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Johnny and Donna
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Subject: Greenville Saltwater Fishing School
From: Fisherman's Post <school@fishermanspost.com>
Date: Wed, February 26, 2014 2:24 pm
To: johnny@fishintopsail.com
Want to catch more FISH more often in 2014?
FISHERMAN'S POST"Hands On" SALTWATER FISHING SCHOOLInshore * Nearshore * Bottom Fishing * Blue Water * Surf * and more!Greenville "Hands On" Saltwater Fishing School
Saturday, March 15 - 7:30 am to 5:00 pmOverton's Sporting Goods - Greenville, NC(warehouse behind the retail location)
(910) 452-6378 -- school@fishermanpost.com
In addition to our main seminars...Multiple Hands-On Rigging Stations!We teach rigs. You make rigs. You keep rigs!* REDS & TROUT: Strategies for big reds and trout with baits and lures; Utilizing current, structure, surroundings, and conditions to find feeding reds and trout; Successful red and trout fishing despite heavy pressure with Topwaters for reds
* STRIPERS: Casting artificials for striped bass throughout NC's mainland river systems; Topwater strategies; Trolling vs. casting* FLOUNDER: Landing more and larger flounder; Trophy flounder tactics; Effectively utilizing live bait for flounder; Artificial lure strategies for flounder; Targeting flounder on nearshore wrecks and ledges
* KINGS: Catching, keeping, and utilizing live bait for smoker kings; Dead bait strategies for kings; Slow trolling insights and anchoring options; Following kings over the course of the season
* OFFSHORE: Offshore jigging vs. bait fishing; Anchoring and drifting over bottom structure; Best rigs for sea bass, snapper, and other bottom feeders; Nearshore (<25 miles) and offshore grouper (30+ miles)
* GULF STREAM: High speed Gulf Stream trolling; Conventional dead bait trolling; Strategies for finding feeding fish; Changing spreads and tactics to target the most available species
* NEARSHORE: Taking advantage of a variety of nearshore species (0-10 miles); Identifying that day's available nearshore targets; Techniques from the top to the bottom of the water column to maximize
nearshore fishing opportunities
* OTHER: Surf Casting; Cobia Sight Casting, Summertime Dolphin, Surf Fishing for Variety, Satellite Fish Finding, Marine Electronics, Cast Net Throwing, Knot Tying, Tarpon Spreads, and more!
Down East Guide Service Raffle:Down East Guide Service is giving away either a Costa Rica Fishing Package or an Argentinian Dove Hunting Package (winner's choice). For more information on this great Down East Guide Service raffle package, you can click here: Down East Package. Or for more information in general about everything Down East Guide Service offers, you can visit www.pamlicoguide.com.
Spec Fever Guide Service RaffleAll school participants will also be automatically entered into the Spec Fever Raffle, where Capt. Gary Dubiel will be giving away a long half day giant red drum popping cork charter for two anglers at each of the three schools. The popping cork technique produces citation reds from mid-July through early October, and these trips originate out of Oriental, NC. For more information on this exciting Spec Fever Guide Service raffle package, you can click here: Spec Fever Package. Or for more information in general about all that Spec Fever Guide Service offers, you can visit www.specfever.com.
Cost: $90 in advance or $100 at the door(includes t-shirt, goodie bag, tackle samples, rigging materials, door prizes, breakfast, snacks, chicken/bbq lunch, drinks, fishing trip giveaways, and more...)Seating is limited (for better teacher/student ratios).Reserve your seat for one or more schools.Register Now for the Greenville Saltwater Fishing School(1) over the phone w/ a credit card (VISA or MasterCard) at (910) 452-6378;(2) by mailing in a check to Fisherman's Post, 1320 Audubon Blvd., Wilmington, NC 28403;
(3) going online and using PayPal at www.FishermansPost.com, and then clicking onthe "Fishing Schools" link;
(4) paying in person in Greenville at Overton's Sporting Goods and/or in Washington at Park BoatCompany.For more information contact Gary Hurley at (910) 452-6378 or school@fishermanspost.com
Other Upcoming EventsMay 2 - 4, 2014 at Surf City, Topsail Beach and North Topsail Beach
Fisherman's Post
www.FishermansPost.com1320 Audubon Blvd. - Wilmington, NC 28403 - (910) 452-6378