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September 30, 2009
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Speaking for myself, I am elated about this change. A 12 incher isn't even enough to stink up my fry pan. I wouldn't have complained about a 15 or 16 inch size limit. Most anglers I know don't keep them under this size anyway.
Date: Sept. 30, 2009
Contact: Patricia Smith
Phone: (252) 726-7021
MOREHEAD CITY— The minimum size limit for spotted seatrout will increase from 12 inches to 14 inches Monday, Oct. 5.
The change applies to both commercial and recreational fisheries. A 10-fish recreational bag limit will remain in place.
A 2009 stock assessment determined that spotted seatrout is overfished in North Carolina. The increased size limit is needed to allow more female fish to spawn in an effort to restore the stock to a healthy population level.
Only about 89 percent of female spotted seatrout are reproductively mature at 12 inches; by the time they reach 14 inches, 98 percent of female spotted seatrout have reached reproductive maturity.
The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries is working with a Spotted Seatrout Advisory Committee to develop a fishery management plan for the species. The management plan will recommend permanent rules to address issues pertaining to the spotted seatrout fishery.
The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission authorized the size limit change as an interim measure until that plan is developed and adopted.
Date: Sept. 30, 2009
Contact: Patricia Smith
Phone: (252) 726-7021
Fishing Report
Spots on all three fishing piers. Wind has died down and turned around. Look for the spots to come back in when we get NE wind and a little chop on the water. Bright side, blues, spanish, and flounder seem to have turned on. Still seeing a few nice pompano. Surf report much of the same, with a few huge sea mullet, and a few puppy drum.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
September 23, 2009
Quick Report-Good Fishing
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
September 22, 2009
Hot Bite's; Flounder, Redfish, Speckled trout and Spanish.

We’ve done a lot of Flounder fishing the last couple of weeks, with some pretty good days of fishing. Most of the Flounder are eating Mullet and Mud minnows on light Carolina rigs. The Flounder are mixed in size to just under keeper size to a few over five pounds. If you would rather use artificial bait, I would try a Saltwater Assassin Blurp grub in molting color. Rig the Blurp on a red or black jig head for best results.
We have found most of the Flounder in the creeks in mixed size but higher numbers. Fishing the drop of the main channel in the creeks, this is where we have found the most fish. The bigger Flounder seem to be around the inlets and just off the beach. There seems to be less action and Flounder but, they are very nice Flounder; in the three the over six pound range.
There have been some very good Spanish Mack runs lately. Most of the Spanish hit Clark spoons on number one planners, a few fish hit on top as well. We did get a few on Marie jigs and fly’s; casting when the Spanish get on top feeding. The Spanish were very nice in size; most fish were two to some over four pounds “nice fall size”. There has also been some False Albacore mixed in with the Spanish. They were biting just off the beach to about two miles off the beach. I don’t know how much longer they will be here with this cooler air moving in; will just have to see!
There are still fair amounts of good ole’ Redfish around, some in the creeks and some in the ocean. In the creeks and waterway top water plugs and live baits are doing the trick. We are fishing top water early in the morning and late afternoon when the sun in low. Rattle and popping corks with live mullets have been working great too. The ocean Redfish is eating; live bait and scented shrimp and or shad grubs. Extra scent never hurts when Red fishing!
The Trout are starting to show up around the area. We’ve caught Trout from right around Wrightsville Beach to down in the Cape Fear River. Most that we have found are in the creeks and channels running along the drop offs to deeper water. The trout that we have caught are hitting grubs in colors Chart Diamond, Pump Seed/Chart tail, chicken on a chain and sliver mullet on red jig heads. Hard baits getting the luck are Mirrolures redhead silver body and white back-white belly.
As water temps drop the Trout fishing will get better and better. The last couple of seasons have been the best Trout fishing I have ever seen around Wrightsville Beach, it seems to get better every year; with lots of big trout. I do a great deal of Trout charters in November, if you would like to go book soon for I will book up fast!
There are some Bull Reds in the ocean on hard bottoms and around the inlets. You never know when you might hook one of these big fish might bite. When we try to catch these Bulls, we use fresh cut or live menhaden. We use fish finder rigs with 9/0, 10/0 and 11/0 circle hooks, keep your drag tight and the circle hooks will do there job.
The Fishing gear we use:
Reds, Trout and Flounder: Reels Penn Sargus spinning in sizes 2000 and 4000. Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy. 20 pound Ugly Braid. Bull Redfish: Penn spinning reel 760L (Live Liner) and Penn Torque 100TRQ. Rods: Penn Torque 6’6” 30-80 class spinning and Torque 6’ 80-130 casting. Line: forty pound Spider wire Ultracast.
Don’t forget take a kid fishing and good fishing to ya,
Captain Jot Owens
Ranger boats and
Pure Fishing Pro staff
Wrightsville Beach and Wilmington NC Fishing Charters
September 17, 2009
Wind Matters-Big Time!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
September 11, 2009
The Fall Redfish Bite is on!!!
The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting cooler, the water temps are falling and the mullet blow is kicking off. It can only mean one thing, fall fishing is here. The Redfish bite has been on fire in the North Topsail Beach area as of late as well as many other areas in the Cape Fear Region.
With the water full of finger mullet heading South, the top water action for big Redfish as been awesome. Early mornings while the sun is still low seems to be the best time for the topwater action, but cloudy days will produce strikes all day long. Skitter walks and Top Pups have been working well. Color doesn't seem to matter much as the fish are feeding heavily and they just can't resist the action of one of these plugs.
Top water is not the only baits that are working well now. Both Gulp™shrimp and jerk shads fished on weighted hooks have been producing a lot of fish. Skimmer jigs tipped with Fish Bites™ have been producing a lot of fish as well. Most of the trips taken lately have been producing double digit numbers of Reds in only a few hours of fishing.
The new ECC Vantage is performing beautifully and allows me to get into the skinny waters that tend to hold these great fighting fish. If you are looking to get into some great redfish action, give me a call and let's get you out on the water. I still have some good dates in September available, but I will not be running any trips in October as I am getting married and will be heading to Hawaii for a couple of weeks with my new bride!!! Trips will resume in November and historically, Thanksgiving provides some really good fishing.
Give me a call and let's go catch some fish!!
Tight lines!!!
Capt. Brent
Current Adventure Charters
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
September 10, 2009
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Mullet Run=Great Fishing around the area!

Flounder have been a big part of our charters lately. We are catching numbers and there size is getting better too! We’ve caught a few Flounder in the last two weeks over five pounds. Most of the action is coming off grubs, in shrimp and sea shad patterns. The shrimp pattern is a new one I’ve just started to use. It’s made by Berkley power bait and it’s a 3” Rattle Shrimp in colors watermelon red gltr & pearl white. I think these are going to be a big hit for Flounder, Redfish and trout. In the sea shad’s Saltwater Assassin’s in colors chicken on a chain and chart-diamond. We’re rigging the sea shads with 1/4oz red jig heads.
We are also catching the Flounder on Carolina rigs with live mullets. Now that the mullets are everywhere it’s very easy to catch all you need for a day of fishing. The Carolina rigs we are using for Flounder fishing are very simple. Hook is a EC L42 1/0, leader fifth teen to twenty inches of forty pound mono and an ¾ to one oz egg sinker. We are pulling the rigs across the bottom very slowly; so that the rig stays on the bottom. If it comes off the bottom; slow down your pull or go with a heavier egg sinker. Take your time; it takes patience to catch Flounder!
My charters have had some great early Redfish morning and late afternoon bites. We are fishing mud flats and oyster flats in creeks and along the ICW. Top water plugs like the Rapala skitter-walk have done very well. Rattle and popping corks with live mullets have been working great! The best rattlin’ corks for me have been the Saltwater Assassin’s “Kwik-cork” this is one of the loudest corks on the market. When the water has been a little stained form rain water we are catching some Reds on spinner baits.
There are some Bull Reds starting to show up in the ocean on hard bottoms and around the inlets. You never know when you might hook one of these big fish might bite. When we try to catch these Bulls, we use fresh cut or live menhaden. We use fish finder rigs with 9/0, 10/0 and 11/0 circle hooks, keep your drag tight and the circle hooks will do there job.
There has been a few Trout starting to show up around. Most that we have found are in the creeks and channels running along the drop offs to deeper water. The trout that we have caught are hitting grubs in colors Chart. Diamond and sliver mullet and red jig heads. Hard baits getting the luck are Mirrolures redhead silver body and green back white belly. South of Wrightsville we are having some very good days with the Specks. Fishing on good days has produced twenty or more specks! Fall weather will equal more good fishing!!
Thanks so much for reading this report, if you would like a guided fishing charter; give me call or drop me a line. Don’t forget take a kid fishing and good fishing to ya!
Fishing gear we use:
Gear used: Redfish, Flounder and trout: reels Penn Sargus SG2000 and SG4000 Rods: Ugly Stick Lite 7'0" Med light and Med act. Line: Fire Line crystal in 10 and 20 pound test. Bull Redfish: Penn spinning reel 760L (Live Liner) and Penn Torque 100TRQ. Rods: Penn Torque 6’6” 30-80 class spinning and Torque 6’ 80-130 casting. Line: forty pound Spider wire Ultracast.
Captain Jot Owens
September 4, 2009
Introduction & Report-9/4/09
Hello from the southern end of Topsail!
Let me start by extending my thanks to Jonny and Donna for the opportunity to contribute here. I look foreword to sharing stories and reports pertaining to the fishery in the Topsail area.
I guess an introduction is in order. My name is Rob Orr and I was born and raised on Topsail Island; more specifically the south end of Topsail and the Jolly Roger Pier. My Grandfather, Lewis Orr, built the Jolly Roger back in the early 50’s and it is currently owned and operated by my father and his siblings. Some of my earliest memories include landing my first solo bluefish from the pier, trolling for kings and Spanish along the beaches, and fishing for assorted bottom fish in the “croaker hole” on the sound side. You could make an argument that I was hooked from the start!
Time flies, I am now 18 years old and attending Cape Fear Community College in Wilmington. I work a number of different jobs including continuing to work at the Jolly Roger Pier & Motel. I fish at every opportunity, whether it be from the planks of the pier, the sand in the surf, the back bays of Old Topsail, or the blue waters of the gulf stream. I have a burning passion for the sport, and am very excited about the opportunity of sharing it with you!
Enough about me! On to the important stuff; the fish! I hope to bring you up to date pier reports from the Jolly Roger throughout the fall. This is in addition to keeping you up to date on the current fishing report(s) for the South End of Topsail and all of the offshore info..
The last several days have seen a DRAMATIC shift in the ocean conditions and fishing activity. With the air temps dropping and the first “noreaster” (a little one anyway) blowing for the last several days, the smell of fall (and fish!) is definitely in the air.
I fished on the pier this afternoon and there were streams of the jumping mullet going by all afternoon, both finger and corncob. The water was beautiful and there was a large variety of fish being caught. I saw several nice flounder and puppy drum come up down in the “suds”, and there were some nice pompano being brought in a little further out. The big (2-4lb) fall blues were everywhere along with a few really nice Spanish. The guys throwing gotcha plugs had a great afternoon with both the blues and Spanish. I personally spent most of the time with my eyes glued to my “king rig” bait. The tarpon have left the Pamlico and Neuse rivers and are beginning to make there southward migration. We sighted around 8 separate schools of tarpon come by the end of the pier just this afternoon. They didn’t seem to be in a very aggressive feeding mood until right before dark. That is when everything broke loose. I was on the NE Corner of the pier throwing a gotcha plug when I saw a silver streak flash under a friends bait. I hollered for him, and by the time he reached the rail the fish had circled back around and slurped the big mullet down. He set the hook and up jumped a BIG( 129-130lb) tarpon.. The fight didn’t last long but the fish put on an awesome aerial display by jumping 6-8 times in a matter of 45seconds before throwing the hooks. When the angler brought the rig back, both 1/0 Owner 4x Strong trebles were flattened… WOW, it really is amazing the amount of power those fish have. About 10 minutes after that fish hit, my mullet started acting frisky. All of a sudden the water around my bait turned white and I saw yet another tarpon go airborne after a bait; this time it was mine! Unfortunately this one only smashed the bait slightly and didn’t come back for seconds. So for this afternoon the tarpon won, 2-0.. That’s ok though, that just means there will be more out there tomorrow!
Although I haven’t been able to get offshore in the last week or so, I have heard several reports that the kings are starting to move in close to the beach. Shouldn’t be long before we have those fall “leapers” in here thick. I can’t wait!
Have a great and safe Labor Day, and good luck fishing!
Rob Orr
Jolly Roger Pier
Topsail Beach, NC
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2009 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide