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August 31, 2008
Rough Water
Good Luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 27, 2008
Topsail Island Report August 26
It's still summer, but fishing has been a lot worse. There isn't a lot of anything biting, but there is a little of everything biting. Seaview pier has been reporting blues, flounder, mullets, pin fish, speckled trout, gray trout, black drum, spanish mackerel, and a few kings. Surf City Pier is reporting spots, mullets, sheepshead, croakers, a few speckled and a few gray trout, some nice flounder, some blues, a few kings and some nice spanish off the end. Jolly Roger reports spots, mullets, black drum and puppy drum, speckled trout, gray trout, a few pompano, some nice flounder, spanish and a couple of kings. And of course, lets not leave out the skates, rays, and sharks.
Surf fishing is all of the above with the exception of the kings and spanish. The usual baits are still the baits to use. Live finger mullets, live pogies, live shrimp, live pin fish, anything still living will catch flounder, drum, and trout. Fresh cut shrimp will always be good bait. But remember, if it's not fresh enough to eat, don't buy it to fish with. Sand fleas will catch just about anything except spot, and some anglers tell me they catch spots with fleas. Blood worms are always good baits for just about anything that swims, especially pin fish. That's one reason I don't usually like to fish with worms. Old fashioned earth worms are also good baits. Dig'em before you leave home. The processed baits like "Fish Bites" are becoming really popular, and will really catch fish. They are so tough, that pin fish and crabs have a harder time picking them off your hook. Of course, no bait is crab proof.
The fishing inside is great. Anglers fishing the docks, bridges, and grass lines from boats are catching lots of "bull red drum" or over the slot drum, and some big speckled trout, up to 6 lbs in the creeks and deep holes. The drum are in shallow water, and are schooling on the incoming tides near oyster beds in less than two feet of water. Stealth is the key. A quiet bait presentation of live bait seems to be the best bet for catching a nice stringer. If you can't find live bait, try light jigs with 3 or 4 inch Berkley Gulp Saltwater lures. My favorites are shrimp and swimming mullet. Just so you will know, East Coast Sports right here on the island, has better prices on Gulp baits than anyone, even Walmart! So stock up next time you are on the island. If you have a trustworthy boat and motor, you might give Banks Channel on the southern end of Topsail Island at Topsail Beach a try. I like to go there when the tide in the sound is coming in, so the current is pulling me away from the inlet. Motor towards the inlet, being careful not to get too close to the rough inlet waters, then drift with the tide using a carolina rig with your bait of choice. Again, use the smallest weight that will hold your bait on the bottom. You want your bait to just bounce across the bottom, that's where old man flounder is lying in wait for your bait.
If you don't have a boat, but would like to try fishing inside in the sound and waterway, you might like to give kayaking a try. There are a couple of places on the island that will rent the complete set-up for a kayak fishing trip. East Coast Sports has rental kayaks, as does Herrings Outdoor Sports. Be sure to wear personal floatation device, because the boat traffic in the ICW can swamp a kayak easily. I have been dunked more than once.
So to sum up, summer time fishing may be slow, but there are fish out there. You just have to work a bit harder to get them.
Good Luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 25, 2008
Grays, Flounder and Bull Reds are biting around Southeast, NC
Most of the flounder inshore are mixed in size, but the fish in the ocean are a little better in size. Live bait and grubs are the best bet. Carolina rigs for the live bait and heavy jig heads for the grubs. I prefer bright grubs; Saltwater Assassin’s sea shads in colors chart/diamond and silver mullet work real well.
Another new color from Assassin is “Chicken on a Chain” it looks like a Mud minnow. I think this will be a good color for Flounder on days you can’t find live bait. The body of the Chicken on a chain” is a glow body good for lower light days. Watch out when fishing in the ocean for the flounders; we’ve had some very nice fish eaten by Barracudas just under the boat.
How bout’ those Gray trout, the trout bite has really picked up the last couple of weeks. We are catching most of the Grays the same way we’ve been catching the Flounder; Carolinas rigs and live bait. My favorite live bait for Grays is finger mullet. If you would rather use lures, small jigging spoons and grubs will work just fine. I like to put a shot of scent on my grubs; “Bang’s” shrimp, crab, and Taxes tea are some of my favorites.
The Flounder and Trout are holding on near shore live “hard” bottom, wrecks, and ledges.
My charters have had some great early Redfish morning bites. We are fishing mud flats and oyster flats in creeks and along the ICW. Multi fish hook-ups are not uncommon at all! Top water plugs like the Rapala skitter-walk have done very well. Rattle and popping corks with live mullets and little menhaden have been working great! The best rattlin’ corks for me have been the Saltwater Assassin’s “Kwik-cork” this is one of the loudest corks on the market they work!
There are some Bull Reds starting to show up in the ocean on hard bottoms and around the inlets. You never know when you might hook one of these big fish might bite. When we try to catch these Bulls, we use fresh cut or live menhaden. We use fish finder rigs with 11/0 and 12/0 circle hooks, keep your drag tight and the circle hooks will do there job.
Thanks so much for reading this report, if you would like a Fishing charter give me call or drop me a line. Good fishing to ya!
Fishing gear we use;
Bull Reds: Reels Pflueger Contender G15L, Rods Shakespeare Custom “USCB 1166 MH” Penn spinning reels 560L Live Liner with Penn Torque jigging rod 7’ 20 to 50 braids.
Redfish, Grays, and Flounder: Reels Pflueger Medalist spinning in sizes 6035 and 6040. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy.
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
August 21, 2008
Swimmers, Surfers, Surf Anglers BEWARE!
From the Star News Online
By Shelby Sebens Staff Writer
Published: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 6:18 p.m.
Last Modified: Wednesday, August 20, 2008 at 9:23 p.m.
Swimmers and surfers, beware: Box jellyfish are turning up in more area waters, and their stings are painful. From Sunset Beach to Topsail Island, reports of the venomous creatures have spread.
“They’re definitely in the area for sure,” said Scott Collins, a captain with Sea Tow in Wrightsville Beach.
Collins saw three of the jellyfish in a small creek last week, he said.
The box jellyfish, also known as the sea wasp, is the most venomous jellyfish in U.S. waters, or at least the one with the best ability to penetrate human skin, said Richard Satterlie, a University of North Carolina Wilmington professor of marine biology.
The jellyfish showing up locally are a different species than the box jellyfish in Australia that can kill in five minutes.
But swimmers should still be careful to keep an eye out for these stinging blobs. [end quote]
[read more]
Blog Contributors
Johnny and Donna www.fishintopsail.com
Capt. Brent Stanley www.currentadventurecharters.com
Capt. Mike Dennis www.capefear-guide.com
Captain Jot Owens www.captainjot.com
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 20, 2008
Fishin' Is Tough!
Offshore is a different story. The offshore bite is much better than the near shore, and although the kings are not real large, they seem to be plentiful. Live bait slow trolled is the best best, with the bait in the prop wash getting the most action. Boat captains sometimes site a school of spanish, and site casting with light gear can produce some good action and good eating. Bottom fishing offshore is "OK", but it takes the most experienced captains to find the fish.
Inshore, large schools of red drum are patrolling the sounds and waterway, but are spookie and hard to catch. Your best bet is live baits, then grubs and spinnerbaits if live bait isn't available, fished around docks and bridges during falling tides. Fish the grasslines near oyster beds on the rising tides with live bait or Berkley Gulp on light jig heads. I like no weight at all when the fish are really spooky and moving fast. I use a #2/0 weedless worm hook, rigged with a live pogie or Berkley Gulp Swimming Mullet if I don't have live bait. And just drift with the wind. This seems to work for me when nothing else will. There are some nice speckled trout to be caught with live shrimp fished under a popping cork over or near deep holes in the creeks. I have been told of limit catches from 3lbs to 5lbs caught in one creek. You just have to search for them.
Fishing is tough in the summer time, but it is still fishing. And what is better than fishing? Not much in my book. So get out there and give it a shot. Send in the pictures, and we will make you famous. I PROMISE I WILL NOT GIVE AWAY YOUR SECRET FISHING HOLE!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Blog Contributors
Johnny and Donna www.fishintopsail.com
Capt. Brent Stanley www.currentadventurecharters.com
Capt. Mike Dennis www.capefear-guide.com
Captain Jot Owens www.captainjot.com
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 19, 2008
'MONSTER' Caught of North Carolina Coast !!!!!

Here's a fish tale for you. This fish tale has been verified by photographs and by polygraphs, and this big one didn't get away. A blue marlin weighing in at 1,228 pounds, 8 ounces, was landed off the North Carolina Coast by the crew of the “Mimi” while fishing the Pirates Cove Billfish Tournament off Oregon Inlet. The crew won the tourney and $500,000 for the big fish. WOW! Just think, fish like that right in our front yard. How crazy is that?
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Blog Contributors
Johnny and Donna www.fishintopsail.com
Capt. Brent Stanley www.currentadventurecharters.com
Capt. Mike Dennis www.capefear-guide.com
Captain Jot Owens www.captainjot.com
Fishing Topsail Message Board .
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 16, 2008
Cape Fear River Fishing

Cape Fear River,multiple hook-ups back to back has been a common thing fishing with the Cape Fear Guide - Capt.Mike Dennis
Johnny and Donna http://www.fishintopsail.com/
Capt. Brent Stanley http://www.currentadventurecharters.com/
Capt. Mike Dennis http://www.capefear-guide.com/
Captain Jot Owens http://www.captainjot.com/
Fishing Topsail Message Board .
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 15, 2008
Dog Days bring Good Fishing!!
It's known as the dog days of August, but an early season cold front brought good fishing to the area beaches this weekend. The Current Adventure had catches of Dolphin, King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel and Baracuda. We also had another Sailfish take a peek at our spread but he wasn't interested enough to bite.
Saturday the "dawg catcher" released a Sail, and many more boats reported good catches of King Mackerel, Amberjack, Baracuda and Spanish Mackerel.
Sunday, I had a Spanish Mackerel charter and there was all the Spanish that you wanted, with some of the fish in the 2-3lb range.
Inshore, the Redfish bite continues to be good with the best catches coming early in the morning and late in the evening. Enjoy some pictures of recent catches!!
Call and book your trip today!!
Capt. Brent
Johnny and Donna www.fishintopsail.comCapt. Brent Stanley www.currentadventurecharters.com
Capt. Mike Dennis www.capefear-guide.com
Captain Jot Owens www.captainjot.com
Fishing Topsail Message Board .
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 13, 2008
East Coast Sports Fishing Report Aug 2008
If you would like to receive this Fishing Report Send an E-Mail to ecsports@earthlink.net. You even get red alerts when something is biting really well.
Topsail News Bit
Looks like a great weekend coming up. 2 ft inside and 2-4 outside Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Woo Hooo!!!!!!!
Best Bet For Fish This Week
Flounder inside as well as some Specks and Reds. Sheepshead on the pilings and Black Drum in the Surf.
Inshore Report Wayne got 18 Flounder on 1 trip this week. They are inside some nice reds too.
Pier Report
Sea View Pier; Spanish, Blues, Flounder and B-Drum
Surf City Pier; A few Spots, Flounder, and Mullets
Jolly Roger Pier; mixed bag on the bottom.
Surf Report
North Topsail-Surf City; Reds, and Mullets
Surf City-Topsail Beach; Mullets, Red and Black Drum
Lee Island; Reds and ladyfish at Lea
Go to East Coast Sports website for complete report.
Thanks to Capt. Chris for this report.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny aka "Fishin' Topsail
Blog Contributors
Johnny and Donna www.fishintopsail.com
Capt. Brent Stanley www.currentadventurecharters.com
Capt. Mike Dennis www.capefear-guide.com
Captain Jot Owens www.captainjot.com
Fishing Topsail Message Board .
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 12, 2008
4th Annual Mike Martin Fishing Tournament
Surf City Fishing Pier
4th Annual Mike Martin Fishing Tournament
August 16 and 17, 2008
Check out the details at Surf City Fishing Pier Tournament Page.
Johnny and Donna www.fishintopsail.com
Capt. Brent Stanley www.currentadventurecharters.com
Capt. Mike Dennis www.capefear-guide.com
Captain Jot Owens www.captainjot.com
Fishing Topsail Message Board .
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 10, 2008
Fishing Still Slow, But
Fishing is still rather slow, but that's why they call it fishing and not catching. Right? I know I have said that it really doesn't matter if I catch fish or not, it is the trip, with my feet in the sand and wind in my face that I really enjoyed. Ok, I am begining to think I need to change that statement a bit. Catching a fish occasionally would be good! It is the summer, and that's just the way summer fishing is. You can read the beach, check the tides, get the freshest bait and be the first on on the beach, at the right time, in the best spot.......... But that doesn't mean you will catch anything. Just when I think I have it figured out..... Sometimes I get emails from readers planning a fishing trip to the Topsail area. I am ask the question, "What do I need to do to catch fish?" I share all my aquired wisdom with the reader, and I am a bit pleased with myself and my knowledge of saltwater fishing, especially surf fishing. But just when I think I have it figured out, NOTHING. No fish for days, which turns into weeks. Makes an angler feel quite inadequate. The bite has gotten so bad, that I have changed my habits a bit. I haven't been taking my cooler, cast net, flea rake, tackle box ...... Last trip I only took one fishing rod and a bucket to the surf. No minnows to net, no need to dig for fleas, I can dig a half dozen by hand, and that seems to be all I need right now. I do try to take fresh shrimp with me. I just don't like to fish with week old smelly shrimp. As a rule, if I wouldn't eat it, I don't buy it for fishing. So that's just what I have been doing. I cook my leftover bait. At least I am eating good!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna www.fishintopsail.com
Capt. Brent Stanley www.currentadventurecharters.com
Capt. Mike Dennis www.capefear-guide.com
Captain Jot Owens www.captainjot.com
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Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin Topsail's Seafood Recipes
Great Nearshore Fishing, Just Off The Beach.
The last couple of weeks the fishing has been pretty good just off the beach. The Spanish Mackerel have been biting very good most days and the fish are a really nice grade. Some fish over six pounds, that’s a good pull on light tackle! Early morning seems to be the best bite, but some fish have stayed around all day on some days.
Most of the Spanish are biting Clark spoons trolled behind #1 planner’s. The Clark spoons that are working the best for us are sizes; 00 and 0 in plan silver and pink flash. When the Spanish are on top feeding and jumping, Maria jig spoons have been the trick. The colors that seem to be working are pink, green and blue in sizes seven & fourteen gram. We have also caught a few very nice Spanish on the fly rod too.
We are starting to catch Flounder pretty good; we are seeing a few fish inshore as well on the near shore reefs and wrecks. Most of the flounder inshore are mixed in size, but the fish in the ocean are a little better in size. Live bait and grubs are the best bet. Carolina rigs for the live bait and heavy jig heads for the grubs. I prefer bright grubs; Saltwater Assassin’s sea shads in colors chart/diamond and silver mullet work real well. Watch out when fishing in the ocean for the flounders; we’ve had some very nice fish eaten by Barracudas just under the boat. It’s not a fun thing!!
I’m still seeing a few Tarpon around the inlets and off the shoals; the Tarpon should stay around till mid September. We fish for Tarpon on the bottom using, live and fresh dead baits like; spots, bluefish and Menhaden. We rig these baits on fish finder rigs, with three to five feet of 80 to 100 pound mono leaders. Circle hooks are the best bet for good hook ups and landings for Tarpon in hook sizes 7/0 to 9/0 depending what hook series you like. We’ve caught some very nice bluefish while Tarpon fishing lately.
The Shark fishing is still going very strong most days. Very nice sharks in the forty to over two hundred pounds are mostly what we are seeing. We’ve been using light tackle and fly rods to catch these powerful sharks. When we use spinning reels we use; 300+ yards of thirty and forty pound Ugly braid super line and a good fast tipped rod. They are a lot of fun on spinning tackle!
Thanks so much for reading this report, if you would like a Fishing charter give me call or drop me a line. Good fishing to ya!
Fishing gear we use;
Tarpon and sharks Reels Pflueger Contender G15L, Rods Shakespeare Custom “USCB 1166 MH” Penn spinning reels 560L Live Liner with Penn Torque jigging rod 7’ 20 to 50 braids.
Spanish and Flounder: Reels Pflueger Medalist spinning in sizes 6035 and 6040. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy.
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
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Capt. Brent Stanley
Capt. Mike Dennis
Captain Jot Owens
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Fishin Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 9, 2008
Poll Results: Gill Nets Behind Topsail Island
I believe they hurt hook and line fishing. 40 votes for 57%
I believe they do not hurt hook and line fishing. 3 votes for 4%
I believe there should be changes in the North Carolina gill net laws. 25 votes for 36%
I have no opinion. 1 vote for 1%
Thanks again for your participation.
If you have any comments about this poll, please post them on our message board site below.
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Thanks to our Blog Contributors!
Johnny and Donna
Capt. Brent Stanley
Capt. Mike Dennis
Captain Jot Owens
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Fishin Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 7, 2008
Snow's Cut Red Drum

Flounders were biting today in Carolina Beach Inlet,caught 3 keeper fish in about 15 minutes,finger mullet on a carolina rig was the bait of choice.
I moved to Snow's Cut for some more flounder action,but instead of flounder I caught a 27 1/2" Red Drum,this fish, put up a really good fight in the strong current.Fish was released to fight another day !
Snow's Cut is a popular fishing area for it does produce large flounder,speckle trout,red drum,and a variety of other fish,for any angler willling to spend a little time working the bank.
Capt.Mike Dennis
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Thanks to our Blog Contributors!
Johnny and Donna
Capt. Brent Stanley
Capt. Mike Dennis
Captain Jot Owens
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Topsail Area Charter Boats
Ready to enjoy eating your catch? Impress your family and friends with recipes from our seafood recipe page.
Fishin Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 4, 2008
Spots at Surf City Pier
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
Thanks to our Blog Contributors!
Johnny and Donna
Capt. Brent Stanley
Capt. Mike Dennis
Captain Jot Owens
Check out our new message board.
How about a great day fishing on the water? Check out our Charter Boat page.
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Ready to enjoy eating your catch? Impress your family and friends with recipes from our seafood recipe page.
Fishin Topsail's Seafood Recipes
August 2, 2008
Spots in the Surf
Till next time.....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
Thanks to our Blog Contributors!
Johnny and Donna
Capt. Brent Stanley
Capt. Mike Dennis
Captain Jot Owens
Check out our new message board.
How about a great day fishing on the water? Check out our Charter Boat page.
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Ready to enjoy eating your catch? Impress your family and friends with recipes from our seafood recipe page.
Fishin Topsail's Seafood Recipes