun. The big speck this week was six pounds and three ounce’s; we also caught a few over five and many more over four pounds. This is no doubt this going to be another big trout year! To the fishing report>>>
Not much has changed as far as how we are catching the Speckled trout. We are still catching quite a few nice Gary trout mixed in with the specks. The grays are hitting grubs and jigging spoons. Saltwater Assassin grubs in colors Chart-diamond glitter and Salt-pepper with chart-tail have worked well for the grays. The specks are hitting chicken on a chain, 10w-40 with chart tail and Salt & pepper with chart tail. The body shape that has worked for us is the sea shad in four inch size. In the last few trips we have got a few nice specks off Saltwater Assassin Blurp in shrimp pattern. The colors in blurp that are working are molting, good penny and rootbeer. We have also caught some trout on Berkley gulp new ghost shrimp in new penny color. This is the first gulp shrimp to have some real leg action; check’em out! We are using jig heads in colors pink and red; in weights 3/8oz and ½ oz for the grays and 1/8oz and 1/4oz for the specks.
We have started to use live shrimp as well for the specks. At this time on Tuesday 12-1 the water temp around Wrightsville Beach was 58` to 60` inshore and the inlet was around 60` to 62`. With this said it’s still warm and the trash fish are still eating up a lot of our live shrimp. This is going to change very soon with a good shot of colder air coming in this week. When we are using live shrimp, I rig them two different ways. We use float rigs and light Carolina rigs. On the float rig we use a #6 red or brown treble hook, for the Carolina rig we use a #1 L42 eagle claw hook. For both of these rigs, I prefer Stern’s tinted fluorocarbon leaders in 20# (Gunsmoke) tint. This stuff really works for our super clear water around the area!
There have been a few good by-catches while we are trout fishing; these include some Tautogs, Sheephead, Flounder and Black & Red drum. These by-catches are hitting the grubs and live shrimp we are using for the trout. The great thing is they are all good eating! My favorites are the Tautogs and Sheephead. It your bait gets close to the bottom, you’ve got a good chance at picking up one of these guys.
There still has been some False albacore fishing when the ocean is calm enough for us to get out. Marie jigs have been the best bet for the albacore. We are using a forty pound mono leader with a loop knot tied to the Marie jig. Colors and size’s; color green and pink in sizes 7gram and 14 gram. These albacore are a lot of fun on light tackle and fly; they are real drag screamers! Keep your eyes peeled for breaking fish and birds!
Fishing Gear we use:
Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving From Current Adventure
Here's wishing that you and yours have had a wonderful Thanksgiving! May we all have lots of tight lines and not forget about those that are less fortunate than ourselves. Also I would like to express a very special Thank You to all of the men and women serving in our armed forces. God Bless you all!!!
Happy Thanksgiving
Capt. Brent and Karen!!
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
November 25, 2009
Topsail Update
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Fishing is pretty good. I have had bad migraines recently and haven't updated the blog. My dad has been down for several days and caught tons of sea mullets and black drum with a few specks scattered in the catch. All fish were caught on cut fresh ocean shrimp. Most catches come at night or very early am. Specks are biting mirro lures in the surf better than piers. Again, fish early. Tide doesn't seem to matter much, but if I had to make a choice, I think I would choose falling. The Tuesday weather forecasting for is calling for a low of 33*. This cool air should really school the specks up. Check out the picture of the huge black drum caught from the surf at Topsail. Click on the East Coast Sports link below, and watch the slide show on the home page. I think it was estimated at 65 lbs.
Good luck! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Till Next Time....
Tight Lines!
Johnny and Donna
Topsail Beach, NC
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Fishing is pretty good. I have had bad migraines recently and haven't updated the blog. My dad has been down for several days and caught tons of sea mullets and black drum with a few specks scattered in the catch. All fish were caught on cut fresh ocean shrimp. Most catches come at night or very early am. Specks are biting mirro lures in the surf better than piers. Again, fish early. Tide doesn't seem to matter much, but if I had to make a choice, I think I would choose falling. The Tuesday weather forecasting for is calling for a low of 33*. This cool air should really school the specks up. Check out the picture of the huge black drum caught from the surf at Topsail. Click on the East Coast Sports link below, and watch the slide show on the home page. I think it was estimated at 65 lbs.
Good luck! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Till Next Time....
Tight Lines!
Johnny and Donna
Topsail Beach, NC
November 17, 2009
The wedding is over-back to catching fish
As many of you know, I got married on Oct 10 and spent the next two weeks in Hawaii. While there, I spent one day Marlin fishing out of Kona. I didn't catch my marlin, but I did get hooked up with an approx. 400+lb Blue Marlin. My wife and I were on the bridge with the first mate when I saw the big blue crash the short left rigging and begin dumping a 130!!! It was very exciting but after about 1/2hour, the hooks pulled. Oh well, that's fishing. At least I got some time in the chair.
Now that I am back, I took Dave and Greg out on Friday to do a little inshore fishing. The morning was slow, but as the wind laid down and the tide started to fall, the bite turned on. We ended up catching a couple of Flounder, over a dozen redfish and a half dozen or so Speckled Trout. A great way to celebrate being back in NC waters. Most fish were caught on a white Gulp shrimp on a 1/4oz jighead.
Sunday, I went back out by myself to do a little grieving and clear my head after having to put my 12-1/2yr old Golden Retriever down. I guess he was looking down on me as the weather was perfect and the backwaters were slick calm. I never did find any large schools of fish, but the bite was steady. The morning bite started out with Redfish eating a gold spoon. While working a grass bank, I saw a Redfish come half out of the water chasing a mullet minnow. I thought to myself, they sure are active this morning, and thought it would be a good time to try a topwater bait. It was a good call as I soon had five more fish in the boat in about 30 minutes. I second guessed myself by leaving those fish in an attempt to locate fish in a different place. That didn't pay off and I eventually ended back up in the same area. Once the tide started to fall, I switched over to a big purple worm and commenced to work the slot reds again. I ended up with over a dozen reds for the day before packing it in and heading for the hill. I love late fall Redfish fishing!!!

Capt. Brent Stanley
Current Adventure Charters
2009 East Cape Vantage (Hull #3)
90HP Honda 4-stroke
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Now that I am back, I took Dave and Greg out on Friday to do a little inshore fishing. The morning was slow, but as the wind laid down and the tide started to fall, the bite turned on. We ended up catching a couple of Flounder, over a dozen redfish and a half dozen or so Speckled Trout. A great way to celebrate being back in NC waters. Most fish were caught on a white Gulp shrimp on a 1/4oz jighead.
Sunday, I went back out by myself to do a little grieving and clear my head after having to put my 12-1/2yr old Golden Retriever down. I guess he was looking down on me as the weather was perfect and the backwaters were slick calm. I never did find any large schools of fish, but the bite was steady. The morning bite started out with Redfish eating a gold spoon. While working a grass bank, I saw a Redfish come half out of the water chasing a mullet minnow. I thought to myself, they sure are active this morning, and thought it would be a good time to try a topwater bait. It was a good call as I soon had five more fish in the boat in about 30 minutes. I second guessed myself by leaving those fish in an attempt to locate fish in a different place. That didn't pay off and I eventually ended back up in the same area. Once the tide started to fall, I switched over to a big purple worm and commenced to work the slot reds again. I ended up with over a dozen reds for the day before packing it in and heading for the hill. I love late fall Redfish fishing!!!
Capt. Brent Stanley
Current Adventure Charters
2009 East Cape Vantage (Hull #3)
90HP Honda 4-stroke
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Hot Speckled Trout Fishing around the area!

Well folks it is Trout Time and I love it! With cooler water temps and a little lighter winds fishing has been pretty good this last week and the start of this one. We did gat a lot of rain but, the water is in good shape for the most part. We are really starting to see some very nice Speckled trout around the area. We caught a 7.2, 5.5 and a half dozen over four pounds this week so far. It was nice to see the 7.2 in the net; the biggest trout I’ve seen in my boat this year. Let’s talk about how we have caught some of these nice trout lately in this weeks fishing report.
Grays and Specks are feeding well around in creeks, channels and inlets. The grays are hitting grubs and jigging spoons. Saltwater Assassin grubs in colors Chart-diamond glitter and Salt-pepper with chart-tail have worked well for the grays. The specks are hitting chicken on a chain, 10w-40 with chart tail and Salt & pepper with chart tail. The body shape that has worked for us is the sea shad in four inch size. In the last few trips we have got a few nice specks off Saltwater Assassin Blurp in shrimp pattern. The colors in blurp that are working are molting, good penny and rootbeer. We are using jig heads in colors pink and red; in weights 3/8oz and ½ oz for the grays and 1/8oz and 1/4oz for the specks. Colors for the jigging spoons that have worked well for the grays are Pink, Green/blue, and gold.
My charters have caught specks on a wide range of “hard” lures this season; some new and some good ole’ timer’s. Mirrolures that are working well for us are the Catch 2000 Jr, 52M and the 17MR. The best Mirrolure colors that are catching the trout are; pink, white on white, chartreuse and silver. Rapala’s X-rap in colors glass ghost and pink have all so been a hit this season. And of course don’t forget those live shrimp; they really do catch the trout! I rig all live bait, grubs and hard lures with fourteen to eighteen inch’s of twenty pound fluorocarbon. Trout have good eye sight and with the mostly clear water around this area, this seems to help us get more bites out of the trout. I really like Stren’s new tinted fluorocarbon leaders, we use gunsmoke tint for clear water apps.
We have caught some nice Flounder while Flounder fishing and also caught some while trying to catch trout lately. The Flounder are running about thirteen to twenty inch’s with a few bigger ones as well. The Flounder are hitting grubs in colors morning glory, chicken on a chain and molting in the blurp grub. When we are just targeting Flounder we are using live bait on Carolina rigs. Finger mullet and mud minnows are doing the trick for those flat fish. Most of the Flounder we are catching are in the creeks and around the inlets.
The red and black drum are showing around the area too. We’ve seen reds and blacks in the waterway (ICW) around docks and oyster rocks. There have been a few reds and blacks around the jetties as well lately. These drum are hitting scented grubs and live bait on the bottom. This week we caught a few black drum over seven pounds around the inlets on blurp grubs.
The trout fishing will only get better; we had lots of fish over four pounds last year. It looks like its going to be another great trout season, I believe that some body will catch a Speckled trout over ten pounds in the Wrightsville beach area this season! Let’s go Trout fishing>>>!
Fishing Gear we use:
Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
Grays and Specks are feeding well around in creeks, channels and inlets. The grays are hitting grubs and jigging spoons. Saltwater Assassin grubs in colors Chart-diamond glitter and Salt-pepper with chart-tail have worked well for the grays. The specks are hitting chicken on a chain, 10w-40 with chart tail and Salt & pepper with chart tail. The body shape that has worked for us is the sea shad in four inch size. In the last few trips we have got a few nice specks off Saltwater Assassin Blurp in shrimp pattern. The colors in blurp that are working are molting, good penny and rootbeer. We are using jig heads in colors pink and red; in weights 3/8oz and ½ oz for the grays and 1/8oz and 1/4oz for the specks. Colors for the jigging spoons that have worked well for the grays are Pink, Green/blue, and gold.
My charters have caught specks on a wide range of “hard” lures this season; some new and some good ole’ timer’s. Mirrolures that are working well for us are the Catch 2000 Jr, 52M and the 17MR. The best Mirrolure colors that are catching the trout are; pink, white on white, chartreuse and silver. Rapala’s X-rap in colors glass ghost and pink have all so been a hit this season. And of course don’t forget those live shrimp; they really do catch the trout! I rig all live bait, grubs and hard lures with fourteen to eighteen inch’s of twenty pound fluorocarbon. Trout have good eye sight and with the mostly clear water around this area, this seems to help us get more bites out of the trout. I really like Stren’s new tinted fluorocarbon leaders, we use gunsmoke tint for clear water apps.
We have caught some nice Flounder while Flounder fishing and also caught some while trying to catch trout lately. The Flounder are running about thirteen to twenty inch’s with a few bigger ones as well. The Flounder are hitting grubs in colors morning glory, chicken on a chain and molting in the blurp grub. When we are just targeting Flounder we are using live bait on Carolina rigs. Finger mullet and mud minnows are doing the trick for those flat fish. Most of the Flounder we are catching are in the creeks and around the inlets.
The red and black drum are showing around the area too. We’ve seen reds and blacks in the waterway (ICW) around docks and oyster rocks. There have been a few reds and blacks around the jetties as well lately. These drum are hitting scented grubs and live bait on the bottom. This week we caught a few black drum over seven pounds around the inlets on blurp grubs.
The trout fishing will only get better; we had lots of fish over four pounds last year. It looks like its going to be another great trout season, I believe that some body will catch a Speckled trout over ten pounds in the Wrightsville beach area this season! Let’s go Trout fishing>>>!
Fishing Gear we use:
Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
November 12, 2009
Wind Wind Wind!
Lots of wind down here at Topsail over the last several days as the remnants of Ida rolled through. Throw in quite a few inches of rain, and you make for some pretty nasty weather. The last time I checked, It was due to roll on out of here tomorrow. This should make for a nice fall weekend at the beach. Before the winds moved in, the fishing was going quite well. The nice virginia mullet continue to bite at night, along with flounder, drum, (puppy and black (one black drum over 40lbs was caught and released last week from the surf just down from the pier)) blues, a few spots, and some pompano. The trout still haven't shown up in good numbers yet. This is due in large part to the extremely warm water temperatures that we are seeing. It is not unusual for the water to already be in the 50's by now. As it is, it is still in the mid to upper 60's! This is a good thing for lots of other species of fish though. It has the potential to prolong our season by several weeks if everything aligns right! It is hard to say what the results of this blow are going to be on the fishing. It could be just what we need to trigger one last good spot run. I do look for the mullet to return in soon as the water calms enough to make things fishable. Give us a call at the Jolly Roger for an up to date fishing/ocean conditions report!
Come on down to Topsail this weekend and enjoy some of this wonderful mind weather that mother nature has provided us with!
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Inn and Pier
803 Ocean Blvd.
Topsail Beach, NC
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
November 11, 2009
Black Drum! Nice 'uns!
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Email from blog reader
Let me start by saying that I read your blog every week to see what is going on fishing wise at Topsail Island. Although I currently live in Brunswick County, I do most of my fishing back in Topsail due to the fact that my family has a beach house there. Just wanted to send this picture of what my father, brother, and myself caught late Saturday evening in "a hole" right off the waterway. Got to the spot about 4 oclock Saturday and fished until about 5:15 or so with live shrimp, minnows, and cut shrimp. They didn't really do anything with the minnows but loved the shrimp. The two largest were just under 7 pounds and the smallest were not quiet 3 pounds. A lot of fun to catch. Kept them all that evening and dad cleaned them. Me and dad went back to the same spot Sunday morning to see if we could get a flounder or a red and the black's were still there and some reds bit as well. Released everything Sunday. Fun weekend.
Mark Benton

[end quote]
Great catch Mark! Thanks for sending the pic and email. Haven't had anything great to post recently. Thanks again.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Email from blog reader
Let me start by saying that I read your blog every week to see what is going on fishing wise at Topsail Island. Although I currently live in Brunswick County, I do most of my fishing back in Topsail due to the fact that my family has a beach house there. Just wanted to send this picture of what my father, brother, and myself caught late Saturday evening in "a hole" right off the waterway. Got to the spot about 4 oclock Saturday and fished until about 5:15 or so with live shrimp, minnows, and cut shrimp. They didn't really do anything with the minnows but loved the shrimp. The two largest were just under 7 pounds and the smallest were not quiet 3 pounds. A lot of fun to catch. Kept them all that evening and dad cleaned them. Me and dad went back to the same spot Sunday morning to see if we could get a flounder or a red and the black's were still there and some reds bit as well. Released everything Sunday. Fun weekend.
Mark Benton

[end quote]
Great catch Mark! Thanks for sending the pic and email. Haven't had anything great to post recently. Thanks again.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
November 5, 2009
Incredible Virginia Mullet on the Jolly Roger!
It seems like just yesterday we were announcing the arrival of yet another October, and with it, the outstanding fishing we have all come to expect. It has now come and gone, and I am left to reflect upon one of the best Octobers in recent memory (so far as the fishing is concerned). Sure, there were some slow spells, and the weather didn't always cooperate, but for the most part we couldn't have asked for much better fishing!
That brings us to November. What better way to start the last good month of fishing than with an OUTSTANDING virginia mullet run! Thats right, starting this past Sunday night, and continuing every night thereafter, the quality virginia mullet have been biting in great numbers.
After listening to good reports several nights in a row, I finally made it out last night to get a "first hand" report. All I can say is WOW! In a matter of 3 hours, (from 7-10pm) three of us landed and kept 61 mullet! We culled and threw back all but the largest, and left them biting when we left at 10. This seems to be consistent with all of the reports up and down the pier; from the surf all of the way out to the end. The key was to have FRESH shrimp, the fresh ones were out catching older ones by a margin of at least 2 to 1.
Nice puppy drum are still being landed, and the keeper flounder continue to bite well. One gentleman landed his limit of flounder yesterday using live minnows out on the pier! The speckled trout, although running slightly late this year, are beginning to show in better numbers. From the people fishing the sound/intercoastal, to the ones fishing the holes along the surf, to the ones that chose to drift live baits off of the pier, I have received improving reports throughout the week. One good cold snap should bunch them up and get them firing on all cylinders.
Surf fishermen have been reporting good catches virginia mullet, puppy drum, flounder, black drum, pompano, and blues. The bite has been best at and around low tide. Most all of the larger mullet and pompano are being caught on sand fleas.
Offshore, the king mackerel fishing remains great in the 10-20 mile range. Grouper are still holding on the medium range ledges, and the gags are in their aggressive fall feeding mode. When the weather breaks enough to allow us to make it on offshore to the break, the wahoo are still biting extremely well.
It is supposed to be a beautiful, warm, and sunny weekend. Grab your rods and get on down to the Topsail. There aren't many fish out there that taste better than a virginia mullet!
Tight Lines!
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Inn and Pier
803 Ocean Blvd.
Topsail Beach, NC
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
November 2, 2009
Sea Mullet Bite is Good!
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Hello from Topsail Beach!
Vinita at Surf City Pier says mullets are biting well at the pier. Same at other piers on Topsail.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Hello from Topsail Beach!
Vinita at Surf City Pier says mullets are biting well at the pier. Same at other piers on Topsail.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
It's Big Speckled Trout Time around the area waters!

I hope everybody is enjoying the fall weather; it did get a little warm for a couple days. I think that is over for the most part, I’m ready for more fall weather! Now that the weather is getting back to normal; fishing has really picked up in the last couple of days! With that said here is the fishing report!
Trout has been the story for the most part lately. Grays and Specks are feeding well around in creeks, channels and inlets. The grays are hitting grubs and jigging spoons. Saltwater Assassin grubs in colors Chart-diamond glitter and Salt-pepper with chart-tail have worked well for the grays. The body shape that has worked for us is the sea shad in four inch size. We are using jig heads in colors pink and red; in weights 3/8oz, ½ oz and 1oz. Colors for the jigging spoons that have worked well for the grays are Pink, Green/blue, and gold. Going with bright colors is a good “go too” choice when fishing for gray trout.
The Speckled trout fishing is really getting good and will continue to pick up. We have already caught some very nice trout in the four and five pound range on live and artificial baits. My charters have caught specks on a wide range of lures this season; some new and some good ole’ timer’s. Let’s start with the hard baits. Mirrolures that are working well for us are the Catch 2000 Jr, 52M and the 17MR. The best Mirrolure colors that are catching the trout are; pink, chartreuse and silver. Grubs and soft baits; in the grub style baits colors chart-diamond, silver mullet and chicken on a chain. Yes that is the real name of this grub color.
In the shrimp style grubs the colors we are using; Arkansas glow, clear and bone-diamond. We are rigging the Saltwater Assassin shrimp with worm hooks and Texas style worm weights. We are also using Berkley Gulps new ghost shrimp in New penny color. To the live bait; it’s hard to beat the good ole’ live shrimp, they just work! Rigging the live shrimp on float rigs has worked for us. Don’t forget all you Fly fishermen out there, trout are fun and pretty easy to catch on a fly. Try shrimp and clouser patterns in natural colors and chartreuse & red/white.
False albacore fishing has been good on days when the ocean is calm enough for us to get out. Marie jigs have been the best bet for the albacore. We are using a forty pound mono leader with a loop knot tied to the Marie jig. Colors and size’s; color green and pink in sizes 7gram and 14 gram. These albacore are a lot of fun on light tackle and fly; they are real drag screamers! Red fishing is starting to change around the area; the Reds are starting to move around some with the cooler weather. On lighter wind and sunny days we’re finding fish on the oyster flats. When we find these fish we are using rattling corks with finger mullets to catch them. We’ve also caught some Reds in the ICW around docks and boat landings. Carolina rigs with finger mullet are working well for the dock Reds. On days when I’m using just using lures to catch Reds, we’ve caught Reds on Saltwater Assassin Blurp grubs in the shrimp pattern, color good penny and pearl.
My charters have caught lots of bluefish while we have been Trout fishing; there really has been all the bluefish you can deal with lately!! If you like catching blues; Go Fishing! Flounder are biting as well, we’ve caught a good number while trout fishing. Some of the flounder are in the three to five pound range; a nice bonus while trout fishing.
Fishing Gear we use:
Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
Trout has been the story for the most part lately. Grays and Specks are feeding well around in creeks, channels and inlets. The grays are hitting grubs and jigging spoons. Saltwater Assassin grubs in colors Chart-diamond glitter and Salt-pepper with chart-tail have worked well for the grays. The body shape that has worked for us is the sea shad in four inch size. We are using jig heads in colors pink and red; in weights 3/8oz, ½ oz and 1oz. Colors for the jigging spoons that have worked well for the grays are Pink, Green/blue, and gold. Going with bright colors is a good “go too” choice when fishing for gray trout.
The Speckled trout fishing is really getting good and will continue to pick up. We have already caught some very nice trout in the four and five pound range on live and artificial baits. My charters have caught specks on a wide range of lures this season; some new and some good ole’ timer’s. Let’s start with the hard baits. Mirrolures that are working well for us are the Catch 2000 Jr, 52M and the 17MR. The best Mirrolure colors that are catching the trout are; pink, chartreuse and silver. Grubs and soft baits; in the grub style baits colors chart-diamond, silver mullet and chicken on a chain. Yes that is the real name of this grub color.
In the shrimp style grubs the colors we are using; Arkansas glow, clear and bone-diamond. We are rigging the Saltwater Assassin shrimp with worm hooks and Texas style worm weights. We are also using Berkley Gulps new ghost shrimp in New penny color. To the live bait; it’s hard to beat the good ole’ live shrimp, they just work! Rigging the live shrimp on float rigs has worked for us. Don’t forget all you Fly fishermen out there, trout are fun and pretty easy to catch on a fly. Try shrimp and clouser patterns in natural colors and chartreuse & red/white.
False albacore fishing has been good on days when the ocean is calm enough for us to get out. Marie jigs have been the best bet for the albacore. We are using a forty pound mono leader with a loop knot tied to the Marie jig. Colors and size’s; color green and pink in sizes 7gram and 14 gram. These albacore are a lot of fun on light tackle and fly; they are real drag screamers! Red fishing is starting to change around the area; the Reds are starting to move around some with the cooler weather. On lighter wind and sunny days we’re finding fish on the oyster flats. When we find these fish we are using rattling corks with finger mullets to catch them. We’ve also caught some Reds in the ICW around docks and boat landings. Carolina rigs with finger mullet are working well for the dock Reds. On days when I’m using just using lures to catch Reds, we’ve caught Reds on Saltwater Assassin Blurp grubs in the shrimp pattern, color good penny and pearl.
My charters have caught lots of bluefish while we have been Trout fishing; there really has been all the bluefish you can deal with lately!! If you like catching blues; Go Fishing! Flounder are biting as well, we’ve caught a good number while trout fishing. Some of the flounder are in the three to five pound range; a nice bonus while trout fishing.
Fishing Gear we use:
Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
October 30, 2009
Sea Mullet at Jolly Roger
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Just got back from Jolly Roger Pier. Anglers are catching sea mullet, lots of sea mullet. I saw one cooler that had to have seventy five nice ones! There were two happy little boys bragging about their catches. Their Dad says they caught a lot they threw back in. Spots were biting well starting Wednesday. Haven't heard anything about today.
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Just got back from Jolly Roger Pier. Anglers are catching sea mullet, lots of sea mullet. I saw one cooler that had to have seventy five nice ones! There were two happy little boys bragging about their catches. Their Dad says they caught a lot they threw back in. Spots were biting well starting Wednesday. Haven't heard anything about today.
Tight lines!
October 26, 2009
Good Fishing Returns!
I am happy to report that the fishing on Topsail has returned to the normal outstanding fall levels that we expect during Oct.! It started last Thursday with the nice (24-35") puppy drum schooling up and moving along the beach. For two days in a row there was a school that hung out under the end of the pier! Since then there have been good numbers of them caught every day. I spoke someone this afternoon who has been experiencing an outstanding bite from the surf for the past two days. In just a couple hours of fishing this afternoon, he reported landing 9 quality drum himself!
There has also been a good smattering of everything else. When the wind finally cranked back up on Friday afternoon, the big virginia mullet started biting out on the pier. They have caught them consistently every night since then; fresh shrimp has been the key. After a week long absence, the spots reappeared on Saturday and have been off and on since with good runs Sat. and today. The bluefish have been THICK in the mornings and afternoons with most of the action coming on gotcha plugs. Other catches include spanish, (Saturday) nice flounder, black drum, and a few trout.
The water temps have stabilized and remain average to slightly above average for this time of the year. As far as a fishing "outlook" goes, I am hesitant to make any predictions. As a general rule though, I would look for the drum fishing to continue to be outstanding for at least three to four more weeks, (Oct. and Nov. are our best two months for drum) and for the trout to start bunching up upon the arrival of our next cold front. The spots usually remain strong through the 10th of Nov, and then they become a little more hit or miss, but the ones you do catch later in the year are normally the really BIG yellow bellies. Some of the best spot fishing I have ever experienced has been in late Nov. all by myself on the pier. When I say big, I'm am talking about spots that average just under a pound! Virginia mullet fishing is just now starting to hit its prime, and should only get better over the course of the next week or two. I am really excited that the the nice sized mullet in here this early, this bite should continue through Thanksgiving. They are a really fun fish to catch, not to mention they are one of the best eating fish out there! One other fish that generally shows in good numbers in Nov. is the black drum. Just this week I have heard several reports of them being caught from both the pier and surf.
As always, feel free to give us a call at the tackle shop for an up-to-date fishing report.
Until next time,
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Pier
803 Ocean Blvd.
Topsail Beach, NC
Fishing Topsail Message BoardTopsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
October 20, 2009
Break In The Action
What can I say... The fish have a mind of their own, and I was wrong. In my last post I commented on the outstanding fishing we had been experiencing, and predicted the trend to continue. I guess even the fish have to take a break every now and then. Starting last Friday and continuing through yesterday there was a downturn in the fishing activity. I think it may have had something to do with the hard NW winds that have prevailed since then. Sometimes when a big weather system moves in, the fish will feed hard beforehand, and then once it hits, they will assume lockjaw for several days while adjusting to the cooler conditions. The wind has just now switched back around to the east, and should remain somewhere in that general direction for the next several days. There are some bright spots to be found within the last several days as well though. I have heard of some great BIG virginia mullet catches, with a few pompano, flounder, and drum thrown in. The mullet have been biting best on live sand-fleas around low tide. The bait is thick about 1/2 mile off of the beach, and I am hoping that this onshore wind will pack it back up against the beach. The fall speckled trout bite is also beginning to pick up. There have been a few really nice ones landed back behind Topsail this week, along with a few from the pier. Make sure to check those "big pompano" closely. Over the last week we have had several people bring in fish to be weighed that they thought were really nice pompano, but turned out to be smaller (1-4lb) permit! Although we don't see a whole lot of permit in this area, it is not unheard of to catch one. What has been surprising is the unusually high numbers of them caught.
I'll try to get another report out towards the end of the week to update whether or not the fishing has picked up any. Its October, the fish have got to bite sometime!
Until next time,
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Pier
803 Ocean Blvd.
Topsail Beach, NC
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
October 19, 2009
Fall Temps=Great Fall Fishing around the area!

Hello from very cool Southeast North Carolina! I said it last week but, I really mean it this week; fall is REALLY showing this week! Very cool temps and lots of wind, but Fishing is good and getting better every day with the fall weather!
The Speckled trout are really starting to show and we are seeing some bigger fish around the area. The best trout bites lately have been on hard baits. Mirrolures in patterns 17MR in colors; pink, chartreuse and bone have been very productive for us. We are also catching some of the trout in deeper water with grubs. The best grub colors for us have been; chart-diamond, greenback shiner, chicken on a chain and silver mullet. In the Shrimp pattern colors; clear, bone-diamond and root beer. Rig the grubs and shrimp patterns on a red or black jig head for best results.
Red fishing is starting to change around the area; the Reds are starting to move around some with the cooler weather. On lighter wind and sunny days we’re finding fish on the oyster flats. When we find these fish we are using rattling corks with finger mullets to catch them. We’ve also caught some Reds in the ICW around docks and boat landings. Carolina rigs with finger mullet are working well for the dock Reds. On days when I’m using just using lures to catch Reds, we’ve caught Reds on Saltwater Assassin Blurp grubs in the shrimp pattern, color good penny and pearl.
We are still catching Flounder around the inlets and in the creeks. Most of the fish in the creeks are running a little smaller but there are some keepers still. The Flounder around inlets are running a little bigger than the inshore fish. Most of the Flounder are eating Mullet and Mud minnows on light Carolina rigs. We have caught some Flounder on Artificial baits as well. We have had the best luck with Saltwater Assassin Blurp grubs in molting and pearl colors. In none scented grubs; colors like chicken on a chain, chart-diamond and morning glory are working well for the Flounders.
Gary trout have been biting well this last week. We are seeing the grays around the inlets and just off the beach on live bottom and small ledges. We are catching most of the Grays the same way we’ve been catching the Flounder; Carolinas rigs and live bait. My favorite live bait for Grays is finger mullet. If you would rather use lures, small jigging spoons and grubs will work just fine. I like to put a shot of scent on my grubs; “Bang’s” shrimp, crab, and Taxes tea are some of my favorites.
Lots of Bluefish are showing up all most everywhere; creeks, ICW, inlets and the ocean. Blues are easy and fun to catch; bright lures, silver, gold and pink are my favorite colors “go bright”! We are casting jigs and spoons around the inlets and/or when the birds are working the surface. They are also fun on a light fly rod and one of the few fish that are easy to catch on a fly rod!
The Fishing gear we use:
Reds, Trout, Blues and Flounder: Reels Penn Sargus and Conquer spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Rods: All Star ASR inshore series 7’ med action and Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy. Fourteen pound Berkley Fireline Crystal.
In other fishing news:
The 2009 Cape Fear Red-Trout Celebrity Classic to benefit Cystic fibrosis was held this last weekend 10-15 to 10-17. I really enjoy fishing this tournament year after year. It’s fun and there are a lot of very talented guides that fish this tournament. I had the pleasure fishing with Adam Meyer and Liz Bielski with Charter Lakes Insurance group again this year. I’m very happy to announce that team Charter Lakes took: Runner-up Grand Champion Angler, Lady Angler Grand Champion and the Largest Trout divisions. Liz caught more fish than Adam again this year, congrats Liz, great job! I look forward to fishing this tournament again next year.
Don’t forget take a kid fishing and good fishing to ya,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger boats and
Pure Fishing Pro staff
October 15, 2009
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Spots are biting two at a time at Surf City Pier. Right now spots are being caught two at a time. Weather is crummy and surf is rough, which is great for spot fishing. Blood worms are probably catching five to one over cut fresh shrimp. Pompano and sea mullets, and black drum are biting also. I saw more flounder today than in a long time. One angler had six beauties. I probably saw 20 to 25 small under limit flounder go back in the water. Also saw a 23 to 24 inch speckled trout caught on a live shrimp, carolina rig. Don't have a report from the other piers, but it's probably much of the same. Wind, rain, nasty weather............. perfect for spot fishing! Go Get 'um! If you can find a place to squeeze in with the shoulder to shoulder, suds to the end of pier, spot frenzy. Man, I had forgotten how good the cappuccino at Surf City Pier is, until today while fishing in the cold damp weather at the pier.
Got this email and picture from a blog reader. Thanks to Mark Watkins for sending the pic.
Caught this red drum one just off the pier in the coast last Sunday Oct. 4th.
We estimated over 40lbs before thowing it back.
Fought around 20-25 minutes on 5-10lb test.
Too much fun.
[end quote]

Now THAT'S a red drum! Congrats Mark!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Spots are biting two at a time at Surf City Pier. Right now spots are being caught two at a time. Weather is crummy and surf is rough, which is great for spot fishing. Blood worms are probably catching five to one over cut fresh shrimp. Pompano and sea mullets, and black drum are biting also. I saw more flounder today than in a long time. One angler had six beauties. I probably saw 20 to 25 small under limit flounder go back in the water. Also saw a 23 to 24 inch speckled trout caught on a live shrimp, carolina rig. Don't have a report from the other piers, but it's probably much of the same. Wind, rain, nasty weather............. perfect for spot fishing! Go Get 'um! If you can find a place to squeeze in with the shoulder to shoulder, suds to the end of pier, spot frenzy. Man, I had forgotten how good the cappuccino at Surf City Pier is, until today while fishing in the cold damp weather at the pier.
Got this email and picture from a blog reader. Thanks to Mark Watkins for sending the pic.
Caught this red drum one just off the pier in the coast last Sunday Oct. 4th.
We estimated over 40lbs before thowing it back.
Fought around 20-25 minutes on 5-10lb test.
Too much fun.
[end quote]

Now THAT'S a red drum! Congrats Mark!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
October 14, 2009
Cooling Trend-Great Fishing 10/14/09
Hello all! Sorry it has been so long in between reports.
Great fishing continues down here at Topsail. The spots, mullet, flounder, drum, and lots of blues, spanish, and pompano have been biting on the Jolly Roger since my last post. It just doesn't get much better than the fishing we have had this past week.
There have been many citation size pompano and mullet weighed in. They are being caught on sand-fleas and shrimp both on the pier and in the surf. Up until this blow started the plugging for blues and spanish had been incredible, what all this wind does to that fishing is yet to be seen.
Two kings were caught on the end of the pier (largest 26lb) plus a bonus 29lb red drum last week! These big reds are really making a comeback in this area. I have talked with several people who have located large schools of these big (25-50lb) drum cruising up and down the beach! The king mackerel bite continues to be strong along the nearshore hard bottom areas. Live bait seems to have been the ticket recently.
Offshore the wahoo fishing remains awesome! We have been out several times in the last week and have brought back some really nice catches of fish. The gag grouper bite is about as good as it gets right now as well!
As I look at the long range forecast I am excited by the promise of continued cooling temps and northerly winds. Make sure to bring your warm clothes if you plan fish this weekend. The forecast is calling for lows in the mid 40's down here starting Thursday! That should really get the fish in a feeding mode!
Good luck and be safe out there!
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Pier
803 Ocean Blvd.
Topsail Beach, NC
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
October 9, 2009
Huge Spots at Jolly Roger Pier
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Donna and I walked to Jolly Roger Pier tonight. At about 8 pm, the spots were being caught two at a time by many anglers. One family we talked to said they had caught 28 fish in the last 30 minutes. And they were nice, big yellow bellies. The wind is not "right", and is coming out of the south. I can't recall seeing this happen before. Almost all of my experiences have been northeast wind when the big spots are biting in the fall and early winter. But anyway, they are biting tonight. I don't know about the other piers or the surf. We are planning a trip to the inlet in the morning. Maybe the bite will continue. I'll let you know when we return home. To anyone else fishing in the morning, good luck to you. See you on the beach!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Donna and I walked to Jolly Roger Pier tonight. At about 8 pm, the spots were being caught two at a time by many anglers. One family we talked to said they had caught 28 fish in the last 30 minutes. And they were nice, big yellow bellies. The wind is not "right", and is coming out of the south. I can't recall seeing this happen before. Almost all of my experiences have been northeast wind when the big spots are biting in the fall and early winter. But anyway, they are biting tonight. I don't know about the other piers or the surf. We are planning a trip to the inlet in the morning. Maybe the bite will continue. I'll let you know when we return home. To anyone else fishing in the morning, good luck to you. See you on the beach!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
October 8, 2009
Up & Down Weather around the Area=Good Fishing.

Well Folks, fall is really showing strong this week! A real roller coaster of weather: one day with hot temps and light winds the very next day very windy and rainy and then cool temps. Hey that’s what gets those fall fish biting so we can’t complain too much. With that said lets talk fall fishing!
We’ve had some very good Spanish Mack runs lately. Most of the Spanish are hitting Clark spoons on number one planners, a few fish have hit on top as well. We have also caught some on Fly’s and Marie jigs casting when the Spanish get on top to feed. The Spanish are very nice in size; most fish are two to some over four pounds “nice fall size”. They are biting just off the beach to about two miles off the beach. I don’t know how much longer they will be here with the cooler air moving in; will just have to see!
The Flounder fishing has been good for the most part, on some trips we’ve caught over twelve keeper fish. Most of the Flounder are eating Mullet and Mud minnows on light Carolina rigs. The Flounder are mixed in size to just under keeper size to a few over five pounds. We have caught some Flounder on Artificial baits as well. We have had the best luck with Saltwater Assassin Blurp grubs in molting color and “Chicken on a chain” color grubs. Rig the grubs on a red or black jig head for best results.
Redfish schools are starting to show up in the surf. You can find these schools of twenty to over a thousand Redfish around inlets, outer sand bars and jetties. Once you find these schools there pretty easy to catch if the weather is calm. We cast half once and one once jig heads with five inch Saltwater Assassin jerk shads in colors molting and pearl. You will need a good pair of polarized sunglasses to see these Reds in the surf!
We’ve caught some bigger bull Redfish in and around the local inlets. We are catching Reds in the 24 to over 32 inch range, some days their over the slot some days their in the slot. Most of the Reds around the inlets are hitting mullets and fresh menhaden on Carolina rigs; using heavier egg sinkers with circle hooks 9/0 to 11/0. On some days we have had some luck on Saltwater Assassin Blurp grubs in colors molting and pearl; using heavier jig heads.
And last but Not lest, Speckled Trout are starting to show and bite! The Speckled trout fishing has gotten better and better around this area every year! It looks like it will be the same this year as well; “I Can’t wait, I love Trout fishing”! The best trout bites lately have been on grubs and hard baits, but we have caught some on the good ‘ole live shrimp as well. The best grub colors for us have been; chart-diamond, greenback shiner, chicken on a chain and silver mullet. In the Shrimp pattern colors; clear, bone-diamond and root beer. Rig the grubs and shrimp patterns on a red or black jig head for best results.
Hard lure’s that seem to be bringing the trout to the boat are Mirrolures and X-raps in colors pink, chartreuse, and white. Most of the trout we have caught have been in the creeks and main channels connecting to the ICW and inlets.
The Fishing gear we use:
Reds, Trout and Flounder: Reels Penn Sargus and Conquer spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy. Fourteen pound Berkley Fireline Crystal. Bull Redfish: Penn spinning reel 760L (Live Liner) and Penn Torque 100TRQ. Rods: Penn Torque 6’6” 30-80 class spinning and Torque 6’ 80-130 casting. Line: forty pound Spider wire Ultracast.
I’m writing on a new and great web site: take a look at the site lots of good fishing info and insight!
Don’t forget take a kid fishing and good fishing to ya,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger boats and
Pure Fishing Pro staff
* Our prayers are with the family of the young man who died working on a boat at a local marine dealership.
We’ve had some very good Spanish Mack runs lately. Most of the Spanish are hitting Clark spoons on number one planners, a few fish have hit on top as well. We have also caught some on Fly’s and Marie jigs casting when the Spanish get on top to feed. The Spanish are very nice in size; most fish are two to some over four pounds “nice fall size”. They are biting just off the beach to about two miles off the beach. I don’t know how much longer they will be here with the cooler air moving in; will just have to see!
The Flounder fishing has been good for the most part, on some trips we’ve caught over twelve keeper fish. Most of the Flounder are eating Mullet and Mud minnows on light Carolina rigs. The Flounder are mixed in size to just under keeper size to a few over five pounds. We have caught some Flounder on Artificial baits as well. We have had the best luck with Saltwater Assassin Blurp grubs in molting color and “Chicken on a chain” color grubs. Rig the grubs on a red or black jig head for best results.
Redfish schools are starting to show up in the surf. You can find these schools of twenty to over a thousand Redfish around inlets, outer sand bars and jetties. Once you find these schools there pretty easy to catch if the weather is calm. We cast half once and one once jig heads with five inch Saltwater Assassin jerk shads in colors molting and pearl. You will need a good pair of polarized sunglasses to see these Reds in the surf!
We’ve caught some bigger bull Redfish in and around the local inlets. We are catching Reds in the 24 to over 32 inch range, some days their over the slot some days their in the slot. Most of the Reds around the inlets are hitting mullets and fresh menhaden on Carolina rigs; using heavier egg sinkers with circle hooks 9/0 to 11/0. On some days we have had some luck on Saltwater Assassin Blurp grubs in colors molting and pearl; using heavier jig heads.
And last but Not lest, Speckled Trout are starting to show and bite! The Speckled trout fishing has gotten better and better around this area every year! It looks like it will be the same this year as well; “I Can’t wait, I love Trout fishing”! The best trout bites lately have been on grubs and hard baits, but we have caught some on the good ‘ole live shrimp as well. The best grub colors for us have been; chart-diamond, greenback shiner, chicken on a chain and silver mullet. In the Shrimp pattern colors; clear, bone-diamond and root beer. Rig the grubs and shrimp patterns on a red or black jig head for best results.
Hard lure’s that seem to be bringing the trout to the boat are Mirrolures and X-raps in colors pink, chartreuse, and white. Most of the trout we have caught have been in the creeks and main channels connecting to the ICW and inlets.
The Fishing gear we use:
Reds, Trout and Flounder: Reels Penn Sargus and Conquer spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy. Fourteen pound Berkley Fireline Crystal. Bull Redfish: Penn spinning reel 760L (Live Liner) and Penn Torque 100TRQ. Rods: Penn Torque 6’6” 30-80 class spinning and Torque 6’ 80-130 casting. Line: forty pound Spider wire Ultracast.
I’m writing on a new and great web site: take a look at the site lots of good fishing info and insight!
Don’t forget take a kid fishing and good fishing to ya,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger boats and
Pure Fishing Pro staff
* Our prayers are with the family of the young man who died working on a boat at a local marine dealership.
October 7, 2009
SC Pier Report
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
My friend Ken and I fished Surf City Pier today, and although we didn't catch much, we saw a lot of nice fish being cleaned and in coolers. The spanish ran all day, off and on. I heard of one 10 fish limit, and saw another 9 fish creel of good two to four pound fish! There were several keeper flounder today on live mullet and live shrimp. Bloodworms caught some nice spots, (yellow bellies) but there hadn't been a lot of them as we left about 8:30 pm. It seemed you had to be there all day to get respectable numbers of anything. I caught my first puffer of the fall season, and would have kept it if there had been enough for supper. But the one is all I caught. Again, bait was plentiful in the water most of the day. Several netters said they had filled their freezers with bait this week. We saw lots of yellow butterflies coming ashore today. You know the old timers say when they show up, the big fall yellow belly spots are right behind them. If I got my weather report right this evening, we should have NE wind Tomorrow, and that should bring the spots in. There were lots of big pompano, citation size, caught in the surf today, mostly on fleas fished right on the sandbar.
Sea View and Jolly Roger piers report much the same as Surf City. I haven't heard of many trout coming from the surf or piers this week, water is still a bit warm for the schools of specks to show up. Shouldn't be too long now.
My fishing bud and friend Caleb caught a nice over slot red at the inlet, and his friend (sorry dude, I can't remember your name..... old age I guess) caught a pretty 25 incher. The guys are going after flounder tonight, I'll post the results tomorrow.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
My friend Ken and I fished Surf City Pier today, and although we didn't catch much, we saw a lot of nice fish being cleaned and in coolers. The spanish ran all day, off and on. I heard of one 10 fish limit, and saw another 9 fish creel of good two to four pound fish! There were several keeper flounder today on live mullet and live shrimp. Bloodworms caught some nice spots, (yellow bellies) but there hadn't been a lot of them as we left about 8:30 pm. It seemed you had to be there all day to get respectable numbers of anything. I caught my first puffer of the fall season, and would have kept it if there had been enough for supper. But the one is all I caught. Again, bait was plentiful in the water most of the day. Several netters said they had filled their freezers with bait this week. We saw lots of yellow butterflies coming ashore today. You know the old timers say when they show up, the big fall yellow belly spots are right behind them. If I got my weather report right this evening, we should have NE wind Tomorrow, and that should bring the spots in. There were lots of big pompano, citation size, caught in the surf today, mostly on fleas fished right on the sandbar.
Sea View and Jolly Roger piers report much the same as Surf City. I haven't heard of many trout coming from the surf or piers this week, water is still a bit warm for the schools of specks to show up. Shouldn't be too long now.
My fishing bud and friend Caleb caught a nice over slot red at the inlet, and his friend (sorry dude, I can't remember your name..... old age I guess) caught a pretty 25 incher. The guys are going after flounder tonight, I'll post the results tomorrow.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Good Fishing Continues!
Just a quick update:
Fishing has been great for the last couple of days. Both yesterday and today there have been lots of really nice pompano caught on the pier and surf, with many being citation size fish. The fall spanish mackerel bite continues to be one of the best I have seen in a long time. Limits of spanish have been brought off the pier on a regular basis since Sunday. These aren't your ordinary small to medium sized fish either, most have been in the 2-4lb range!! Just heard from some people at the pier who are reporting a good flounder bite this morning; most being nice size keepers. Spots and mullet are still around as well with most caught after dark. Yesterday I weighed a 5 1/2lb pompano that a gentleman caught while surf fishing with sand-fleas. The strong near-shore king bite that began last week has continued. Lots of good sized kings with several over 30lbs have been caught near the beach this week.
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
October 5, 2009
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Cheryl Gilgo to me
MOREHEAD CITY – The N. C. Division of Marine Fisheries will hold a public meeting at 6 p.m. Oct. 12 at the Oak Island Recreational Center to solicit public comments in favor of or opposition to the building of a new artificial reef off Brunswick County.
The proposed reef will be located approximately 2.5 miles offshore from the 1600 block of East Beach Drive in Oak Island. The reef will be circular in shape with a radius of approximately 500 yards.
The reef center will be located at approximately Latitude 33°52.503, Longitude 78°08.666. This is about 5.5 miles from the Lockwood Folly Sea Buoy and 5.9 miles from Cape Fear Sea Buoy.
Construction of the reef is financed by the Long Bay Artificial Reef Association.
For more information, contact Gregg Bodnar, of the N.C. Artificial Reef Program, at (252) 808-8053 or
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Cheryl Gilgo to me
MOREHEAD CITY – The N. C. Division of Marine Fisheries will hold a public meeting at 6 p.m. Oct. 12 at the Oak Island Recreational Center to solicit public comments in favor of or opposition to the building of a new artificial reef off Brunswick County.
The proposed reef will be located approximately 2.5 miles offshore from the 1600 block of East Beach Drive in Oak Island. The reef will be circular in shape with a radius of approximately 500 yards.
The reef center will be located at approximately Latitude 33°52.503, Longitude 78°08.666. This is about 5.5 miles from the Lockwood Folly Sea Buoy and 5.9 miles from Cape Fear Sea Buoy.
Construction of the reef is financed by the Long Bay Artificial Reef Association.
For more information, contact Gregg Bodnar, of the N.C. Artificial Reef Program, at (252) 808-8053 or
October 4, 2009
Fall Fishing!
What a great first week of October! Fishing across the board has elevated itself to the expected fall levels. You name it; on the pier, in the surf, or offshore, people have been reporting great catches of fish this past week.
Pier: We have had some really, really good fishing over the course of the last week on the Jolly Roger Pier. The spots have been off and on throughout the week with great runs last weekend, and then again last night and today. When the water is calm and clear they have been biting much better at night. Virginia mullet are starting to show in decent numbers at night as well. During the day there have been a few nice pompano brought in with several weighed in over 2lbs. The spots have been biting best on bloodworms, with the artificial worms being close second. Mullet and pompano are falling for fresh shrimp and or sand-fleas.
For the people dragging live mullet and strip bait in the shallows there has been a solid flounder bite in the mornings and afternoons. Most of the flounder are in the 14-18inch range with some throwbacks mixed in. Since the early run of drum a couple of weeks ago, there has been a smattering of puppy drum mixed in with the other fish, but no good runs to speak of. I think this is due to the absence of the hard NE winds and clearer water.
Blues have been present throughout the week in the mornings and afternoons on got-cha plugs, and then on cut bait after dark. The big news on the pier this morning has been the GREAT spanish run! As I arrived at the pier from church (11am) lots of people were coming off the pier with their limits of spanish! These were all nice sized fish in the 1-3lb range. Most, if not all were caught on got-cha plugs with blue/white, green/white, and white/white, being the most productive colors.
Although the king fishermen haven't caught any kings this week, it is only a matter of time. All the dirty rain water that has been pouring out into the ocean over the last week has finally begun to clear, and they had a the first king strike of the week this morning.
Surf: Surf fishing has picked up dramatically since my last report. The NE wind we had a couple weeks ago cut some really nice sloughs up and down the beach! I have seen some excellent sized pompano brought in with several over 4lbs! The larger fall virginia mullet are also starting to show up along with the pompano. Both of these fish are biting fresh shrimp and sand-fleas.
The southern tip of Topsail was opened up to driving this past Thursday and there has been a crowd down there trying for the drum. A few drum have been caught, but most of the reports I have heard indicated better mullet, pompano, and blue fishing. It shouldn't be long before the drum are again cruising the surf in big schools, and eating any and everything that happens in front of them; just wait for the next good NE blow.
Offshore: The offshore fishing has been on fire for the last 10 days. King mackerel are making there annual showing on the nearshore hard bottom/ledges and artificial reefs. I heard from one boat who caught over 30 in two days of fishing last week! Live blues, pogies, and cigar minnows were producing some of the most aggressive bites. If you are not able to catch any live bait a box of dead cigars will suffice until you can jig some live ones up. Grouper fishing is also good right now with a strong fall gag bite happening. We weighed a 21lb gag and a 13lb american red that were caught while fishing on the Vonda Kay last week. Offshore in the gulf stream the wahoo bite is going off! I fished last Thursday aboard the 26' Jones Brothers "Pierless". We had an awesome catch of 7 wahoo, and 2 sailfish releases out of 30 bites! Most of our fish were from 25-40lbs, but I heard of several wahoo caught over 70lbs. Almost all fish were caught on ballyhoo with some fished behind skirts. Bluewater Candy Jags and Mini-Jags were hot.
All and all the fishing is just about as good as it gets. Now is the time to grab your rods, nock off the dust, and head to the beach! Don't hesitate, we only have about 8 weeks of good fishing left before the water cools down the long winter is upon us.
As my brother and I were cleaning some fish the other day, someone walked by and ask us what in the world we were going to do with all those fillets. Without hesitation my brother turned around and said, "Its going to be a long winter, and I have a big belly"! Its time to get to Topsail and get some fresh fish for the freezer! Make sure to give us a call at the tackle shop for a up to date report.
Until next time,
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Inn and Pier
803 Ocean Blvd.
Topsail Beach, NC
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
October 3, 2009
NC - Red Drum - Fishing
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
The Cape Fear Guide is reporting that the red drum bite is hot in the creeks just off the Cape Fear River,fishing yesterday proved to be one of the steadiest bite of the season with fish biting at every fishing spot that I selected !
Finger mullets on carolina rigs,were like candy to the red drum,that were hitting hard,for most of the day.
Capt.Mike Dennis
Cape Fear Guide
210 Peninsula Drive
Carolina Beach,N.C. 28428
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
The Cape Fear Guide is reporting that the red drum bite is hot in the creeks just off the Cape Fear River,fishing yesterday proved to be one of the steadiest bite of the season with fish biting at every fishing spot that I selected !
Finger mullets on carolina rigs,were like candy to the red drum,that were hitting hard,for most of the day.
Capt.Mike Dennis
Cape Fear Guide
210 Peninsula Drive
Carolina Beach,N.C. 28428
October 1, 2009
Surf Reds and Chopper Blues
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Hello from Topsail Beach. Our nephew Danny and his friend Sean came from Georgia to Topsail for a visit. We hit the surf and BAM! We caught three and four pound chopper blues until I got to worn out to fish anymore. I ain't the man I used to be for sure. We must have caught twenty or more on cut mullet. Donna caught a nice 23 inch red which was released into the surf alive and well. It was quite a battle on a little six foot med action rod and spinning reel baited with small whole shrimp (dead). Screaming runs and finally a ride on a wave to the beach. Beautiful fish, was already turning a bit blue on the tail. Water was nice with just enough wind to keep the skeeters off us. Danny and Sean plan to hit the pier tonight and see what's biting there. We took some pics, and I will post them when they are uploaded. It was really a great day, even got a little sunburn without realizing. Probably to the pier in the AM or maybe more surf fishing. My fishin' bud and friend Ken and wife Karen went fishing to the surf in Surf City this afternoon and got some pompano and a short flounder. Gotta love fall fishing!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Hello from Topsail Beach. Our nephew Danny and his friend Sean came from Georgia to Topsail for a visit. We hit the surf and BAM! We caught three and four pound chopper blues until I got to worn out to fish anymore. I ain't the man I used to be for sure. We must have caught twenty or more on cut mullet. Donna caught a nice 23 inch red which was released into the surf alive and well. It was quite a battle on a little six foot med action rod and spinning reel baited with small whole shrimp (dead). Screaming runs and finally a ride on a wave to the beach. Beautiful fish, was already turning a bit blue on the tail. Water was nice with just enough wind to keep the skeeters off us. Danny and Sean plan to hit the pier tonight and see what's biting there. We took some pics, and I will post them when they are uploaded. It was really a great day, even got a little sunburn without realizing. Probably to the pier in the AM or maybe more surf fishing. My fishin' bud and friend Ken and wife Karen went fishing to the surf in Surf City this afternoon and got some pompano and a short flounder. Gotta love fall fishing!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
NOAA To Close Recreational Fishery for Black Sea Bass for Six Months
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Offshore anglers take note of the following.
Contact: Maggie Mooney-Seus FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
978-281-9175 September 30, 2009
NOAA To Close Recreational Fishery for Black Sea Bass for Six Months
Due to Overharvest
NOAA announced today the temporarily closure of the black sea bass
recreational fishery in federal waters north of Cape Hatteras, N.C., for 180 days in
response to recent landings data that showed recreational fishermen may catch more
than double their annual quota by the end of the year. The closure will commence on
Monday, October 5, 2009.
Landings data and scientific analyses show recreational fishermen have reached
their quota and could exceed their 1.14 million pound harvest limit by as much as 84 to
225 percent if the recreational fishery is not closed.
An independent body of federal and university scientists recently determined that
the black sea bass stock has been rebuilt. However, both the scientists and the Science
and Statistical Committee of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council have
cautioned against increasing fishing of this stock for several reasons, including the
complex and poorly understood reproductive cycle, and limited information on life span
and important habitats for this species. The Council recommends catch limits for black
sea bass in federal waters.
NOAA understands and predicts changes in the Earth's environment, from the
depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and conserves and manages our coastal
and marine resources. Visit
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Offshore anglers take note of the following.
Contact: Maggie Mooney-Seus FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
978-281-9175 September 30, 2009
NOAA To Close Recreational Fishery for Black Sea Bass for Six Months
Due to Overharvest
NOAA announced today the temporarily closure of the black sea bass
recreational fishery in federal waters north of Cape Hatteras, N.C., for 180 days in
response to recent landings data that showed recreational fishermen may catch more
than double their annual quota by the end of the year. The closure will commence on
Monday, October 5, 2009.
Landings data and scientific analyses show recreational fishermen have reached
their quota and could exceed their 1.14 million pound harvest limit by as much as 84 to
225 percent if the recreational fishery is not closed.
An independent body of federal and university scientists recently determined that
the black sea bass stock has been rebuilt. However, both the scientists and the Science
and Statistical Committee of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council have
cautioned against increasing fishing of this stock for several reasons, including the
complex and poorly understood reproductive cycle, and limited information on life span
and important habitats for this species. The Council recommends catch limits for black
sea bass in federal waters.
NOAA understands and predicts changes in the Earth's environment, from the
depths of the ocean to the surface of the sun, and conserves and manages our coastal
and marine resources. Visit
Tight lines!
September 30, 2009
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Speaking for myself, I am elated about this change. A 12 incher isn't even enough to stink up my fry pan. I wouldn't have complained about a 15 or 16 inch size limit. Most anglers I know don't keep them under this size anyway.
Date: Sept. 30, 2009
Contact: Patricia Smith
Phone: (252) 726-7021
MOREHEAD CITY— The minimum size limit for spotted seatrout will increase from 12 inches to 14 inches Monday, Oct. 5.
The change applies to both commercial and recreational fisheries. A 10-fish recreational bag limit will remain in place.
A 2009 stock assessment determined that spotted seatrout is overfished in North Carolina. The increased size limit is needed to allow more female fish to spawn in an effort to restore the stock to a healthy population level.
Only about 89 percent of female spotted seatrout are reproductively mature at 12 inches; by the time they reach 14 inches, 98 percent of female spotted seatrout have reached reproductive maturity.
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries is working with a Spotted Seatrout Advisory Committee to develop a fishery management plan for the species. The management plan will recommend permanent rules to address issues pertaining to the spotted seatrout fishery.
The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission authorized the size limit change as an interim measure until that plan is developed and adopted.
Date: Sept. 30, 2009
Contact: Patricia Smith
Phone: (252) 726-7021
Fishing Report
Spots on all three fishing piers. Wind has died down and turned around. Look for the spots to come back in when we get NE wind and a little chop on the water. Bright side, blues, spanish, and flounder seem to have turned on. Still seeing a few nice pompano. Surf report much of the same, with a few huge sea mullet, and a few puppy drum.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Speaking for myself, I am elated about this change. A 12 incher isn't even enough to stink up my fry pan. I wouldn't have complained about a 15 or 16 inch size limit. Most anglers I know don't keep them under this size anyway.
Date: Sept. 30, 2009
Contact: Patricia Smith
Phone: (252) 726-7021
MOREHEAD CITY— The minimum size limit for spotted seatrout will increase from 12 inches to 14 inches Monday, Oct. 5.
The change applies to both commercial and recreational fisheries. A 10-fish recreational bag limit will remain in place.
A 2009 stock assessment determined that spotted seatrout is overfished in North Carolina. The increased size limit is needed to allow more female fish to spawn in an effort to restore the stock to a healthy population level.
Only about 89 percent of female spotted seatrout are reproductively mature at 12 inches; by the time they reach 14 inches, 98 percent of female spotted seatrout have reached reproductive maturity.
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries is working with a Spotted Seatrout Advisory Committee to develop a fishery management plan for the species. The management plan will recommend permanent rules to address issues pertaining to the spotted seatrout fishery.
The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission authorized the size limit change as an interim measure until that plan is developed and adopted.
Date: Sept. 30, 2009
Contact: Patricia Smith
Phone: (252) 726-7021
Fishing Report
Spots on all three fishing piers. Wind has died down and turned around. Look for the spots to come back in when we get NE wind and a little chop on the water. Bright side, blues, spanish, and flounder seem to have turned on. Still seeing a few nice pompano. Surf report much of the same, with a few huge sea mullet, and a few puppy drum.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
September 23, 2009
Quick Report-Good Fishing
Sorry for the short report but I had a second and wanted to pass on the report for the last several days. Tuesday was a great day on the spanish and blues with many people catching limits out on the pier. There was also a tarpon hooked but not landed. Since then the NE wind has really kept the water stirred up and muddy. While that has put somewhat of a damper on the plugging and kind fishing, it happens to be just what we look for to get the bottom dwelling fish biting! Yesterday the people that were able to brave the somewhat damp conditions had good catches of virgina mullet and spots with a few slot size puppy drum. I was just informed that the first regulation SPOT RUN of the year is on today!! The weather isn't great but the fishing is right now. I haven't talked to anyone fishing the surf but it would stand to reason that the same fish are beginning to show out there. The hard NE winds have cut some really nice sloughs over the last few days. No offshore reports since the wind has been blowing but fall fishing is heating up all over so in soon as it lays, it should be on!
Good Luck,
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Pier
803 Ocean Blvd.
Topsail Beach, NC 28445
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
September 22, 2009
Hot Bite's; Flounder, Redfish, Speckled trout and Spanish.

I’m very happy that fall is really starting show here in eastern North Carolina. This is by far my favorite time of the year for outdoors and fishing in North Carolina. As the air temps Fall the fishing action just heats up more and more every day. I just hope we don’t get to much rain this fall!
We’ve done a lot of Flounder fishing the last couple of weeks, with some pretty good days of fishing. Most of the Flounder are eating Mullet and Mud minnows on light Carolina rigs. The Flounder are mixed in size to just under keeper size to a few over five pounds. If you would rather use artificial bait, I would try a Saltwater Assassin Blurp grub in molting color. Rig the Blurp on a red or black jig head for best results.
We have found most of the Flounder in the creeks in mixed size but higher numbers. Fishing the drop of the main channel in the creeks, this is where we have found the most fish. The bigger Flounder seem to be around the inlets and just off the beach. There seems to be less action and Flounder but, they are very nice Flounder; in the three the over six pound range.
There have been some very good Spanish Mack runs lately. Most of the Spanish hit Clark spoons on number one planners, a few fish hit on top as well. We did get a few on Marie jigs and fly’s; casting when the Spanish get on top feeding. The Spanish were very nice in size; most fish were two to some over four pounds “nice fall size”. There has also been some False Albacore mixed in with the Spanish. They were biting just off the beach to about two miles off the beach. I don’t know how much longer they will be here with this cooler air moving in; will just have to see!
There are still fair amounts of good ole’ Redfish around, some in the creeks and some in the ocean. In the creeks and waterway top water plugs and live baits are doing the trick. We are fishing top water early in the morning and late afternoon when the sun in low. Rattle and popping corks with live mullets have been working great too. The ocean Redfish is eating; live bait and scented shrimp and or shad grubs. Extra scent never hurts when Red fishing!
The Trout are starting to show up around the area. We’ve caught Trout from right around Wrightsville Beach to down in the Cape Fear River. Most that we have found are in the creeks and channels running along the drop offs to deeper water. The trout that we have caught are hitting grubs in colors Chart Diamond, Pump Seed/Chart tail, chicken on a chain and sliver mullet on red jig heads. Hard baits getting the luck are Mirrolures redhead silver body and white back-white belly.
As water temps drop the Trout fishing will get better and better. The last couple of seasons have been the best Trout fishing I have ever seen around Wrightsville Beach, it seems to get better every year; with lots of big trout. I do a great deal of Trout charters in November, if you would like to go book soon for I will book up fast!
There are some Bull Reds in the ocean on hard bottoms and around the inlets. You never know when you might hook one of these big fish might bite. When we try to catch these Bulls, we use fresh cut or live menhaden. We use fish finder rigs with 9/0, 10/0 and 11/0 circle hooks, keep your drag tight and the circle hooks will do there job.
The Fishing gear we use:
Reds, Trout and Flounder: Reels Penn Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy. 20 pound Ugly Braid. Bull Redfish: Penn spinning reel 760L (Live Liner) and Penn Torque 100TRQ. Rods: Penn Torque 6’6” 30-80 class spinning and Torque 6’ 80-130 casting. Line: forty pound Spider wire Ultracast.
Don’t forget take a kid fishing and good fishing to ya,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger boats and
Pure Fishing Pro staff
Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington NC Fishing Charters
We’ve done a lot of Flounder fishing the last couple of weeks, with some pretty good days of fishing. Most of the Flounder are eating Mullet and Mud minnows on light Carolina rigs. The Flounder are mixed in size to just under keeper size to a few over five pounds. If you would rather use artificial bait, I would try a Saltwater Assassin Blurp grub in molting color. Rig the Blurp on a red or black jig head for best results.
We have found most of the Flounder in the creeks in mixed size but higher numbers. Fishing the drop of the main channel in the creeks, this is where we have found the most fish. The bigger Flounder seem to be around the inlets and just off the beach. There seems to be less action and Flounder but, they are very nice Flounder; in the three the over six pound range.
There have been some very good Spanish Mack runs lately. Most of the Spanish hit Clark spoons on number one planners, a few fish hit on top as well. We did get a few on Marie jigs and fly’s; casting when the Spanish get on top feeding. The Spanish were very nice in size; most fish were two to some over four pounds “nice fall size”. There has also been some False Albacore mixed in with the Spanish. They were biting just off the beach to about two miles off the beach. I don’t know how much longer they will be here with this cooler air moving in; will just have to see!
There are still fair amounts of good ole’ Redfish around, some in the creeks and some in the ocean. In the creeks and waterway top water plugs and live baits are doing the trick. We are fishing top water early in the morning and late afternoon when the sun in low. Rattle and popping corks with live mullets have been working great too. The ocean Redfish is eating; live bait and scented shrimp and or shad grubs. Extra scent never hurts when Red fishing!
The Trout are starting to show up around the area. We’ve caught Trout from right around Wrightsville Beach to down in the Cape Fear River. Most that we have found are in the creeks and channels running along the drop offs to deeper water. The trout that we have caught are hitting grubs in colors Chart Diamond, Pump Seed/Chart tail, chicken on a chain and sliver mullet on red jig heads. Hard baits getting the luck are Mirrolures redhead silver body and white back-white belly.
As water temps drop the Trout fishing will get better and better. The last couple of seasons have been the best Trout fishing I have ever seen around Wrightsville Beach, it seems to get better every year; with lots of big trout. I do a great deal of Trout charters in November, if you would like to go book soon for I will book up fast!
There are some Bull Reds in the ocean on hard bottoms and around the inlets. You never know when you might hook one of these big fish might bite. When we try to catch these Bulls, we use fresh cut or live menhaden. We use fish finder rigs with 9/0, 10/0 and 11/0 circle hooks, keep your drag tight and the circle hooks will do there job.
The Fishing gear we use:
Reds, Trout and Flounder: Reels Penn Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy. 20 pound Ugly Braid. Bull Redfish: Penn spinning reel 760L (Live Liner) and Penn Torque 100TRQ. Rods: Penn Torque 6’6” 30-80 class spinning and Torque 6’ 80-130 casting. Line: forty pound Spider wire Ultracast.
Don’t forget take a kid fishing and good fishing to ya,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger boats and
Pure Fishing Pro staff
Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington NC Fishing Charters
September 17, 2009
Wind Matters-Big Time!
Wow, what a difference the wind makes. In last weeks post I commented on how the NE winds had improved the fishing conditions so much. As it turns out, they can just as easily work in a more negative direction. Starting with last Friday and continuing through this past Tuesday, the winds were predominately from the southerly directions. This put and effective halt on the good fishing we had been having. Luckily, on Tuesday the winds clocked back around to the North and have remained out of the North or NE ever since! This has brought about some really good fishing over the last couple of days.
PIER: One exciting event on the pier was the return of the king mackerel after an absence of several weeks. There was a 31lber caught on Tuesday afternoon, yesterday they had several strikes but no catches, and today there were two caught, a 16lber (only the head was brought back due to a hungry shark) and an 18lber. The tarpon are still coming by but none have been landed since my last report. The water was BEAutiful today and was absolutely FULL of bait. Finger mullet are still passing by in good numbers with an occasional school of the "corncobs" coming by. There are also lots and lots of glass minnows and 4-6" ballyhoo out there. Big (fat 2-4lb) blues are thick right now and have been biting very well in the mornings and afternoons. There are also lots of nice sized spanish out there but due to the extreme amount of bait in the area, they can be difficult to get to bite. In addition to the above action, there has been a decent smattering of pompano, puppy drum, trout, and flounder during the day, and some fair to good catches of mullet and spots late at night. We are still waiting on the big schools of spots to start moving. Other notable catches since Thursday include a 6lb flounder, and a 4lb speckled trout.
SURF: It seems that the main catch has been blues with nice puppy drum, mullet, and flounder mixed in. Most of the fish were reported to have been caught on fresh shrimp or live mullet minnows. One group reported to have caught 11 drum since Tuesday and another came in with good numbers of blues, mullet, and drum plus a nice flounder!
OFFSHORE: When the gail subsided on Tuesday, we were lucky enough to be able to slide offshore for a day of blue-water trolling in our 26' Jones Brothers. We found some nice temp breaks and a beautiful weed line in about 180-250' and caught all of our fish in this area. The end result for the day was 1 wahoo and 18 dolphin. Although none of the fish were hugh, all were nice sized and tasted great on the grill! The wahoo fishing has really picked up in the last 10 days with a few bonus blackfin tuna thrown in. A little closer to shore the fall king run seems to have finally begun. Those big leaping kings have moved into the beach and the hard-bottoms that are just off the beach; hopefully they are here to stay. I have also heard some good reports of kings coming from the 15mile range. Folks trolling up the beaches and around the inlets have reported good catches of nice spanish and blues.
Overall I think our fishing continues to improve with the day to day activity being dictated by wind direction and weather. Remember to look for those North to East winds when planning a fishing trip during the fall. (The marine forecast is calling for them through Monday.!!!)
Feel free to give us a call at the Jolly Roger for up to date fishing reports!
Happy Fishing!
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Inn & Pier
803 Ocean Blvd.
Topsail Beach, NC
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
September 11, 2009
The Fall Redfish Bite is on!!!
The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting cooler, the water temps are falling and the mullet blow is kicking off. It can only mean one thing, fall fishing is here. The Redfish bite has been on fire in the North Topsail Beach area as of late as well as many other areas in the Cape Fear Region.
With the water full of finger mullet heading South, the top water action for big Redfish as been awesome. Early mornings while the sun is still low seems to be the best time for the topwater action, but cloudy days will produce strikes all day long. Skitter walks and Top Pups have been working well. Color doesn't seem to matter much as the fish are feeding heavily and they just can't resist the action of one of these plugs.
Top water is not the only baits that are working well now. Both Gulp™shrimp and jerk shads fished on weighted hooks have been producing a lot of fish. Skimmer jigs tipped with Fish Bites™ have been producing a lot of fish as well. Most of the trips taken lately have been producing double digit numbers of Reds in only a few hours of fishing.
The new ECC Vantage is performing beautifully and allows me to get into the skinny waters that tend to hold these great fighting fish. If you are looking to get into some great redfish action, give me a call and let's get you out on the water. I still have some good dates in September available, but I will not be running any trips in October as I am getting married and will be heading to Hawaii for a couple of weeks with my new bride!!! Trips will resume in November and historically, Thanksgiving provides some really good fishing.
Give me a call and let's go catch some fish!!
Tight lines!!!
Capt. Brent
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Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
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