Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Wishing all our readers a Happy and Blessed New Year!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
We strive to keep our site kid friendly. If you see anything that you would not want your child to see, please let us know. Thanks for visiting. Tell your friends about us.
Daily Bible Verse
December 31, 2009
Cold Weather, but the Fishing is Good.

Well Folks, the rain has slowed down a little but; now here comes the COLD weather!!! Welcome to southeast North Carolina fishing and weather, everyday is different and the fishing will be different as well! You can catch fish during colder weather and/or winters; you just have to change your style a little. I think this is going to be a little colder winter than the last one. So here is the fishing report>>>
The speckled trout have been hit and miss lately, some days we catch them good some days not as many. When we do get them; live shrimp has worked, as well as grubs have. Just lately I’ve had a few friends catch some bigger trout around the Masonboro jetties. When I’m looking for bigger trout, I turn too the live shrimp, not to say that big trout will not hit lures; they will! But for ease of fishing with charters; live shrimp do the trick time and time again!
When we are using grubs these are some of the patterns that are catching trout. Grub colors by Saltwater Assassin’s that have really done well are chicken on a chain and chart-diamond. Some other colors that are producing well are salt & pepper, space guppy and pearl. We rig the grubs on jig heads in colors black and red; in sizes 1/8 and ¼; with a twenty pound fluorocarbon leader. I don’t use a lot of floro, but I do for speckled trout fishing; trout have very good eye sight.
We are catching some small trout, Redfish and Striped bass in the Cape Fear River. These fish are hitting grubs, jerk shad and hard baits. The grubs and jerk shads that are working for us is. Saltwater Assassin and Berkley gulp in colors pearl, new penny and chartreuse. We use red and white jig heads in weights 1/4, 3/8 and ½ oz for the grubs. When we use jerk shads, we rig them Texas style with a 4/0 to 6/0 wide gap bass worm hook.
Redfish are schooling in the surf, we are always looking for a nice day to get out and chase them. They are pretty easy to catch; you just got to find them. That part can be a bit harder, trust me! A sunny, light wind day and good polarized sunglasses are the keys to catching these Reds. Grubs seem to be the easy go to bait for surf Reds. Saltwater Assassin “Blurps” in pearl and molting color work very well. We’ve also had good luck with Berkley gulp alive in jerk shad pattern; in colors new penny and pearl white. You need to use heavier jigs heads, ½ and 5/8 plus for casting. Color of the head is not a big deal Red, white and black all work just fine. Hold on tight, they fight great even in cold water!
There have still been good by-catches while we are trout fishing; these include some Tautogs, Sheephead, Flounder and Black & Red drum. These by-catches are hitting the grubs and live shrimp we are using for the trout. The great thing is they are all good eating! My favorites are the Tautogs and Sheephead. If your bait gets close to the bottom, you’ve got a good chance at picking up one of these guys.
Remember when the water gets cold, slow down your presentation. This will greatly help you catch more fish during the winter mouths!
Fishing Gear we use:Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
In Other Fishing News: Don’t forget starting in early January; there are some great boat and fishing expos coming to North Carolina. If you like fishing and boats you don’t want to miss these shows and fishing seminars! Here are the one’s that myself as well as other Ranger boats pro staff members will be at this winter.
January 8-10, 2010 - Raleigh Bass & Saltwater Fishing Expo NC State Fairgrounds - Raleigh, NC. This is a GREAT show, with over 160 booths offering everything from the latest lures, plastics, jigs, custom rods, apparel, knives, product sample booths, hard-tops, saltwater fishing guides, fresh water guides, cast nets, far one of the best shows of its kind in the Carolina's and Virginia. I will be there along with other Ranger pro staff members who include; Capt. Jeff Cronk and Capt. Mike Taylor, as well as many others fresh and salt water pros! I will speak on Cobia and Tarpon fishing during Saturday’s seminars.
February 12-14, 2010 - Raleigh Convention Center Boat Show - Raleigh, NC. This is a great show with lots of the “top of the line” boats form around the world. I’ll be there with other Ranger Pro’s to show you all the great benefits to the Ranger Saltwater line of boats.
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Merry Christmas to all our friends, family, loyal readers and fellow anglers. It was a wonderful day, the first Christmas in more than 35 years that Donna and I have spent by ourselves. It was very relaxing, enjoyable and peaceful. We did miss our family. God Bless you all!
Lord willing and the rain and wind stops, I'm going to try to persuade some trout to bite my mirro'lure tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Love you all!
Johnny and Donna
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Merry Christmas to all our friends, family, loyal readers and fellow anglers. It was a wonderful day, the first Christmas in more than 35 years that Donna and I have spent by ourselves. It was very relaxing, enjoyable and peaceful. We did miss our family. God Bless you all!
Lord willing and the rain and wind stops, I'm going to try to persuade some trout to bite my mirro'lure tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Love you all!
Johnny and Donna
December 15, 2009
Rain&Dirty Water=Good Speckled Trout Fishing around the Area Waters

Hello form a wet Southeast North Carolina, boy we’ve have had some rain lately! The good thing is the fish are still biting well to great some days! I talked with a few other fishermen lately and a lot have asked what to do about dirty water Speckled trout fishing. That is what I’m going to go over in this weeks fishing report>>>
The Speckled trout fishing continues to be pretty steady most days but we have had to change up a few things in our presentation for dirtier waters. What grubs do I use in dirtier waters; colors (Chicken on a chain), (10w 40/lime tail), (S&P SLV.PH/Chart.TL), (Blurps Rootbeer) and (Space Guppy) all of these are Saltwater Assassin colors in sea shad pattern. If you like to use Gulp Ghost shrimp (Chart Belly), (New Penny) and (Natural with sparkle). Now I’m not real big on scents for Speckled trout fishing, but when the water is dirty it can help bring a bite or two. Of course Gulp already has the scent but if you like none scented grubs try some BANG shrimp and/or BANG Texas tea spray scents. I don’t really change the color of my jig head; I use a little more red then black when the water is dirty. One thing I always do when the water is dirty is slow down my presentation; work the grub a little slower!
To the hard baits we use in dirtier waters. MirrOlures are great dirty waters bait; because you can work them so darn slow! This gives the trout longer to see and eat the MirrOlure. So which MirrOlures; 17MR, 27MR and S52MR all of these MirrOlures have rattles one more thing to draw in a bite! MirrOlure colors I like in dirtier waters; EC, 11, 26 and 808. One trick that has worked for me in the past is; steeping up in lure size when the water is dirty. Try a 27MR or a S52MR instead of a 17MR; this gives the trout a bigger target to see. Rapala’s X-rap in chartreuse is a good dirty water lure too.
Let’s not forget those good ole’ live shrimp; they work in clear or dirty waters. But I have seen lures work well when the water is dirty and sometimes better then live shrimp, I still don’t leave the dock with out them (shrimp).
There have still been lots of good by-catches while we are trout fishing; these include some Tautogs, Sheephead, Flounder and Black & Red drum. These by-catches are hitting the grubs and live shrimp we are using for the trout. The great thing is they are all good eating! My favorites are the Tautogs and Sheephead. If your bait gets close to the bottom, you’ve got a good chance at picking up one of these guys.
I hope some of these tactics help you catch more Speckled trout this season. Remember slow down your presentation, go with a little bigger lure and have some patients; you’ll get’em!
I’m going to offer a VERY GOOD but limited offer for the next few weeks or until they sell out. ½ price (50% off) 1/2 day (4 hour) charter gift certificates. That’s right; $150.00 for four hours of fishing; yes you can buy them for yourself or as a gift. This rate is for the boat and up to three people. They are good for all of 2010. E-mail or call 910-233-4139 for details of to purchase. We take all major credit cards. Also my special winter rates are in affect till the first of April.
Fishing Gear we use:Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
December 8, 2009
PS_ Speckle Trout Report
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
I was so agrevated about the flounder fishery, that I forgot to note the catching news. Speckled trout are showing up in the surf in good numbers, and some good size catches are being reported. I haven't heard of a creel limit, but lots of 12 and 13 inch fish are being landed. Anglers are being tight lipped about the bait, but I gather most are coming on Mirro-lure. Don't know which one is hot this year.
Remember, the size limit has increased to fourteen (14) inches this year.
Good luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
I was so agrevated about the flounder fishery, that I forgot to note the catching news. Speckled trout are showing up in the surf in good numbers, and some good size catches are being reported. I haven't heard of a creel limit, but lots of 12 and 13 inch fish are being landed. Anglers are being tight lipped about the bait, but I gather most are coming on Mirro-lure. Don't know which one is hot this year.
Remember, the size limit has increased to fourteen (14) inches this year.
Good luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Flounder Advisory Committee_ What's the point?
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Below the schedule information for the SOUTHERN FLOUNDER ADVISORY
COMMITTEE MEETING. After some things I have read recently, I wonder
what the point is? The powers that be does not, will not, consider the
recommendations of the committee. So, again, what's the point of a
meeting? I guess we need to keep trying to influence the Marine
Fisheries folks but it's looking bleak for the fishery.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Contact: Patricia Smith
Date: Dec. 8, 2009 Phone: (252) 726-7021
MOREHEAD CITY – The Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory
Committee to the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission will meet at 6:00
p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17 at the N.C. Department of Environment and
Natural Resources Regional Field Office, 943 Washington Square Mall,
Washington, N.C.
A meeting agenda follows.
For more information contact Division of Marine Fisheries Biologist
Chris Batsavage at (252) 808-8088 or You
may also contact the Marine Fisheries Commission office at
MFC Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee
NCDENR Regional Field Office – 943 Washington Square Mall -
Washington, NC
December 17, 2009 6-9 p.m.
§ Call to Order
§ Modifications to the Agenda
§ 15-Minute Public Comment Period
§ Southern Flounder Commercial Fishery Presentation– Chris Batsavage
§ Socio-economic Characteristics of the Southern Flounder Fisheries
Presentation– Scott Crosson
§ Issues to Address in FMP Amendment—Chris Batsavage
§ Plan Location, and Agenda Items for the Next Meeting – February 11,
§ Adjourn
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Below the schedule information for the SOUTHERN FLOUNDER ADVISORY
COMMITTEE MEETING. After some things I have read recently, I wonder
what the point is? The powers that be does not, will not, consider the
recommendations of the committee. So, again, what's the point of a
meeting? I guess we need to keep trying to influence the Marine
Fisheries folks but it's looking bleak for the fishery.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Contact: Patricia Smith
Date: Dec. 8, 2009 Phone: (252) 726-7021
MOREHEAD CITY – The Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory
Committee to the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission will meet at 6:00
p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17 at the N.C. Department of Environment and
Natural Resources Regional Field Office, 943 Washington Square Mall,
Washington, N.C.
A meeting agenda follows.
For more information contact Division of Marine Fisheries Biologist
Chris Batsavage at (252) 808-8088 or You
may also contact the Marine Fisheries Commission office at
MFC Southern Flounder Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee
NCDENR Regional Field Office – 943 Washington Square Mall -
Washington, NC
December 17, 2009 6-9 p.m.
§ Call to Order
§ Modifications to the Agenda
§ 15-Minute Public Comment Period
§ Southern Flounder Commercial Fishery Presentation– Chris Batsavage
§ Socio-economic Characteristics of the Southern Flounder Fisheries
Presentation– Scott Crosson
§ Issues to Address in FMP Amendment—Chris Batsavage
§ Plan Location, and Agenda Items for the Next Meeting – February 11,
§ Adjourn
December 3, 2009
Speckled Trout Fishing is Going Strong around the area waters.

Hello from southeast North Carolina! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I enjoyed mine! The fishing has been quite good for the last two weeks, with lots of Speckled trout and a few other species mixed in as well to keep things fun. The big speck this week was six pounds and three ounce’s; we also caught a few over five and many more over four pounds. This is no doubt this going to be another big trout year! To the fishing report>>>
Not much has changed as far as how we are catching the Speckled trout. We are still catching quite a few nice Gary trout mixed in with the specks. The grays are hitting grubs and jigging spoons. Saltwater Assassin grubs in colors Chart-diamond glitter and Salt-pepper with chart-tail have worked well for the grays. The specks are hitting chicken on a chain, 10w-40 with chart tail and Salt & pepper with chart tail. The body shape that has worked for us is the sea shad in four inch size. In the last few trips we have got a few nice specks off Saltwater Assassin Blurp in shrimp pattern. The colors in blurp that are working are molting, good penny and rootbeer. We have also caught some trout on Berkley gulp new ghost shrimp in new penny color. This is the first gulp shrimp to have some real leg action; check’em out! We are using jig heads in colors pink and red; in weights 3/8oz and ½ oz for the grays and 1/8oz and 1/4oz for the specks.
We have started to use live shrimp as well for the specks. At this time on Tuesday 12-1 the water temp around Wrightsville Beach was 58` to 60` inshore and the inlet was around 60` to 62`. With this said it’s still warm and the trash fish are still eating up a lot of our live shrimp. This is going to change very soon with a good shot of colder air coming in this week. When we are using live shrimp, I rig them two different ways. We use float rigs and light Carolina rigs. On the float rig we use a #6 red or brown treble hook, for the Carolina rig we use a #1 L42 eagle claw hook. For both of these rigs, I prefer Stern’s tinted fluorocarbon leaders in 20# (Gunsmoke) tint. This stuff really works for our super clear water around the area!
There have been a few good by-catches while we are trout fishing; these include some Tautogs, Sheephead, Flounder and Black & Red drum. These by-catches are hitting the grubs and live shrimp we are using for the trout. The great thing is they are all good eating! My favorites are the Tautogs and Sheephead. It your bait gets close to the bottom, you’ve got a good chance at picking up one of these guys.
There still has been some False albacore fishing when the ocean is calm enough for us to get out. Marie jigs have been the best bet for the albacore. We are using a forty pound mono leader with a loop knot tied to the Marie jig. Colors and size’s; color green and pink in sizes 7gram and 14 gram. These albacore are a lot of fun on light tackle and fly; they are real drag screamers! Keep your eyes peeled for breaking fish and birds!
Fishing Gear we use:
Reels Penn Conquer and Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Fire line crystal braid in 10 and 20#. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy and the All Star ASR spinning rod ASR844S “Best Trout rod I ever have fished”
Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line. Don’t forget to take a kid fishing!
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger Boats and
Pure Fishing Pro Staff
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