Daily Bible Verse

July 25, 2006

Knee Surgery

My wife and best friend Donna had knee surgery today. I am her care nurse, so I will be able to post only what I hear from other anglers for a few days. Probably through the weekend. Hopefully by then her knee will be good-as-new! She denies it but I know she hurt it by kicking my a#@ so often! I told her to go easy on this poor old man, but she wouldn't listen. I am reading this aloud to her, and good for me, she can't get out of bed right now. Maybe by the time the good drugs wear off she will have forgotten it. She will forget this by Friday, right? ......................... Come on guys, right? No! Not that hand Baby! That's my reeling hand! hahaha! I think I'm in for it now. She doesn't think this is too funny.

Good luck to all you anglers out there. I'll be back when I can, or when I hear something.
Till next time......
Tight Lines!