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December 31, 2013
NCDENR - North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission
Contact these people and let them know your feelings about gill netting in our Estuaries.
NCDENR - North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission
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December 21, 2013
Proposed Regulations
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The North Carolina Wildlife Commission urges the public to participate in the public hearings and to submit comments about the proposed 2014-2015 fishing, hunting and other wildlife resource management regulations. Feel free to comment on multiple regulations. Comments will be accepted until February 14, 2014. If you would like to make lengthy comments on the proposed regulations, or would like to propose a new regulation change, you can send an e-mail to regulations@ncwildlife.org or a letter to:
N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
Proposed Regulations Comments
1701 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1701
Click on the link below to view the proposed regulations:
2014-2015 Public Hearing Booklet
Bear proposals supplement for the 2014-2015 Public Hearing Booklet
North Carolina District Map
N.C. Administrative code proposed rule text
Fiscal note for all rules
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December 15, 2013
Population of black sea bass recovered, assessment finds | StarNewsOnline.com
Catch limits for black sea bass more than doubled last month after a stock assessment showed that the southern population of the fish has officially recovered, officials with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said this week."
Population of black sea bass recovered, assessment finds | StarNewsOnline.com:
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Topsail Island NC Surf Report Webcam and Weather - SurfChex.com
Topsail Island NC Surf Report Webcam and Weather - SurfChex.com:
"Surf City – Topsail Surf Report:
Saturday 12/14/13 at 11:35 am
Increasing SE wind today should help to build our surf as the day wears on. Right now surf is poor and small. Knee high or so with poor shape and weak conditions.
Water Temp (F): 53
Wind: ESE-SSE 5-25+ (next 6 hours)
Low: 12:00 pm
High: 5:50 pm
Low: 12:00 am"
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December 14, 2013
Topsail/Sneads Ferry | Fishermans Post
Topsail/Sneads Ferry | Fishermans Post:
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December 10, 2013
Fisheries group calls for total gill-net ban, cites legislative inaction on gamefish bill - North Carolina Sportsman
This article is almost two years old, but I enjoyed reading it again. I hope you do also.
Tight Lines!
The Coastal Fisheries Reform Group declared last week its intent to seek a total gill-net ban in North Carolina coastal waters.
The notice came in a news release that cited inaction on the part of the state legislature on a bill that would give gamefish status to spotted seatrout, striped bass and red drum, plus inaction on the part of the legislature’s Committee on Marine Resources. CFRG also cites inaction on the part of the North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission to approve measures to conserve and protect certain saltwater fish species.
(read more click the link below)
Fisheries group calls for total gill-net ban, cites legislative inaction on gamefish bill - North Carolina Sportsman:
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Whiting Fishing • Inshore Fishing in Southeast North Carolina • North Carolina Sportsman, NC
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With the beautiful 70 degree and slightly overcast day planned ahead Capt. Butch and Barbara along with BoBo and myself decided to make a trip Whiting fishing. After fighting a little fog to get anchored up on our desired location, Capt. Butch had one in the boat before anyone else even had gotten their bait on! 'They're biting!' he sounded and soon we all 3 were bringing Whitings in the boat at a regular pace!
Black drum will get creel, size limits on Jan. 1.
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November 24, 2013
Topsail Area Fishing Report Nov 24, 2013
It's COLD, COLD, COLD. Did I mention that it is a bit cold on Topsail Island. Low Temps tonight is forecast to be in the lower 30's at the beach, and the low 20's inland. But the cold weather didn't keep everyone inside hugging the fireplace. Jason Dail braved the cold and was rewarded with a couple of nice speckled trout. Check out the pic below. Great catch Jason!
Check out Chris Medlin's video Topsail Fishing Report on youtube.com. Click on the link below.
Till next time.....
Tight lines
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November 7, 2013
Check out our Facebook Message Board Over 1300 members and growing!
Do you know the current North Carolina size and catch limits?
Find out here2011 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
August 3, 2013
Fisherman's Post Fishing Report for August 1
Do you know the current North Carolina size and catch limits?
Find out here2011 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Topsail August 1, 2013
By Editor | August 1, 2013Anglers also reported decent numbers of sailfish inside 15 miles last week. Live baits or rigged ballyhoo will attract attention from the sails.
A few dolphin have also been around Christmas Rock, with more feeding from there offshore to the break.
Bottom fishermen caught surprising numbers of gag grouper around AR-362 last week, and more are feeding around natural bottom structure from there offshore. Live, dead, and cut baits will all get attention from the grouper.
Anglers on the piers also saw a decent spot run in recent days, with shrimp and bloodworms producing most of the fish.
Inshore, the flounder bite is still going strong, with fish coming from the inlets, marshes, creeks, and structure like docks in the ICW. Live menhaden and finger mullet are top flounder baits, but anglers can also hook up while working Gulps and other scented soft lures.
Red drum are feeding in the marshes and bays off the ICW and New River. They’ve been rather willing to bite topwater plugs lately, and anglers can also hook them on soft plastics and live or cut baits when they’re not feeding on top.
Allen, of Breadman Ventures, reports that anglers are still catching solid numbers of red drum in the bays and backwaters off the New River and ICW. They’re biting topwater plugs readily, but can be tempted to eat soft plastic baits with scents like Pro-Cure Super Gel when they’re not fooled by the surface lures.
Plenty of flounder are also in the area. They’ll bite live baits and are also fans of the same scented soft plastics that anglers can hook the reds on.
Richard, of Seaview Pier, reports that anglers are hooking bluefish and spanish mackerel while working Gotcha plugs and other metal lures from the planks.
Bottom fishermen are connecting with some sea mullet and spot on shrimp and bloodworms.
Some flounder are biting small live baits under the pier.
Live-baiters landed several king mackerel (to 37 lbs.) from the end of the pier last week.
Bob, of Surf City Pier, reports that anglers landed several king mackerel from the end of the pier last week while live-baiting with bluefish and other baits.
Some sea mullet, bluefish, and spot are biting bloodworms and shrimp on bottom rigs.
Plug casters are also picking up an occasional bluefish.
Robbie, of Jolly Roger Pier, reports that anglers landed several king mackerel from the pier last week when the water was clean.
A few bluefish are taking an interest in Gotcha plugs worked from the pier.
Some black drum, sea mullet, and spot are biting shrimp and bloodworms on bottom rigs.
Sheepshead are feeding around the pier’s pilings, but few people are fishing for them.
June 23, 2013
Topsail Island Charter Fishing
Tight Lines!
Miss Jo Charters with Captain Stewart Johnston
Topsail Island Charter Fishing
Check out our Facebook Message Board Over 900 members and growing!
Do you know the current North Carolina size and catch limits?
Find out here2011 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
June flounder fishing is flat-out fun along the Cape Fear - North Carolina Sportsman
Check out the story in North Carolina Sportsman!
Catch' em up!
June flounder fishing is flat-out fun along the Cape Fear - North Carolina Sportsman
June 16, 2013
Surf City Pier Children's Independence Day Fishing Tournament
Don't forget the Surf City Pier's Independence Day fishing event for the children. July 4th will be here in just 18 days so if your children aren't registered, now is the time to get it done. Our grandchildren have participated in this great event in the past and had the greatest time. Get the details from the Surf City Pier website. The link for the pier's events page is included in this post.
Surf City Ocean Pier website, event's page.
Do you know the current North Carolina size and catch limits?
Find out here2011 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
May 5, 2013
Prescription Fishing Sunglasses - These are GREAT !
I ran across these sunglasses on the web. They look great and I can't wait to try them. Check these out. I think you will want to try them also.
Johnny aka "Fishin'Topsail"
Prescription Fishing Sunglasses are now available with an updated lens design focused on the specific needs of an angler. The angler specific lens technology provides a larger portion of the reading corridor for near vision, like baiting a hook. The angler progressive lens is a stark contrast to a traditional progressive lens that has a focal distance that gets progressively closer as you look lower in the lens. A traditional progressive lens design provides a very small portion of the lens near vision. Designing more of the lens to focus on the specific needs of anglers allows for more head movement while keeping near objects in focus.