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November 30, 2008
Cape Fear Guide Fishing
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide
Hello from Surf City!
Winter time is upon us now with water temperatures dropping, live finger mullets are hard to come by,shrimp,and cut bait seemed to still be working around the inlets catching red drum mostly in the 14" to 16" size. Black drum are also being caught in the inlets and surf,these fish give a really hard fight,and are very good eating.
Masonboro Inlet along the rock wall jetty are holding bluefish mostly being caught right off the bottom with shrimp and cut bait,with and occasional speckle trout showing up.
I fish 12 months a year so anyone looking to fish should just give me a call,I suggest we pick a day with mild temperature,and light winds to make the day on the water enjoyable,there are still fish to be caught in the winter !
Capt.Mike Dennis
Cape Fear Guide
November 26, 2008
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City! Donna and I would like to thank everyone for reading our blog and message board. It is really a labor of love for both of us. We hope you all have a happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Donna and Johnny

November 24, 2008
Topsail Island Late November Fishing Report
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
The water is getting cold really fast. The speckled trout and black drum have been biting well in the surf, especially at night. Huge red drum have been caught in the sounds and creeks. Speckled trout near the inlets, both North and South. Yesterday, I got a report of big two and a half pound sea mullets caught on live shrimp! Flounder are still around, but are starting to move into the sound. I prefer sand fleas (mole crabs) for bait, but they are getting hard to find. There are still some finger mullet in the surf, and finger mullets in the sound as well as shrimp. You can use a cast net to get some bait, or buy them at the tackle shops. The speckled trout will be around until the water drops to under 50*. So you should be able to get some dinner in the surf or sound. Good luck!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
RiverJoe's Vinison Chili
Topsail Area Charter Boats
Fishin Topsail's Seafood Recipes
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City! Here is a delicious chili for venison, created by my cousin River Joe. I know this isn't a fish recipe, but it is delicious! Check out more recipes on my recipe page. Click Here
You will soon be able to find RiverJoe's Recipes online. I'll post the link as soon as it is set up. Check back often.
1 bag 15 bean Ham Beens
Water (as needed)
2 lb. ground venison
1 medium onion – chopped
1 quart canned tomatoes (or 1 large can store bought tomatoes)
1 small can tomato paste
1 or 2 large sweet potatoes (cut into ¾” cubes)
2 jalapeƱo peppers sliced thin ( add as many or few as you like)
2 packets chili seasoning mix
Side meat (3 or 4 small strips)
Bacon dripping (2 or 3 tablespoons)
Salt (to taste)
Wash beans and place in crockpot on low heat. Fry side meat a few minutes until slightly browned. Add about 4 cups of hot water to meat and drippings. Pour into crockpot over beans. Cook overnight or long enough for beans to soften, adding water as needed. When beans are soft add sweet potatoes. Brown venison in bacon drippings and add
both to beans. Pour in 1 quart of home canned tomatoes or 1 large can of store bought tomatoes and 1 can tomato paste. Add chili seasoning packs,onions, Ham Beens flavor pack, jalepenos. and salt to taste.
Stir until well mixed.
Cover and cook until sweet potatoes are soft.
Enjoy with homemade cornbread patties.
(It doesn’t get any simpler than this, and the taste is excellent)
Equal amounts of White Self Rising Cornmeal and Buttermilk.
Fry patties in hot Cooking Oil until brown and crisp on the outside.
November 20, 2008
Fishing Slows
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
Fishing has slowed a bit, but there are still fish around. Some puffers (MMMMM Good) are being caught in the surf. Puffer fish, along with speckled trout are the last to leave the surf. Stripers are a cold water fish, but for whatever reason, we don't catch them in our surf in the winter time. They are plentiful at the Outer Banks, and they will move up the Cape Fear River. Stripers are caught from the Cape Fear, right in downtown Wilmington on the waterfront. They will also move farther up the Cape Fear and into the North East Cape Fear River. I haven't been out that much as I am caring for Donna while she rehabs from knee surgery. She is recovering quickly from a total knee replacement surgery. I have caught one flounder this week, and I also landed a few small mullet and a puffer. Still no speckled trout for me, but they are being caught at night. I just can't seem to get myself out of bed in time to find them. It seems that by 6am the bite is over for the day. Some surf anglers on the beach in Surf City have showed me some black drum (some large; 3 or 5 pounds) and some small just barely keepers. I have also seen a couple of red drum caught in the surf this week. There have been lots of black drum, not as many as last week, but enough to keep the anglers happy and well fed. This morning while walking our dogs, I found a half dozen large welk shells, and a huge conk shell. Stay tuned for more, as I can get out to the beach.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
November 17, 2008
Big Trout are Biting; more on the Way!
The Speckled trout fishing has been up and down for the last few weeks. We will catch good numbers of small fish one day, then we will catch a few big fish another day. So far this season we’ve caught as many as 30 plus trout on a half day charter. My charters have caught Specks on artificial as well as live shrimp; the bigger fish seem to be hitting the live shrimp. With that said we have caught a few nice trout on artificial too. I always try both during trout season; you just never know what they want some days!
Artificial baits that are producing for us have been grubs, shrimp grubs and hard baits. One grub color by Saltwater Assassin that has really been a great one this season is the new color (Chicken on a Chain). I don’t know why the trout like it so much but they DO; so I’m using it! Some other colors that are producing well are silver mullet, chart-diamond, space guppy and pearl. All these grubs are in the (sea shad) pattern. Don’t forget as the water temps drop fast; slow your retrieve on the grubs for the trout.
Shrimp pattern grubs we are using; Assassin’s shrimp cock tail in colors bone-diamond, clear and electric chicken. We are rigging the shrimp grubs on light jig heads 1/8oz to 1/4oz; this gives the shrimp a very natural look. When the water cools down, I will put a shot of (Bang shrimp scent). This seems to help with the trout holding on to the grubs a little longer when they hit.
The warmer weather we have had in the last few days gave us a great but quick redfish bite on the docks in the water way (ICW). We fished three to six docks a trip and found reds on every dock we fished; some more than others. The reds were in the 16 to a few over 30 inches, one good pull on light tackle! The reds hit fresh cut mullet and scented (Blurp) grubs. When fishing with the grubs we are rigging them on jig heads for the reds that are in deeper water five to ten feet of water. If the reds are in shallower water; rattling corks are paying off.
The Speckled trout fishing should really pick up with the colder air coming in; also the bigger trout should start show as well! I’m really looking forward to seeing those gators show up on the Cape Fear coast! Thanks for reading this report. If you would like a guided fishing trip drop me a line or give me a call.
Fishing gear my charters use:
Trout and Red Drum: Reels Pflueger Medalist spinning in sizes 6030 and 6035. Bait cast reel Pflueger Summit. Ugly braid 10 and 15# Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy. All Star bait cast rod Team series TISCS1 7’6” “Great bait cast trout rod”
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Wrightsville Beach NC Charter fishing
Wilmington NC Fishing charters
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
November 16, 2008
Topsail Report
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
Today was a good day for fishing. Met a family at SeaView Pier that had a cooler full of sea mullets. Most were a pound or more. The guy said that they caught a bunch of black drum also, but didn't keep them. From the surf here in Surf City, everything was biting. Speckled trout, flounder, red drum, black drum, and sea mullets. One angler says he fished all day and caught only two small black drum. Then just at sunset, everything started biting, and he hit the triple grand slam. Keeper flounder, two slot sized red drum, and two speckled trout, all within a forty five minute time period. He also caught four sea mullets in the two pound range. Now that's catching, not just fishing!
I am planning a trip to the surf near our home early tomorrow am if Donna has a good night with her new knee. Thanks to everyone who sent prayers, emails, and get well wishes for Donna. She is making progress with her rehab and improving every day. She is sometimes forgetting to use her walker, and her limp has just about disappeared. Praise God for her quick recovery. God Bless you all.
I wish you all could have seen the moon tonight. It came up in the North East and was huge, with a slight redish silver color. What a beautiful site! Topsail Island has got to be one of the most beautiful places in North Carolina, maybe the world. Hope to see you all soon!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Johnny and Donna
November 11, 2008
Another Flounder
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
Flounder are still in the surf. Dad caught another today using Gulp Saltwater swimming mullet. There was a lot of large pogies in the surf today. I was able to snag one for bait. We thought there may be blues in the water, but we didn't catch any. No mullets, speckled trout, or puffers today. I did get a rumor of some specks on the piers and in the sound. Full moon tonight. I would love to get out there, but prior commitments prevent it. Go gett'um!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Happy Veteran's Day!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
Happy Veteran's Day!
God bless all our veterans and their families. Freedom is NOT free! It was paid for by our veterans, and is being paid for now by our military men and women. We as Americans should be grateful!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
November 8, 2008
Fishing Slows a Bit
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
I talked to several of my fishin buds about the bite from piers and the surf. It has slowed a bit as far as sea mullets and spots are concerened, but flounder fishing has picked up a bit. Live bait are catching keepers in the surf as well as the piers. Boat anglers are still catching some really nice flatties floating with the current and dragging live bait on carolina rigs. Shrimp and finger mullets are catching more fish, but if you can find any more pogies around, they are catching soem really big flounder off shore and near the inlets. I heard of another doormat was landed in Snow's Cut at Carolina Beach. Speckled trout bite is still "spotty." Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun. There are a few specks biting, but it's hard to get any reliable info on specks from anyone. These guys are really secretive about their beloved speckled trout. All I can say is get out there and give them a try. For you anglers that love puffers, (and I can't think of a reason why anyone wouldn't love eating this fish) the bite is picking up with the cooler water. I had a few reports of a dozen or more nice big ones caught on shrimp in the surf. So, even though fishing has slowed a bit, there are still fish out there for the angler that wants to go after them. Donna is improving after having a total knee replacement last week, so I hope to get back out to the surf soon. Stay tuned.
Till next time....
Tight lines!
November 3, 2008
The Specks and Grays are Biting!
Trout has been the story for the most part lately. Grays and Specks are feeding well around in creeks, channels and inlets. The grays are hitting grubs and jigging spoons. Saltwater Assassin grubs in colors Chart-Silver glitter and Salt-pepper with chart-tail have worked well for the grays. The body shape that has worked for us is the sea shad in four inch size. We are using jig heads in colors pink and red; in weights ½ oz to 1 ½ oz. Colors for the jigging spoons that have worked well for the grays are Pink, Green/blue, and gold. Going with bright colors is a good “go too” choice when fishing for gray trout.
The Speckled trout fishing is really getting good and will continue to pick up. We have already caught some very nice trout in the four and five pound range on live and artificial baits. My charters have caught specks on a wide range of lures this season; some new and some good ole’ timer’s. Let’s start with the hard baits. Mirrolures; Catch 2000 jar, 52M and the new 17MR. The best Mirrolure colors that are catching the trout are; pink, chartreuse and silver. Grubs and soft baits; in the grub style baits colors chart-diamond, silver mullet and a new color that is working very well for us (chicken on a chain). Yes that is the real name of this grub color.
In the shrimp style grubs the colors we are using; Arkansas glow, clear and bone-diamond. We are rigging the Saltwater assassin shrimp with worm hooks and Texas style worm weights. To the live bait; it’s hard to beet the good ole’ live shrimp, they just work! Rigging the live shrimp with float rigs and light Carolina rigs has worked for us.
My charters have caught lots of bluefish while we have been Trout fishing; there really has been all the bluefish you can deal with lately!! If you like catching blues; Go Fishing! Flounder are biting as well, we’ve caught a good number while trout fishing. Some of the flounder are in the three to five pound range; a nice bonus while trout fishing. Thanks for reading this report, if you would like to go fishing drop me a line!
Fishing Gear we use:
Trout and Flounder: Reels Pflueger Medalist spinning in sizes 6030 and 6030. Bait cast reel Pflueger Summit. Ugly braid 10 and 15# Rods: Ugly stick lites 6’6” and 7’ Med & Med-Heavy. All Star bait cast rod Team series TISCS1 7’6”
Good Luck,
Captain Jot Owens
Wrightsville Beach NC Charter fishing
Wilmington NC Fishing charters
Fishing Topsail Message Board
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
November 1, 2008
Whiting and Black Drum in Surf!
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
Huge whiting are biting in the surf at Surf City. I am hearing they are biting on the whole island. Sand fleas are working best if you can find them. Take your shovel, they are deep. Fresh cut shrimp and bloodworms are also producing, as well as the artificials like "Fish Bites." The black drum are also helping to fill coolers on the beach. Go gettum while you can!
Till next time....
Tight lines!
Gill Nets
Topsail Area Charter Boats
2008 NC Recreational Coastal Waters Guide for Sports Fishermen
Hello from Surf City!
This is a post I received from Capt. Chris Medlin at East Coast Sports.
Click on the picture for a bigger version that you can read.
This is a guide for email or postal mail to the powers that be, letting them know your position. Copy and paste it to your email. Thanks
To whom it may concern,
In my opinion, the most important regulation in this plan is to adopt the required attendance of small mesh gill nets within 200 yards of any shoreline of any tributary of the Neuse, Pamlico and Pungo Rivers . This rule has already been endorsed by the Red Drum Advisory Committee and preliminarily approved by the Marine Fisheries Commission.
I strongly encourage you to adopt this rule. Furthermore, the Director of the Division of the Marine Fisheries needs to implement the intent of this rule by immediately issuing a Proclamation which will put the rule into law within the next two weeks.
Mandatory attendance of small mesh gill nets in these areas will:
allow commercial fishing to continue, but
reduce the amount of gear in the water
reduce the amount of soak time
force commercial fishermen to change tactics, less set netting and more strike netting which is less destructive
reduce bycatch
bycatch that is caught can usually be released alive with short soak times.
reduce conflicts between recreational and commercial fishermen
The MFC and the Director need to be reminded how important this rule is when it comes to protecting sub-legal size red drum. The intent of this rule is to protect these fish over the winter and it should be implemented immediately.
(Insert your Name)
Till next time....
Tight lines!