Daily Bible Verse
“Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” (Isaiah 1:16-17)  listen to chapter  (Read by Max McLean. Provided by The Listener's Audio Bible.)

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March 11, 2018

The Harry Frogfish - Strange Fish

National Geographic Kids

The hairy frogfish is a type of fish that’s covered in spines. These spines, which resemble strands of hair, allow the marine animal to camouflage itself against coral and seaweed. Found mostly in warm waters around the world, the hairy frogfish can also change its color to blend in with its surroundings. 

These animals may be excellent at hiding in plain sight. However they do something that really makes them stand out from a lot of other sea creatures. The fish—which usually grow about four inches long—don’t swim. Instead they walk on their wide fins along the seafloor as they look for snacks to eat.

When it comes to meals, hairy frogfish aren’t too picky. They chow down crustaceans and other fish such as flounder. These guys sometimes sneak up on their prey. But other times they make their prey come to them. Hairy frogfish have a special extra-long spine on their dorsal fins that looks like a worm. By waving this bait back and forth in front of their mouths, they can lure a target within striking distance. Talk about being put in a hairy situation! 

Text by Andrea Silen, NGS Staff

March 7, 2018


Release: Immediate - Contact: Patricia Smith
Date: March 7, 2018 Phone: 252-726-7021

Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee to meet

MOREHEAD CITY – The Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee will meet at 6 p.m. March 21
 at the N.C. Department of Environmental Quality’s Washington regional office, 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington.

The committee is meeting to continue assisting the Division of Marine Fisheries with development of Amendment 2 to the Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan. Agenda items include a presentation reviewing data sources considered for the southern flounder stock assessment.

A full meeting agenda can be found here.

For more information, contact Mike Loeffler at Michael.Loeffler@ncdenr.gov or 252-264-3911 or Anne Markwith atAnne.Markwith@ncdenr.gov or 910-796-7292.

1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699

Patricia Smith
Public Information Officer
Division of Marine Fisheries
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
252 808 8025    office
252 342 0642    mobile

New Weekly Spotlight: Peter Miller
Peter Miller: Hero on the Water
Classic cars, top of the line boats, and Italian suits might make you think of some Hollywood actor. Even though he could be, he has chosen to spend his time pursuing his true passion. His name is Peter Miller, and he has shown the world that he is one of the hardest working and most talented fisherman out there.

Peter and his son, Niles, at the Emmies
After graduating from the University of Miami, Peter set off to found the “Get Lit” fishing team. With Peter’s determination and leadership, they went on to win over 120 fishing tournaments, including the World Sailfish Championships. Three times.
After graduating from the University of Miami, Peter set off to found the “Get Lit” fishing team. With Peter’s determination and leadership, they went on to win over 120 fishing tournaments, including the World Sailfish Championships. Three times.

The three time world champ gained credibility and respect from anyone and everyone in the fishing industry. But it wasn’t good enough for Peter. He set off to start “Bass 2 Billfish with Peter Miller”, and turned it into one of the most successful shows on TV.
Click Here to Watch on WayPoint TV

Click HERE to watch Peter help his new buddy, Wyatt, slay the Sailfish on an episode of Bass2Billfish with Peter Miller.Hope you enjoy "Bass 2 Billfish with Peter Miller."

Till next time....
Tight lines!