Daily Bible Verse
“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23-24)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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July 30, 2015

Rare, mysterious deep sea fish washes ashore along NC coast


Strange fish washed up on North Carolina beach.
Fox 8 News.... POSTED 2:11 PM, MAY 16, 2014, BY  AND 

Strange fish washed up on North Carolina beach. Read the whole story here on FOX 8 NEWS.... POSTED 2:11 PM, MAY 16, 2014, BY JOE BORLIK AND SCOTT GUSTIN

NAGS HEAD, N.C. – A rarely seen deep sea fish washed up on the beaches of North Carolina on Monday evening.
A Lancetfish was found in Nags Head on a beach south of Jennette’s Pier. It is an open ocean fish and rarely comes to shore.
Lancetfishes have large mouths and very sharp teeth. They grow up to 6.6 feet in length. Very little is known about their biology, though they are widely distributed in all oceans, except the polar seas.
Officials with Jennette’s Pier say the rare fish was alive when it washed up on the shore.
Daryl Law, who works at the North Carolina Aquarium, said the fish was released after being photographed.
Lancetfishes have been seen as far north as Greenland and are often caught by vessels long-lining for tuna.

Fishin' Topsail Joke of the Day

Fishin' Topsail Joke of the Day

Thanks to  Fish Humor on Pinterest.,com

Till next time....
Tight Lines!

July 28, 2015

Fishing Joke of the Day

Hope you enjoy.

Till next time....
Tight lines!

Joint state coastal meeting to be held Aug. 12 in Washington

NCDENR logo.jpg

Pat McCrory, Governor                                             
Donald R. van der Vaart, Secretary

N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Release: Immediate                                                                                  Contact: Patricia Smith                               
Date: July 28, 2015                                                                                  Phone: 252-726-7021\

Joint state coastal meeting to be held Aug. 12 in Washington 

MOREHEAD CITY – A joint meeting of the Habitat and Water Quality Advisory Committee and the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Steering Committee will be held at 1 p.m. Aug. 12 at the N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Washington Regional Office, 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington. 

The committees will review sections of the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan, including chapters on Priority Habitat Issues, Existing Protection, Restoration and Enhancement Efforts.  The committees will also provide input on draft recommendations of the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan.

A full agenda is attached.

For more information, contact Anne Deaton with the N.C. Division of Marine fisheries at 910-796-7311 orAnne.deaton@ncdenr.gov. You may also contact Jimmy Johnson with the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership at 252-948-3952 or Jimmy.Johnson@ncdenr.gov.




Joint Meeting of the Coastal Habitat Protection Plan Steering Committee and Habitat and Water Quality Advisory Committee

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Office
943 Washington Square Mall, Washington
Aug. 12, 2015     

1 p.m.              Call to Order*
                        Vote on the Approval of the Agenda**
Vote on Approval of Meeting Minutes from previous meetings (Habitat and Water Quality Advisory Committee and CHPP Steering Committee)   **

1:15 p.m.         Public Comment
Receive public comment on fisheries management issues under the scope of the committee.

1:30 p.m.         Overview of revised CHPP chapters

2 p.m.              Review of CHPP priority habitat issues chapter and draft options

3:30 p.m.         Review of draft CHPP recommendations

5:00 p.m.         Next Steps

5:10 p.m.         Additional Business
Discuss any additional business involving management issues under the scope of the committee.

5:20 p.m.         Adjourn

* Times indicated are merely for guidance.  The committee will proceed through the agenda until completed.
**Action Items   
***Applies only to Marine Fisheries Commission members

N.C.G.S. 138A-15(e) mandates at the beginning of any meeting of a board, the chair shall remind all members of their duty to avoid conflicts of interest under Chapter 138. The chair also shall inquire as to whether there is any known conflict of interest with respect to any matters coming before the board at that time. 

N.C.G.S. 143B-289.54(g)(2) states a member of the Marine Fisheries Commission shall not vote on any issue before the Commission that would have a "significant and predictable effect" on the member's financial interest. For purposes of this subdivision, "significant and predictable effect" means there is or may be a close causal link between the decision of the Commission and an expected disproportionate financial benefit to the member that is shared only by a minority of persons within the same industry sector or gear group. A member of the Commission shall also abstain from voting on any petition submitted by an advocacy group of which the member is an officer or sits as a member of the advocacy group's board of directors. A member of the Commission shall not use the member's official position as a member of the Commission to secure any special privilege or exemption of substantial value for any person. No member of the Commission shall, by the member's conduct, create an appearance that any person could improperly influence the member in the performance of the member's official duties.

Commissioners having questions about a conflict of interest or appearance of conflict should consult with counsel to the Marine Fisheries Commission or the secretary’s ethics liaison. Upon discovering a conflict, the commissioner should inform the chair of the commission in accordance with N.C.G.S. 138A-15(e).***

Recipe of the Day

Creole Black Drum

Hello from Beautiful Topsail Island! Weather is wonderful with warm days and cool nights. Black drum are biting at the docks and bridges. Catch a mess and try this recipe.

Creole Black Drum

2 lbs black drum fillets
3 tomatoes, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
½ green pepper, chopped
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Cayenne pepper to taste
3 tablespoons butter
olive oil

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Melt the butter in a small sauce pan. Coat a large baking dish with olive oil and lay fillets inside it. Top black drum with remaining ingredients and pour butter over dish. Bake 15-20 minutes until fish is done. Great with wild rice. Serves 4-5.

Give this recipe a try. It's GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!
Till next time....
Tight lines!

Give this recipe a try. It's GOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!

Surf City Ocean Pier - Home

Surf City Ocean Pier- Morning video.
Check out the morning video from the folks at Surf City Ocean Pier. They do this nearly every morning. Everyone I know look forward each day to this video. I want them to know we appreciate their efforts. Click the link above to view the morning video.

Good morning from Surf City Ocean Pier. What's biting? A couple of nice spanish and some small bluefish have been caught this morning. Looks like it's going to be a great day.

July 24, 2015

New at FishinTopsail.com

Good morning from Surf City, NC. and beautiful Topsail Island.

Check out our new Weather, Wind, and Tide Forecast widget to the right. You can get the critical information to decide on the best day for fishing. Try it out.

Until next time....
Tight lines!

July 22, 2015

NCDENR - North Carolina State Saltwater Records

DENR logo
N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
A world of information can be found at the NC Marine Fisheries website.

Albacore (false)
26 lb. 8 oz.
Off Wrightsville Beach
Lyman Kinlaw, Jr.
62 lb. 0 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Brien L. Hamer
126 lb. 7 oz.
Off Swansboro
Michael Krantz
67 lb. 7 oz.
Cape Lookout
Buddy D. Garten
Bass, Black Sea
8 lb. 12 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Joe Mizelle
Bass, Striped
64 lb. 0 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Keith Angel
31 lb. 12 oz.
Cape Hatteras
James Hussey
116 lb. 8 oz.
Oregon Inlet
Billy R. Lucas, Jr.
5 lb. 0 oz.
Oregon Inlet
Daniel Graber
79 lb. 0 oz.
Cape Hatteras
Sean J. Yurkanin
Drum, Black
100 lb. 1 oz.
Cape Fear River
Charles R. Dycus
Drum, Red*
94 lb. 2 oz.
Hatteras Island
David G. Deuel
20 lb. 0 oz.
 Carolina Beach
 Harold Auten
Grouper, Gag
46 lb. 0 oz.
Off Ocean Isle Beach
Timothy Gallimore
Grouper, Red
33 lb. 8 oz.
Off Atlantic Beach
Chuck Deeter
Grouper, Strawberry
28 lb. 8 oz.
Off Topsail Beach
Jackie Blanchard
Grouper, Warsaw
245 lb. 0 oz.
Wrightsville Beach
Cora Keen
Grouper, Yellowfin
42 lb. 10 oz.
Off Carolina Beach
Michael Hall
Grunt, White
4 lb. 8 oz.
Off Cape Lookout
Vernon Councilman
21 lb. 6 oz.
Frying Pan Shoals
Derek Williams
Jack, Crevalle
49 lb. 1 oz.
Off Wrigtsville Beach
Frank Dalli
Kingfish, Northern
3 lb. 8 oz.
Bogue Banks Pier
Ted Drinnon
King Mackerel
82 lb. 4 oz.
Off Ocracoke
James Winch
Spanish Mackerel*
13 lb. 0 oz.
Ocracoke Inlet
Robert Cranton
Marlin, Blue
1,228 lb. 8 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Trey Irvine
Marlin, White
118 lb. 8 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Ethel B. Cootes
Mullet, Sea
3 lb. 8 oz.
Bogue Banks Pier
Ted Drinnon
Perch, White
1 lb. 13 oz.
Pembroke Creek
John David Stallings
2 lb. 4 oz.
Atlantic Ocean
Walter M. Campbell
2 lb. 14 oz.
Off Beaufort Inlet
Hope L. Sanderson
Pompano, African
46 lbs 0 oz.
Off Atlantic Beach
Toby Grantham
Pompano, Florida
8 lb. 0 oz.
Carolina Beach
John F. Vickers
Porgy, Jolthead
11 lb. 8 oz.
South Hatteras Inlet
Norman C. Morse
Porgy, Saucereye
13 lb. 2 oz.
Off Cape Lookout
Glenn D. Greer
100 lb. 0 oz.
Off Ocean Isle
John P. Grooms, Jr.
27 lb., 1 oz.Off Atlantic Beach2012Toby Grantham
Shark, Blue
478 lb. 0 oz.
Crystal Fishing Pier
Bobby Kentrolis
Shark, Dusky
610 lb. 0 oz.
Jennette's Oean Pier
Robert T. Keller
Shark, Hammerhead
710 lb. 0 oz.
Jennette's Oean Pier
Robert T. Keller
Shark, Lemon
421 lb. 8 oz.
Kure Beach Pier
Stanley Seawell
Shark, Mako
768 lb. 0 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Russell J. Langford
Shark, Scalloped Hammerhead
234 lb. 0 oz.
South of Cape Point
Timothy P. Harlow
Shark, Thresher
185 lb. 0 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Brandon Bailey
Shark, Tiger
1,150 lb. 0 oz.
Yaupon Beach Pier
Walter Maxwell
19 lb. 4 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Chris Robbins
Snapper, Cubera
46 lb. 8 oz.
Atlantic Ocean
Edward W. Ruskowsky
Snapper, Red
40 lb. 0 oz.
Off Cape Lookout
Ben Grant
Snapper, Vermillion
6 lb. 9 oz.
Off Ocean Isle
Todd Helf
Spadefish, Atlantic
Off Hatteras Village
Steven C. Chadwick
Spearfish, Longbill
98 lb. 0 oz.
Off Cape Hatteras
John R. Windsor
1 lb. 13 oz.
Manns Harbor
Hubert Basnight
441 lb. 0 oz.
Off Wrightsville Beach
J. Horace Murray, Jr.
193 lb. 5 oz.
Sea View Pier
Malcolm Condie
19 lb. 0 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Louis M. Knoerzer
Tilefish, Blueline
16 lb. 8 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Terry M. Shepherd
Tilefish, Golden
46 lb. 0 oz.
Off Cape Hatteras
Rex Bunting
Tilefish, Sand*
4 lb. 5 oz.
Off Oak Island
Frank L. Ballas
Triggerfish, Gray
11 lb. 6 oz.
Morehead City
Annette F. Carrico
Triggerfish, Queen
10 lbs 11 oz.
Off Jacksonville
Benjamin Peterson
27 lb. 7 oz.
Ocean Crest Pier
Thomas M. Cutler
Trout, Gray
14 lb. 14 oz.
Nags Head Surf
Sterling L. Ammons
Trout, Speckled
12 lb. 4 oz.
Wrightsville Beach
John R. Kenyon, Jr.
Tuna, Bigeye
311 lb. 8 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Clarence N. Cook
Tuna, Blackfin
40 lb. 11 oz.
Off Wrightsville Beach
Michael Accattato
Tuna, Bluefin
805 lb. 0 oz.
Off Oregon Inlet
Corey Schultz
Tuna, Yellowfin
237 lb. 0 oz.
Off Cape Lookout
James Mixon, Jr.
Tuna, Skipjack
32 lb.
Gulf Stream South
of Hatteras Inlet
Matthew Charles Kelly
150 lb. 0 oz.
Kevin M. Elwell

Till next time....
Tight lines!