We strive to keep our site kid friendly. If you see anything that you would not want your child to see, please let us know. Thanks for visiting. Tell your friends about us.
February 27, 2008
Moving Back to the Island
As most of you know, Donna and I moved to Holly Ridge to care for Donna's mom when she became ill several months ago. I am sorry to report that Bernice, known locally as Mrs. Lee, passed away on December 29, 2007. It was an upsetting time for both Donna and I, but for Mrs Lee, it was a blessing. She had suffered so much, both physically and mentally from December, 2006 until she went to heaven where I am sure she met up with all her friends and family that have passed before her. We would like to thank everyone for your prayers and messages of encouragement during this trying time.
Donna has been busy settling Mrs. Lee's estate, and trying to decide what to do next. After much prayer, Donna and I have decided to move back to the island, and this week we signed a lease for an apartment just one block from the ocean. The move will take a while, so we will be offline until things get settled.
Thanks to everyone who has supported our blog by clicking on the ads contained in each page. So far it has been enough to keep the blog going. Please continue to visit the blog as you have time, while we are away from the computer. If you have any fishing, or enviromental news or questions, use the blog message board.
Click here to visit the message board.
Thanks again for your support. We hope to be back online before March 19, which is the opening of the Surf City Pier. Keep up with the clock on this page of the blog as it counts down the remaining time until Surf City Pier opens.
Good fishing luck to everyone, and God Bless you all.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
Care to make a comment about this post or start a new discussion? Click on the link below and leave a comment on our message board.
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes.
February 23, 2008
Toads? Puffers? It's About Time!

Hello from Surf City!
Checking my notes for last year, and it's about time for the puffer toad fish to start biting. This not so pleasant looking critter is actually very tasty. I finally broke down last year, and tried some after a Surf City Pier angler helped me clean my first batch of puffers.
Split the skin just along the backbone. Place your fingers into the slit and pull gently away from the flesh. There are two firm white filets on either side of the spine. Using a spoon or your fingers, scoop out the filets, rinse, and discard the carcus. It's that easy. Caution, the innards of this fish is rank. So if I accidently burst or cut any of the innards, I throw away everything.
Don't forget, Surf City Pier opens March 19 at 6am. And remember the first sea mullet wins a 2008 season pass!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
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Reds Hot at Emerald Isle
Click here!
You can read the entire blog by clicking on the link below.
Click here!
Sorry, but no news from Topsail Island.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
Fishin Topsail's Seafood Recipes
February 19, 2008
Surf City Pier Update!
I was correct about the opening date, but not the time. The correct time is 6:00 AM. And yes, the first sea mullet gets a season pass. Thanks to the Pier Witch for the info. Go Gettum!
Sorry, no fishing news to give you, except that I don't have any fishing news. I guess that means that there isn't anything being caught. Usually if there is anything biting, I will hear it. Just get your stuff ready, cause they will be here before you know it!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Fishing Humor Need a laugh? Check out my fishing jokes. I promise they are clean, so the kids can read them too!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
February 16, 2008
Surf at Topsail Island
The surf at Topsail Island is once again calm, after a couple of days of high surf and rough water. The weather during the day has been nice, with temps in the high 60's and low 70's. The water temp is suprisingly high, according to the surf report at Wilmington TV station WECT. They are reporting temps in the middle to high 50's, still warm enough for speckled trout and red drum. I haven't heard of any catches since the 20 inch speckled trout was caught in Banks Channel close to the Army Corp of Engineers dredge dock. I have a few more pictures to get posted on our picture page. Sorry for the delays, I will get them posted as I find time.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
Fishing Pictures
February 14, 2008
Surf City Ocean Pier Opening
Surf City Pier officially opens at 7am March 19, 2008.
Be there or be square!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
February 13, 2008
Speckled Trout and Black Drum
I have updated the pictures page. Check it out. Also I have added a page for fishing humor. Send in your jokes and fish tales.
Just a note thanking everyone for supporting the blog by clicking on my sponser links.
Spring is just around the corner!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
Rod-Man Fishing Charters Fishing Report
I just received this fishing report from Capt. Rick Bennet of Rod-Man Charters.
Hi Folks,
Just a few notes to keep everyone informed. While I am still waiting for my new boat, we have had some great speckled trout fishing this winter....of course. Bottom fishing off the beach has brought in nice catches of sea bass and grouper.
But, best of all, spring fishing is just around the corner and I am schedule to take delivery of my new Nautic Star next week. Hopefully it will take only a week to ten days to rig and then splash...I'm on the water again.
Since my last report I have been to the Raleigh and Richmond Fishing Expos and met a lot of new friends. Also we had our Rod-Man Fishing School in Raleigh and it was very well attended and received. If you are interested. we have plenty of seats left for the Wilmington School March 1. You can find the details at http://www.rodmancharters.com/2008-annual-fishing-school.htm
I'll be going to the International Rod Builders Show in High Point next week. I'll have a chance to pick up some of the latest blanks and components and learn some new techniques. If you are interested in learning how to build your own rods, see my website for classes or contact me for details.
I am already booking several charters for 2008. I am looking forward to a great fishing season with my new boat. Hope to see many of you during the season.
Now is a good time to make sure your gear is in its best working condition. For your reels I am still a big Berkley Fireline fan, but for throwing artificials Spiderwire Ultracast is awesome. And I still think Okuma is the best reel on the market for the money. Lastly, be sure to stock up on GulpSW or Gulp Alive.
Until then....
Let's Go Fishing!!!
Capt. Rick Bennett
Rod-Man Charters
(end quote)
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
February 9, 2008
Yaupon Pier Update
Below is a link to the Save Yaupon Pier website. Check it out when you have time. There is some interesting information on this page.
Thanks for your time.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
February 8, 2008
NCFPS Update on the Sale of Youpon Fishing Pier
Here is the latest from The North Carolina Fishing Pier Society on the sale of Yaupon Pier. The pier will go on the auction block at the end of March this year. Please take time to read this post, as it is important to save the vanishing fishing pier in North and South Carolina. Thank you for your time.
Update on Yaupon Pier
In what amounts to one of the best kept secrets the Town of Oak
Island has set up a trust fund to obtain the Yaupon Pier. The fund
was established on December 11, 2007. To make a contribution you can
send your tax exempt donation to:
Town of Oak Island Pier Trust Fund
4601 E. Oak Island Drive
Oak Island, NC 28465
The Yaupon Pier is set to go to auction at the end of March. I have
not heard yet whether the Town of Oak Island plans on participating
in this auction or not. I do know that they have been applying for
matching funds from CAMA and several others so I think that it is
likely they are going to try and buy it.
The Town Council voted down the pier 3-2 last November. Since then
Representative Bonner Stiller has been working with Mayor John Vereen
to try and secure funding to obtain the pier.
Importance of Yaupon Fishing Pier
North Carolina Fishing Piers provide an easy and affordable access to
the fishing along the coast for people with disabilities and others
that cannot afford a boat to pursue the sport of fishing. Fishing
piers are also the gateway to the next generations of North Carolina
anglers. A majority of saltwater license holders were introduced to
fishing along the NC coast from the deck of a fishing pier.
Last year fishing piers purchased blanket licenses that generated
over $60,000 to Coastal Saltwater Recreational License Fund. Yaupon
Pier contributed $3600.00 to the fund. In addition to that the 45% of
the fisherman that fished Yaupon last season were holders of a
Coastal Saltwater Recreational License.
In most coastal communities fishing piers were among the first
structures built in the community and were the main attraction. The
pier was built in 1955 after Hurricane Hazel nearly wiped out the
island. It was the first pier constructed on Oak Island. Tourism
returned to the area very quickly in part due to attraction of the
fishing piers. The towns of Long Beach and Yaupon were incorporated
the same year. Long Beach Pier was built the following year in 1956.
Yaupon was one of 3 piers on Oak Island. The Long Beach Pier was sold
and torn down in 2005 to build oceanfront housing. The land still
remains vacant.
Yaupon Pier is legendary among fisherman for its outstanding catches.
Last year alone it produced 244 King Mackerels and led all North
Carolina fishing piers in that category. In 1966, Walter Maxwell,
caught a 1150 pound Tiger Shark that is the largest fish ever caught
off of North Carolina Pier.
The North Carolina Fishing Pier Society will open up a website this
weekend to promote the Save Our Pier Project started by Oak Island.
(end quote)
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
February 6, 2008
Sea Gulls Feeding in ICW
Ok, Question for the locals, or anyone that knows....... What could seaguls be feeding on this late in the season? I was just north of the turning bridge this afternoon, and the birds were feeding like crazy in the ICW. It looked like when blues feed on bait in the ocean. Diving into the water, then take off and dive again. There were at least a hundred birds feeding. Any ideas?
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
February 3, 2008
Still a rew specks in the surf
Got an email from a local angler yesterday. He reports that he caught several (don't know how many several is) in the surf this past week. Caught them on mirro-lure 808 fished really slow, letting the bait stay suspended for a few seconds before giving it another quick jerk, then slow retrieve. Also read on another message board that there are a few being caught from Sea View Pier.
So with the warm weather we are Blessed with this weekend, maybe a trip to the surf is worth the effort. Let us know if you go. Everybody is eager for a fishing report.
Fishin' Topsail's Seafood Recipes
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board
February 2, 2008
New River Update
Here is an update from the RiverKeeper concerning the latest waste spill into the New River.
The city of Jacksonville’s investigation into the events surrounding the dumping of over 2 million gallons of raw sewage into Chaney is still not complete. It is anticipated the investigation will be completed by February 4, 2008. At that time I will be submitting very specific questions to the city manager regarding the spill and how the city plans to prevent such disasters in the future. I will be asking the answers to these questions be provided to the citizens of Jacksonville and the surrounding area. I would like to ask, once again, that you contact the members of the Jacksonville City Council voicing your concerns about this very serious incident.
Brian Wheat, New RIVERKEEPER®
(end quote)
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Island Fishing Blog Message Board