Below is a notice I received from the NC Marine Fisheries. A meeting has been scheduled to discuss alocation of funds from the NC Saltwater Fishing License. This is our voice. A voice that we as saltwater sports enthusiasts have never had. Please plan to attend this meeting if you can arrange it. The more of us that are there, the louder the voice. Lets don't let "them" throw these funds away. Make them count. Make your voice and opinions count. Attend this meeting.
Till next time...
Tight lines!
Johnny "FishinTopsail"
Everybody has to be somewhere..... I'll be fishing!
FREEDOM isn't FREE! Someone has paid for you and for me.
N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Release: Immediate Contact: Patricia Smith
Date: April 17, 2007 Phone: (252) 726-7021
MOREHEAD CITY – The state would name the first recipients of grants funded by
Coastal Recreational Fishing License revenues early next year under a plan that
goes before the N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission at its April 25-27 meeting in
Kill Devil Hills.
The MFC is scheduled to vote on funding priorities and a funding process
time line. The time line calls for requesting grant proposals this summer.
Accepted proposals would then go through peer reviews in the fall and the MFC
and Wildlife Resources Commission would decide on them by Feb. 15, 2008.
Grant recipients would be notified in the spring with the funding cycle
beginning July 1.
Both the MFC and WRC must approve all spending of license revenues.
A committee consisting of three MFC members and three WRC members endorsed the
draft priorities and time line April 4. The full WRC is expected to consider the
draft plan at its May 18 meeting.
Revenues from license sales go into two different funds, depending on the type
of license. Expenditures from both funds must be used to manage, protect,
restore, develop, cultivate, conserve and enhance the marine resources.
Revenues from the sale of all lifetime coastal fishing licenses and a portion of
the lifetime unified hunting and statewide fishing licenses go into a N.C.
Marine Resources Endowment Fund. Only the interest of this account may be spent.
Revenues from the sale of annual and 10-day coastal fishing licenses and a
portion of the annual unified hunting and statewide fishing licenses go into a
N.C. Marine Resources Fund. The MFC and WRC may authorize spending the principal
of this account.
The MFC business meeting begins at 9 a.m. April 26 and 8:30 a.m. April 27 at the
Ramada Inn in Kill Devil Hills. The commission will hear public comments at 7
p.m. April 25 at the same location.
For more information about this meeting, or the attached agenda, contact
Patricia Smith by e-mail at or by calling (800) 682-2632
or (252) 726-7021.
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